
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just a little one

Song of the day: “Hollywood tonight” by Michael Jackson, of course. Hah.

Late, late, late. I promised myself I would write on the book some more today, and I have, but that means it is now almost midnight and I still have this blog to write. I had also promised I would do a pic update, but sine my internet is ridiculously slow at the moment, and will probably stay that way until the end of the fiscal month. Grrr. As soon as it speeds up a little, I’ll do an update, I promise…but since, the cabin still needs some finishing touches, it doesn’t really matter, either. I want to have the before and after after all.

So, what happened these last three days? *blanking* Gawd, there I go again. This is bad. Well, I know that there was work on the cabin. More painting, grandpa and big brother on the roof, more wiring to be done, small metal strips that had to be attached from the bottom of the cabin to the beams underneath and glass to put in, in the doors. It took some doing, but they’re in, and it looks well. More pics, which I still have to download and put here, but I’ll get to it some day soon, I promise.

There was cooking to be done. Nothing fancy, yesterday fries with a salad, and today baked spaghetti with veggies. Both went down well enough, in particular since we’re doing so much these days that I’m missing meals again. Stupid, I know, but it happens. I’ll catch up soon. *sigh*

Arthur (Spanish pointer) has a festering wound on his right ear. Poor dog got into a bit of an altercation with Knight II, because Labhana is in heat, and Arthur is smitten. I kid you not. Arthur, one of our most timid dogs (he was dumped at a shelter at 2 years of age) followed me down the mountain yesterday, and calm as you please, lay down beside Lhabana with an air as if he had every right to be there. He does, of course, but usually he pretends he doesn’t. Hah.

Personally, I had a moment to head down into the yard yesterday, which was wonderful. Watered plants, harvested some veggies and headed up a lot calmer than what I was when I went down. Yay. The weather was particularly nice at that time, seeing as we’re experiencing a remarkably warm September. The pool is rapidly cooling down, but is still rather pleasant to cool down from the heat and to wash off the dust.

Writing is still going slowly. I think it is some sort of twisted form of procrastination on my part. I remember experiencing this problem more often when almost at the end of a story. I might not want it to end. *sigh*

Sally is tired a lot, and tenant is spending a lot of time with mom, trying to learn how to sow again. Nice that she’s keeping busy and is trying to make herself useful at the same time. The way I figure, as long as she’s having fun, it’s fine with me.

What else? Well, I’m not sure. I’m not getting enough sleep, of course (whine, whine. I do it a lot and well, thank you very much! Hah) but I try and that’s what counts.

Our visitor dogs (they’ll be staying for the next three weeks) still remember their walks in the morning, and were eagerly awaited my arrival this morning. Had a nice walk with them, and took them inside when it was time to do laundry and such.

Well, this is going to be it. Not very interesting, I know, but what the heck. It’s not like I make a habit of keeping it short. Hah.

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