Song of the day: “Under the sun” by Cheryl Cole…again. Luckily it’s a fun one, because this one is popping up in my head a lot.
Just came back from a very late jog, and considering it has been more than a month since the last time, it didn’t go bad at all. I feared that my foot would drive me effing bonkers, but this new running way I’m practicing appears to be doing the trick at the very least. In fact, tonight my foot is in a better state than it used to be in the past couple of weeks. Strange how that works.
So yeah, the past few days.
First off there was yesterday where, after spending a morning (after the usual chores that is) working up by the storage and sawing eight wooden beams into the right thickness with the big sawing table. Since there is a constant threat of rain at the moment, we decided to, at the very least get Sally’s porch deck done so there won’t be a drag of mud into her cabin. So that’s what we got started on yesterday morning. Which also involved yanking old nails out of wooden boards, which was a fascinating thing. I love hammering at stuff. Hah.
For a while we watched big brother play with Knight II and the Chaos, who were ambivalent enough about the entire thing to actually enjoy themselves, and then Huckabee joined in, making it a noisy affair that had most of us laughing. Hah.
While I did the sawing, Cousin Ed, Grandpa and Big Brother did a lot of hauling. First off the got the big fridge from the outside kitchen so it can pass the winter under the roof of the lean to behind Sally’s cabin. Then they got the washing machine, which big brother fully installed on the tiles he laid the day before that.
Which reminds me, the day before that (pic update day) grandpa asked me to trim his hair and beard, which makes him look younger, I think. Also suggested to Sally to do her hair, (before the radio, just in case) and we got to that right on time.
Then, of course, it was time to head on out to the big city, because Sally had radio therapy scheduled. My turn, and we set out right on time…only to end up on the wrong new highway, darn it. I kid you not, we got completely and utterly lost in the industrial area of the city, and we saw so many of them that I couldn’t even figure out on which side the sea was located. Finally, after a solid thirty minutes of wandering about (by then I decided to just start laughing, rather than be frustrated, because we were late anyway) we ended up in an industrial area I’m well familiar with, and headed toward the university hospital where Sally had her appointment. We arrived, used her zipcode (they’ve made turning folks into numbers into an art form. Upon arrival you have to put a coded little card under one of those laser readers that they also use in stores) and ended up waiting for five minutes before it was her turn.
Ten minutes later we were back outside and on our way home. Sally is definitely one of the lucky ones in regards to radio. She’s tired, yes, but there’s no dizziness or nausea. I do hope she manages to keep that up. Still didn’t have that talk with the doctor about her real status, but I talked with her about it, and she asked that I don’t press the doctors for more information. She prefers not to know too much, that way she can’t worry about it either. Considering how it’s going with her to date, I’ve got to admit that her way of dealing with it seems to work for her, and in the end, it is, of course, her choice.
Once at home (needed to make a quick trip to the supermarket to get a cake. Grandpa had his birthday, and since I didn’t have time to make one he could actually eat with his dentures. And afterward I had to go through the DIY store to get something for the cabin) it was already late and it was time to cook supper. Made pasta with veggies, baked in asian herbs.
Also went past the garage where they were fixing the Land Rover. They promised I could pick it up the next morning, with a year warranty for the fixed transmission box. Let’s hope I won’t need it, right? *sigh*
Tenant spent the majority of the afternoon with mom in the main house, having fun watching the younger sibs and playing freecell on the computer. Hah. I’m just happy she gets at least some daily exercise that way.
Well, today…today started a little late for me, while big brother had to go along with grandpa to the village to get bread for the dogs, along with veggies. While I did the laundry, and walked our visiting dogs in the morning, they got home. Next was feeding the dogs, ourselves, and then it was out toward town to pick up the car. Yay. Our baby purred, I tell ya. I missed her so much, I wanted to do a road trip, or something. No time for that, of course, but it’s the thought that counts. Hah.
Once we got home, Cousin Ed and Sally had to leave for Sally’s appointment, leaving is to start on the porch. First we had some lunch, and then it was to work. Got the beams in, and were already hammering nails into the deck’s boards when the two of them returned. Sally was extremely tired today, so she spent the majority of the afternoon snoozing in her cabin while we put in the boards and finished the deck. It looks beautiful, and all it needs is a lazy chair. I did take pictures and I’ll be sure to show them some day.
We were late finishing the porch, so Cousin Ed ended up doing the yard on her own. No time for cooking today either, so we had fries, some nuggets (see, I did eat meat, I did, I did!) prior to heading out for our jog.
Which brings us to the end of the day, with me more than ready to call it a day. Tomorrow’s going to be another long one, in particular since we’re heading over to Liane’s. There is something wrong with the pool we installed, and we’re going to take measurements for an adjustment to the fence. Then I’m going to have to figure out how much it is going to cost, how much time it’s going to take and…well, I’ll leave that for tomorrow. I’ve had it for now. I want sleep. I did manage some writing, at least.
Gotta go.
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Pic update
Song of the day: ....well the difficult word from Mary Poppins, thanks to Archer. Grrr.
Okay, I could describe how we took Sally to the hospital for radiotherapy, but since it was blessedly uneventful and I managed to find the perfect parking spot (ya gotta celebrate the small stuff, ya know?) we're going to do the long promised Pic update.
Hold onto your seat. There we go, first stage of building "the cabin". The foundation so it won't be in the mud. More work than it looks because it all has to be leveled.

Going nicely, I guess. Got up this high first day we got cabin delivered. Those windows are not part of the original. They are officially from my cabin from when I replaced the windows and doors for terrace doors in the back.

Awww, the Chaos. He found the foldout bed, the lazy gorgeous.

See, they look like they belong there. The slats will come out, though. Sally likes a lot of unhindered views.

Full height prior to the pointy part. Spanish wood is definitely not as good as that from Finland. We just didn't have time for that this time 'round.

Beams on. We didn't like leaving the walls without them during the night. Just in case the wind picked up.

First floor. Just cheap wood, mind you, since parquet would cover it anyway.

Doors are in. I will replace those with real terrace doors when I've got the time.

Putting the roof on. You remember, right, me wrecking my feet on the ladder. *sigh*

First time "Inside".

The opening to the small bathroom, and the floor already in. Isn't it gorgeous?

A small thing inbetween: working on the bed. I loved the design, but it took some figuring to get it up to the specifications necessary for Sally.

Adding the bathroom.

Bathroom finished. It's somewhat bigger than my own, since she'll need help at some point.

Furniture in, bed made up. She loves it.

Again, but from a different angle.

All set, and cute with colors and everything. Yay!

The back, where the big fridge will be, along with tenant's and grandpa's washing machine. The three of them will share.

And last one, from the side, with Sitabah at the bottom. She refused to move out of the shot. *sigh*

Well, that's it. I'll see if I can bring y'all up to date properly on Friday, but you just might need to resign in the fact that you might never know all the titillating things that happened the past two days. *snort*
I'm out
Okay, I could describe how we took Sally to the hospital for radiotherapy, but since it was blessedly uneventful and I managed to find the perfect parking spot (ya gotta celebrate the small stuff, ya know?) we're going to do the long promised Pic update.
Hold onto your seat. There we go, first stage of building "the cabin". The foundation so it won't be in the mud. More work than it looks because it all has to be leveled.

Going nicely, I guess. Got up this high first day we got cabin delivered. Those windows are not part of the original. They are officially from my cabin from when I replaced the windows and doors for terrace doors in the back.

Awww, the Chaos. He found the foldout bed, the lazy gorgeous.

See, they look like they belong there. The slats will come out, though. Sally likes a lot of unhindered views.

Full height prior to the pointy part. Spanish wood is definitely not as good as that from Finland. We just didn't have time for that this time 'round.

Beams on. We didn't like leaving the walls without them during the night. Just in case the wind picked up.

First floor. Just cheap wood, mind you, since parquet would cover it anyway.

Doors are in. I will replace those with real terrace doors when I've got the time.

Putting the roof on. You remember, right, me wrecking my feet on the ladder. *sigh*

First time "Inside".

The opening to the small bathroom, and the floor already in. Isn't it gorgeous?

A small thing inbetween: working on the bed. I loved the design, but it took some figuring to get it up to the specifications necessary for Sally.

Adding the bathroom.

Bathroom finished. It's somewhat bigger than my own, since she'll need help at some point.

Furniture in, bed made up. She loves it.

Again, but from a different angle.

All set, and cute with colors and everything. Yay!

The back, where the big fridge will be, along with tenant's and grandpa's washing machine. The three of them will share.

And last one, from the side, with Sitabah at the bottom. She refused to move out of the shot. *sigh*

Well, that's it. I'll see if I can bring y'all up to date properly on Friday, but you just might need to resign in the fact that you might never know all the titillating things that happened the past two days. *snort*
I'm out
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Just a little one
Song of the day: “Hollywood tonight” by Michael Jackson, of course. Hah.
Late, late, late. I promised myself I would write on the book some more today, and I have, but that means it is now almost midnight and I still have this blog to write. I had also promised I would do a pic update, but sine my internet is ridiculously slow at the moment, and will probably stay that way until the end of the fiscal month. Grrr. As soon as it speeds up a little, I’ll do an update, I promise…but since, the cabin still needs some finishing touches, it doesn’t really matter, either. I want to have the before and after after all.
So, what happened these last three days? *blanking* Gawd, there I go again. This is bad. Well, I know that there was work on the cabin. More painting, grandpa and big brother on the roof, more wiring to be done, small metal strips that had to be attached from the bottom of the cabin to the beams underneath and glass to put in, in the doors. It took some doing, but they’re in, and it looks well. More pics, which I still have to download and put here, but I’ll get to it some day soon, I promise.
There was cooking to be done. Nothing fancy, yesterday fries with a salad, and today baked spaghetti with veggies. Both went down well enough, in particular since we’re doing so much these days that I’m missing meals again. Stupid, I know, but it happens. I’ll catch up soon. *sigh*
Arthur (Spanish pointer) has a festering wound on his right ear. Poor dog got into a bit of an altercation with Knight II, because Labhana is in heat, and Arthur is smitten. I kid you not. Arthur, one of our most timid dogs (he was dumped at a shelter at 2 years of age) followed me down the mountain yesterday, and calm as you please, lay down beside Lhabana with an air as if he had every right to be there. He does, of course, but usually he pretends he doesn’t. Hah.
Personally, I had a moment to head down into the yard yesterday, which was wonderful. Watered plants, harvested some veggies and headed up a lot calmer than what I was when I went down. Yay. The weather was particularly nice at that time, seeing as we’re experiencing a remarkably warm September. The pool is rapidly cooling down, but is still rather pleasant to cool down from the heat and to wash off the dust.
Writing is still going slowly. I think it is some sort of twisted form of procrastination on my part. I remember experiencing this problem more often when almost at the end of a story. I might not want it to end. *sigh*
Sally is tired a lot, and tenant is spending a lot of time with mom, trying to learn how to sow again. Nice that she’s keeping busy and is trying to make herself useful at the same time. The way I figure, as long as she’s having fun, it’s fine with me.
What else? Well, I’m not sure. I’m not getting enough sleep, of course (whine, whine. I do it a lot and well, thank you very much! Hah) but I try and that’s what counts.
Our visitor dogs (they’ll be staying for the next three weeks) still remember their walks in the morning, and were eagerly awaited my arrival this morning. Had a nice walk with them, and took them inside when it was time to do laundry and such.
Well, this is going to be it. Not very interesting, I know, but what the heck. It’s not like I make a habit of keeping it short. Hah.
Late, late, late. I promised myself I would write on the book some more today, and I have, but that means it is now almost midnight and I still have this blog to write. I had also promised I would do a pic update, but sine my internet is ridiculously slow at the moment, and will probably stay that way until the end of the fiscal month. Grrr. As soon as it speeds up a little, I’ll do an update, I promise…but since, the cabin still needs some finishing touches, it doesn’t really matter, either. I want to have the before and after after all.
So, what happened these last three days? *blanking* Gawd, there I go again. This is bad. Well, I know that there was work on the cabin. More painting, grandpa and big brother on the roof, more wiring to be done, small metal strips that had to be attached from the bottom of the cabin to the beams underneath and glass to put in, in the doors. It took some doing, but they’re in, and it looks well. More pics, which I still have to download and put here, but I’ll get to it some day soon, I promise.
There was cooking to be done. Nothing fancy, yesterday fries with a salad, and today baked spaghetti with veggies. Both went down well enough, in particular since we’re doing so much these days that I’m missing meals again. Stupid, I know, but it happens. I’ll catch up soon. *sigh*
Arthur (Spanish pointer) has a festering wound on his right ear. Poor dog got into a bit of an altercation with Knight II, because Labhana is in heat, and Arthur is smitten. I kid you not. Arthur, one of our most timid dogs (he was dumped at a shelter at 2 years of age) followed me down the mountain yesterday, and calm as you please, lay down beside Lhabana with an air as if he had every right to be there. He does, of course, but usually he pretends he doesn’t. Hah.
Personally, I had a moment to head down into the yard yesterday, which was wonderful. Watered plants, harvested some veggies and headed up a lot calmer than what I was when I went down. Yay. The weather was particularly nice at that time, seeing as we’re experiencing a remarkably warm September. The pool is rapidly cooling down, but is still rather pleasant to cool down from the heat and to wash off the dust.
Writing is still going slowly. I think it is some sort of twisted form of procrastination on my part. I remember experiencing this problem more often when almost at the end of a story. I might not want it to end. *sigh*
Sally is tired a lot, and tenant is spending a lot of time with mom, trying to learn how to sow again. Nice that she’s keeping busy and is trying to make herself useful at the same time. The way I figure, as long as she’s having fun, it’s fine with me.
What else? Well, I’m not sure. I’m not getting enough sleep, of course (whine, whine. I do it a lot and well, thank you very much! Hah) but I try and that’s what counts.
Our visitor dogs (they’ll be staying for the next three weeks) still remember their walks in the morning, and were eagerly awaited my arrival this morning. Had a nice walk with them, and took them inside when it was time to do laundry and such.
Well, this is going to be it. Not very interesting, I know, but what the heck. It’s not like I make a habit of keeping it short. Hah.
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