Song of the day: “We are young” by Fun. Not my fav from this particular band by any means, but it will do on most occasions. At least, there are worse ear worms. Hah.
I’m writing the blog a little early today. I’ve got a spare minute right now, three in the afternoon, and since I do want to do some writing still tonight, it’ll have to be now.
Still working on the porch thing for Sally’s cabin. It is looking infinitely cute, if you must know (I took pics, don’t worry), very much a Swiss cabin, which is a perfect image for a woman in her condition. Really a retirement cabin. Hah. I will show, one of these days. Only thing left to do is finish the balustrade and lay the tar roof.
Had a most peculiar nightmare yesterday. I wish I remembered enough of it to write it all out (it was a doozy for a story) but since I don’t I can only intimate that there was a psychopath, a big mansion somewhere in the middle of nowhere, a woman captured in the basement and no way for her to get out. There was also something about sacrificing babies, somehow. Ah well, ya gotta love the horror stories. Hah.
So, what else. There was the normal stuff, dishes, laundry, cleaning up, etc, but that really isn’t all that interesting, is it. I did write a page or so, yesterday, which means that I should be getting over my funk a little. At least I only mixed up names only twice. What annoys me at the moment, is that the last time I worked on this book, I had made lists with information about the characters, settings and all that jazz, only to be unable to find them now, when I need them. Very frustrating, I assure you.
Added to that, I was feeling very lethargic yesterday, which doesn’t work well, if you must know. It was like moving through molasses, which is odd, all things considered. The weather has cooled off some, and there are some clouds since yesterday. Did take a nap yesterday, so that made me function marginally better. Right after we headed for town to do some groceries, which took quite some time since we had to find shoes for both grandpa and Sally.
Once we were back, had a late supper, and settled for some writing, the day came to a gratifyingly quick end.
Which brings us to today. Started off early, with the usual such as laundry, feeding the dogs and feeding myself. Next I prepared the chickpea patty dough (Cousin Ed keeps calling them Sam burgers, but I’m not sure yet) and a sauce for tomorrow…did you realize yet that tomorrow it’s the weekend, meaning we’ll be out for two solid days again. *sigh* Market day: Let’s see how it goes this time…and hope that on Sunday the one near Benahavis will be open.
But I’m drifting, where was I? Oh yes, the patties. That done, it was time to unload the Land Rover (didn’t take the time to do that last night) before heading for the old paddock where mom’s shelving unit for her market had to be fixed and put back together. That took about an hour on my part, followed by heading back inside to load the Land Rover up for tomorrow.
Both Cousin Ed and I got that done in about one hour, at which time I headed down to start on this blog.
Soon it’s time to start cooking. Planned on pumpkin mush to put on the patties with some cauliflower on the side, but we’ll see how that goes. With a little luck we can then just binge on French fries tonight. Hah.
Well, that’s it for now. At the moment my dogs are clustered around my feet and driving me bonkers. Grrr. I need to start moving about fast before my six hours of sleep during the night has me fall asleep right here. *sigh*
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
A funk
Song of the day: “Both Sides Now” by Orla Fallon, for a change. Though Hayley Westenra’s and Paul Young feat Moya Brennan are still my favs, this particular Irish singer does give it a nice twist.
So I’m not really in the mood to write the blog today. My problem, at the moment, is that, despite my best intentions, I’ve sagged into a bit of a slump due to finishing the book. *sigh* It is a difficult thing, finishing a writing project (no matter that it still needs to be edited a gazillion times), some of them just hit you when you least expect it. You’ll be focusing on trying out a new plot, and bahm! Where the new heroine’s name is supposed to be, the old one screams a vicious warning. Blasted muscle memory. In half a page of writing, I had to delete the wrong name five times, for crying out loud.
Ergo a funk. I had hoped to avoid it by stepping in the new story within a day, but it wasn’t supposed to be. I miss Conner and Piper. I miss the Greek mythology, the gods, titans and Cyclops, in particular since this new story is going to be aiming for sci-fi with very little romance in it, while it will be heavy on the plot. Like many of my books, this one will be based on some long ago dream. An alien creature finding a source for his curiosity on earth. I will be looking into astronomy, NASA and all those pesky little details that tend to take up so much time when starting on a new book. *double sigh*
Let’s hope that this funky feeling doesn’t take too long. I hate sitting in front of the computer tapping at the keys and then hitting the delete button all the time. Also every other sentence, I’m stopping. I need to describe something about my character, but then realize that in my head she’s not actually there yet…or him for that matter. So I worked on that most of the evening. I’ve decided on a heroine along the lines of Irene Bedard, and for the hero a somewhat slender Chris Hemsworth. (Easier to pick a picture to keep them solid in your mind.) I’m sorry. I can’t help it. That’s how he’s showing up in my head. But as the story actually gets started, he might change some yet.
Okay, enough writer troubles. However frustrating, I will figure it out at some point, I’m sure…I think…I hope. Hah.
Right. Yesterday. I don’t know how well I’ll manage to narrate yesterday, considering my mind is blurry, and my diary not all that legible since I was already dropping off while I wrote it it…darn it.
But anyway. In regards to Sally’s treatment, and the mile long list of things she should and can’t do, we’ve decided to bring the overhang of her porch up to the top of the to-do-list. So for the past couple of days, (yesterday and today) we’ve been working on that. First the support beams and the horizontal ones for the roof, and of course painting, lots and lots of painting. There were beams to paint, slats and saw horses, most of which Sally insisted on helping. She wants to keep busy and is doing it somewhat zealously. Since it appears to keep her somewhat centered, and in a better mood, I can’t say I object.
Besides the painting (am covered in paint) and the carpentry, there was the cooking. Yep. Two meals were made, one consisted of leftovers with a wonderful dessert made of fresh apples and pears, boiled in butter caramel (white and brown sugar) some almond extract, cherry liquor, vanilla and some other spices that worked really, really, REALLY well as a dessert. In particular the cream I put through it. Gawd. Then today there was potatoes with chard and cheese, with a nice salad on the side, because let’s face it, Sally needs loads of raw foods. The lot went down well.
Tenant enjoyed both meals too, but at the moment she’s tired a lot because she’s spending a lot of time with mom in the house, meaning she’s walking up and down a lot.
While Sally cut yesterday’s dog food veggies, I did that today after cooking supper. Seeing as grandpa and big brother were out to fetch a new batch of vegetables, there really wasn’t a lot of choice in that matter. But it went fast, and before I knew it I was ready and headed down for a quick dip in the pool.
Did have a good jog yesterday evening. Went the distance, ran long stretches and even managed to go past the jogging pace. Yay.
Chaos is somewhat chagrined with me at the moment. I’m not really sure why yet…well, maybe I am. You see, he’s not happy with the fact that when he gets fed, I won’t let him eat his fill (he’s got fat issues), which in turn makes him grumpy and snarl at the other dogs. The other day he wrecked Kolossus’ ear by biting her. Then, today, when I sent him out of the eating area, he did it again, but this time to Bambi. That is not nice of the Chaos, and I will have to get firmer with him. Can’t having wreck the other dogs with his grumpiness.
There was some yard work, but only minor. Really not a lot of time at the moment, and gratefully Cousin Ed volunteered to water what needed to be watered.
Other than that there were just the normal chores. Boring, predictable if you’re forced to read about them. If you live through them, they’re not all that bad, in fact.
Well, I gotta go. I need and early night, if I can manage it. Hah.
So I’m not really in the mood to write the blog today. My problem, at the moment, is that, despite my best intentions, I’ve sagged into a bit of a slump due to finishing the book. *sigh* It is a difficult thing, finishing a writing project (no matter that it still needs to be edited a gazillion times), some of them just hit you when you least expect it. You’ll be focusing on trying out a new plot, and bahm! Where the new heroine’s name is supposed to be, the old one screams a vicious warning. Blasted muscle memory. In half a page of writing, I had to delete the wrong name five times, for crying out loud.
Ergo a funk. I had hoped to avoid it by stepping in the new story within a day, but it wasn’t supposed to be. I miss Conner and Piper. I miss the Greek mythology, the gods, titans and Cyclops, in particular since this new story is going to be aiming for sci-fi with very little romance in it, while it will be heavy on the plot. Like many of my books, this one will be based on some long ago dream. An alien creature finding a source for his curiosity on earth. I will be looking into astronomy, NASA and all those pesky little details that tend to take up so much time when starting on a new book. *double sigh*
Let’s hope that this funky feeling doesn’t take too long. I hate sitting in front of the computer tapping at the keys and then hitting the delete button all the time. Also every other sentence, I’m stopping. I need to describe something about my character, but then realize that in my head she’s not actually there yet…or him for that matter. So I worked on that most of the evening. I’ve decided on a heroine along the lines of Irene Bedard, and for the hero a somewhat slender Chris Hemsworth. (Easier to pick a picture to keep them solid in your mind.) I’m sorry. I can’t help it. That’s how he’s showing up in my head. But as the story actually gets started, he might change some yet.
Okay, enough writer troubles. However frustrating, I will figure it out at some point, I’m sure…I think…I hope. Hah.
Right. Yesterday. I don’t know how well I’ll manage to narrate yesterday, considering my mind is blurry, and my diary not all that legible since I was already dropping off while I wrote it it…darn it.
But anyway. In regards to Sally’s treatment, and the mile long list of things she should and can’t do, we’ve decided to bring the overhang of her porch up to the top of the to-do-list. So for the past couple of days, (yesterday and today) we’ve been working on that. First the support beams and the horizontal ones for the roof, and of course painting, lots and lots of painting. There were beams to paint, slats and saw horses, most of which Sally insisted on helping. She wants to keep busy and is doing it somewhat zealously. Since it appears to keep her somewhat centered, and in a better mood, I can’t say I object.
Besides the painting (am covered in paint) and the carpentry, there was the cooking. Yep. Two meals were made, one consisted of leftovers with a wonderful dessert made of fresh apples and pears, boiled in butter caramel (white and brown sugar) some almond extract, cherry liquor, vanilla and some other spices that worked really, really, REALLY well as a dessert. In particular the cream I put through it. Gawd. Then today there was potatoes with chard and cheese, with a nice salad on the side, because let’s face it, Sally needs loads of raw foods. The lot went down well.
Tenant enjoyed both meals too, but at the moment she’s tired a lot because she’s spending a lot of time with mom in the house, meaning she’s walking up and down a lot.
While Sally cut yesterday’s dog food veggies, I did that today after cooking supper. Seeing as grandpa and big brother were out to fetch a new batch of vegetables, there really wasn’t a lot of choice in that matter. But it went fast, and before I knew it I was ready and headed down for a quick dip in the pool.
Did have a good jog yesterday evening. Went the distance, ran long stretches and even managed to go past the jogging pace. Yay.
Chaos is somewhat chagrined with me at the moment. I’m not really sure why yet…well, maybe I am. You see, he’s not happy with the fact that when he gets fed, I won’t let him eat his fill (he’s got fat issues), which in turn makes him grumpy and snarl at the other dogs. The other day he wrecked Kolossus’ ear by biting her. Then, today, when I sent him out of the eating area, he did it again, but this time to Bambi. That is not nice of the Chaos, and I will have to get firmer with him. Can’t having wreck the other dogs with his grumpiness.
There was some yard work, but only minor. Really not a lot of time at the moment, and gratefully Cousin Ed volunteered to water what needed to be watered.
Other than that there were just the normal chores. Boring, predictable if you’re forced to read about them. If you live through them, they’re not all that bad, in fact.
Well, I gotta go. I need and early night, if I can manage it. Hah.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Some pics, just because
First off on the pics. The Winter wall of the carport. Doesn't it look cute?

Song of the day: “Son of a preacher man” by Aretha Franklin. I started humming it for fun the other day, and it has been popping up in my head ever since. *sigh*
So yeah, it’s been a busy couple of days…well, three of ‘m technically, but since two of them were away from home, we’ll start with those.
It started off early, seeing as we had to travel all the way to Marbella before nine in the morning. Didn’t sleep all that well, so by the time the alarm went off I stumbled out of bed and headed linea recta to the pool for a quick dip that was supposed to wake me up. It didn’t despite it being ridiculously cold. Got dressed, slurped at my coffee and then headed on up, grateful to discover that cousin Ed had managed to prepare me a couple of sandwiches.
Arrived at the market at the appointed time and managed to get the car in close to where we needed to be. The spot we got was surprisingly spacious, and, in hindsight, probably even better than the last one, since this is a corner and kids don’t use it as a detour.
The market organizer lady is a nice one, and made us feel right at home as we set up. Took us about an hour and a half to get it all done properly. The color schemes had to fit, the types of products properly organized to complement each other, and by the time it was done the folks who’d ordered the dog bag arrived. The first thing we saw was Sasha, the adorable Yorkshire terrier that heard me make kissy noises and came barreling down under the table, to leap in my arms. Adorable little thing.
They liked the bag, so…phew…paid the price, and proclaimed that they were likely to come back at some point for a matching bag for Sasha, and maybe one of the dogbeds. They also told us of a very nice market in Soto Grande, which would be perfect for us, if not for the fact that it would be a two hour drive to get there, ergo the price of a single dog bed just to get there. Such a pity.
Chatted a bit and were then left to continue with our day. Luckily there is plenty to see at a place like Funny beach, so in between we had plenty to do. Was a ridiculously slow day, but it didn’t matter, because at a certain point there was this very, very nice German woman who started looking through the dog beds, (very thoughtful like) and said, “I’m going to take this one.” I was pretty happy with that, and was already looking for a bag when she added, “I think this one,” while pointing at another. I nodded, gave a silent sigh, and grabbed that one and then…” definitely this one,” the woman said, at which point it started to get through to me that she was aiming to buy several beds. So there she went, “that one, that one, that one, and that…no, no, this one.” I could only raised my brows as I tapped Cousin Ed on the shoulder and had her help me bag the things and ring ‘m up, so to speak. The woman explained that normally she would try to negotiate a better price when doing such a big purchase, but since she thought the prices fair, she was taking them as they were. Big relief, that, not to mention allowing us to relax for the remainder of the day since we by far surpassed our quota. Hah.
Later we also got an order for yet another bag, with a down payment of half the price, so it was a pretty successful day.
Got another tip for a market, and since we decided that we wanted to try the Sunday Market as well (phoned the “production department” first if it was at all doable in regards to the amount of bags) we agreed that after setting up the next day, I’d take the car (Opel this time, since the Land Rover is mom’s and the sibs’ on Sunday) and check it out. Supposedly there are plenty of buyers over there (Benahavis) including the odd celebrity. Weird idea that. A celebrity on a flea market. Hah.
But anyway, with that agreed upon, we reserved a spot for Sunday and continued on. Not much more sales that day, but lots of interest for my tie dyes, some attention for the snugglies, and on the overall a nice day spent chatting with loads of folks.
Lots of the other sellers didn’t sell at all, and had the organizer a little upset because basically everyone had talked her into adding Saturdays to the flea market that she usually only did once every two weeks on a Sunday.
Some folks just don’t understand that you need patience for markets that are just starting out. Folks need to know that they’re there, before the show up.
Here's the market for ya. All set up with the first bit of sunshine arriving in the morning.

The other side.

In the back there is the pillar that holds all the purses. They get plenty of attention.

And the snuggly with bag and baby blanket that I set up as a center piece on Sunday.

The Chaos because...well, just because. Hah. He noticed the camera the blasted beast.

By the time the end of the market arrived we had a lot less to pack and were on our way home around five thirty. We’d already sorted through the merchandise, and once there we could basically grab out a few bags and transfer it to the trailer for the Opel. Next we loaded the remainder of the baskets and whatnots for Sunday. Didn’t finish with that until twilight fell. Was properly tired at the end. Did manage some writing but decided to crash around one in the morning and did so passionately. Hah.
Didn’t go as smoothly. In fact, a lot went wrong. We forgot some stuff for the tables and if we hadn’t been able to borrow them at Funny Beach we’d have been in a lot of trouble…well, we were, seeing as, for the first time since standing on that market, we didn’t. Sell. A. Single. Thing. Hah.
It seriously cracked me up. I mean, really. There were plenty of folks (like this very celebrity-type dad, organizing a b-day party for his kid with about six moms fluttering around him. Kept us better entertained than a soap opera, I tell ya.) and yet none of them was there to spent more than a buck or two, and eat at the restaurant of the place. Very strange. There was loads of interest, people oohing and aahing, touching, pointing, and…nothing, nada zilch.
Luckily mom and the zips did a lot better and sold double the usual.
You’d think I would be bummed, but I wasn’t. I refuse to let “sales” affect my mood and arrived at home just barely on time to partly unload the car before big brother and I headed out to pick up a donation of food for the dogs. By the time we got home, it was quickly to work on the computer, and then out again for a jog that I really, really needed.
I actually broke my own record and ran more than half a mile at a single piece. I did a happy dance, thank you very much.
Was in bed on time again, because let’s face it, after the run I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.
Which brings us to today.
Also busy, but more in the normal way. There was laundry, dog food, and then helping tenant since caregiver took Sally to hospital for her first round of chemo. (Took all, day, since they put her on a five hour drip of fluids that are going to wreck everything inside her. Scary stuff if you read about all it does. I don’t think I’d have the guts to do chemo.) Helped her change and then walked her down to the house so she could visit with mom.
What followed was a trip into the yard where I watered plants and then watched the dogs while big brother cut down the big eucalyptus that has been stealing the water for the veggie yard most of the last three years.
Got to saw, got to use the axe, and then went up with the day’s harvest and a trunk to get started on supper.
Here are the pics.
The tree.

Before. So proud, so fierce...and a total thief when it comes to water.

After. So sad.

Down like a tree, eh?

Lotsa firewood, though. Hah.

*sigh* What else...?
Experimented a little with beef again. Marinated it in cherry liquor with soy sauce and fresh thyme, and admittedly it didn’t go bad at all. Didn’t manage to eat more of it than my usual quarter, but since big brother has less trouble eating the stuff, nothing was lost.
Supper done, we had to go out again for another donation, and didn’t come home until after nine at which point I reheated supper and then headed down to do my messages, try for some writing, and do the blog. Managed the last, just barely, but what the hey.
A pretty shot from the rainy days.

The porch for the cabin

And that's it. I gotta get to bed, thank you very much.

Song of the day: “Son of a preacher man” by Aretha Franklin. I started humming it for fun the other day, and it has been popping up in my head ever since. *sigh*
So yeah, it’s been a busy couple of days…well, three of ‘m technically, but since two of them were away from home, we’ll start with those.
It started off early, seeing as we had to travel all the way to Marbella before nine in the morning. Didn’t sleep all that well, so by the time the alarm went off I stumbled out of bed and headed linea recta to the pool for a quick dip that was supposed to wake me up. It didn’t despite it being ridiculously cold. Got dressed, slurped at my coffee and then headed on up, grateful to discover that cousin Ed had managed to prepare me a couple of sandwiches.
Arrived at the market at the appointed time and managed to get the car in close to where we needed to be. The spot we got was surprisingly spacious, and, in hindsight, probably even better than the last one, since this is a corner and kids don’t use it as a detour.
The market organizer lady is a nice one, and made us feel right at home as we set up. Took us about an hour and a half to get it all done properly. The color schemes had to fit, the types of products properly organized to complement each other, and by the time it was done the folks who’d ordered the dog bag arrived. The first thing we saw was Sasha, the adorable Yorkshire terrier that heard me make kissy noises and came barreling down under the table, to leap in my arms. Adorable little thing.
They liked the bag, so…phew…paid the price, and proclaimed that they were likely to come back at some point for a matching bag for Sasha, and maybe one of the dogbeds. They also told us of a very nice market in Soto Grande, which would be perfect for us, if not for the fact that it would be a two hour drive to get there, ergo the price of a single dog bed just to get there. Such a pity.
Chatted a bit and were then left to continue with our day. Luckily there is plenty to see at a place like Funny beach, so in between we had plenty to do. Was a ridiculously slow day, but it didn’t matter, because at a certain point there was this very, very nice German woman who started looking through the dog beds, (very thoughtful like) and said, “I’m going to take this one.” I was pretty happy with that, and was already looking for a bag when she added, “I think this one,” while pointing at another. I nodded, gave a silent sigh, and grabbed that one and then…” definitely this one,” the woman said, at which point it started to get through to me that she was aiming to buy several beds. So there she went, “that one, that one, that one, and that…no, no, this one.” I could only raised my brows as I tapped Cousin Ed on the shoulder and had her help me bag the things and ring ‘m up, so to speak. The woman explained that normally she would try to negotiate a better price when doing such a big purchase, but since she thought the prices fair, she was taking them as they were. Big relief, that, not to mention allowing us to relax for the remainder of the day since we by far surpassed our quota. Hah.
Later we also got an order for yet another bag, with a down payment of half the price, so it was a pretty successful day.
Got another tip for a market, and since we decided that we wanted to try the Sunday Market as well (phoned the “production department” first if it was at all doable in regards to the amount of bags) we agreed that after setting up the next day, I’d take the car (Opel this time, since the Land Rover is mom’s and the sibs’ on Sunday) and check it out. Supposedly there are plenty of buyers over there (Benahavis) including the odd celebrity. Weird idea that. A celebrity on a flea market. Hah.
But anyway, with that agreed upon, we reserved a spot for Sunday and continued on. Not much more sales that day, but lots of interest for my tie dyes, some attention for the snugglies, and on the overall a nice day spent chatting with loads of folks.
Lots of the other sellers didn’t sell at all, and had the organizer a little upset because basically everyone had talked her into adding Saturdays to the flea market that she usually only did once every two weeks on a Sunday.
Some folks just don’t understand that you need patience for markets that are just starting out. Folks need to know that they’re there, before the show up.
Here's the market for ya. All set up with the first bit of sunshine arriving in the morning.

The other side.

In the back there is the pillar that holds all the purses. They get plenty of attention.

And the snuggly with bag and baby blanket that I set up as a center piece on Sunday.

The Chaos because...well, just because. Hah. He noticed the camera the blasted beast.

By the time the end of the market arrived we had a lot less to pack and were on our way home around five thirty. We’d already sorted through the merchandise, and once there we could basically grab out a few bags and transfer it to the trailer for the Opel. Next we loaded the remainder of the baskets and whatnots for Sunday. Didn’t finish with that until twilight fell. Was properly tired at the end. Did manage some writing but decided to crash around one in the morning and did so passionately. Hah.
Didn’t go as smoothly. In fact, a lot went wrong. We forgot some stuff for the tables and if we hadn’t been able to borrow them at Funny Beach we’d have been in a lot of trouble…well, we were, seeing as, for the first time since standing on that market, we didn’t. Sell. A. Single. Thing. Hah.
It seriously cracked me up. I mean, really. There were plenty of folks (like this very celebrity-type dad, organizing a b-day party for his kid with about six moms fluttering around him. Kept us better entertained than a soap opera, I tell ya.) and yet none of them was there to spent more than a buck or two, and eat at the restaurant of the place. Very strange. There was loads of interest, people oohing and aahing, touching, pointing, and…nothing, nada zilch.
Luckily mom and the zips did a lot better and sold double the usual.
You’d think I would be bummed, but I wasn’t. I refuse to let “sales” affect my mood and arrived at home just barely on time to partly unload the car before big brother and I headed out to pick up a donation of food for the dogs. By the time we got home, it was quickly to work on the computer, and then out again for a jog that I really, really needed.
I actually broke my own record and ran more than half a mile at a single piece. I did a happy dance, thank you very much.
Was in bed on time again, because let’s face it, after the run I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.
Which brings us to today.
Also busy, but more in the normal way. There was laundry, dog food, and then helping tenant since caregiver took Sally to hospital for her first round of chemo. (Took all, day, since they put her on a five hour drip of fluids that are going to wreck everything inside her. Scary stuff if you read about all it does. I don’t think I’d have the guts to do chemo.) Helped her change and then walked her down to the house so she could visit with mom.
What followed was a trip into the yard where I watered plants and then watched the dogs while big brother cut down the big eucalyptus that has been stealing the water for the veggie yard most of the last three years.
Got to saw, got to use the axe, and then went up with the day’s harvest and a trunk to get started on supper.
Here are the pics.
The tree.

Before. So proud, so fierce...and a total thief when it comes to water.

After. So sad.

Down like a tree, eh?

Lotsa firewood, though. Hah.

*sigh* What else...?
Experimented a little with beef again. Marinated it in cherry liquor with soy sauce and fresh thyme, and admittedly it didn’t go bad at all. Didn’t manage to eat more of it than my usual quarter, but since big brother has less trouble eating the stuff, nothing was lost.
Supper done, we had to go out again for another donation, and didn’t come home until after nine at which point I reheated supper and then headed down to do my messages, try for some writing, and do the blog. Managed the last, just barely, but what the hey.
A pretty shot from the rainy days.

The porch for the cabin

And that's it. I gotta get to bed, thank you very much.
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