It was a rather chilly night, which is surprising, considering we’re in the middle of the friggin’ summer. Last night (and right now) I had to wear a blouse with long sleeves for crying out loud. But then, according to the news, there were some pretty bad rainstorms in Valencia. The chill in the air right now might be a result of that.
So it was relatively cool this morning when I got up and took the dogs to the house. There are some chores, letting out the main pack, etc. etc. before breakfast, and then it’s time for work.
Our insurance is official as of today, so everyone got an extra card to carry ‘round. A total nuisance, insurance, but necessary I suppose.
The edit went rather slow in this morning’s session. Not bad, just slow and rather exhausting for both of us. My head actually felt completely numb by the time six hours had passed, so we put the computers away and looked around for something constructive to do. First I need a reviving dip in the pool, though. Hah. Trin Trin decided to join me.
Here’s a pic of Trin Trin the Monster Boxer:
We’ve been thinking about organizing our working area for quite a bit now, so since we want to be busy, we decide to empty the lower section of the living-room closet and use it for the office supplies that have been lying about all over the place for years. Photo albums get carted off to the section under my old desk and neat organized stockpiles are placed together on the recently cleaned shelves. It actually takes several hours, but afterwards we feel reasonably content with the progress.
In the meantime, little brother and sister are making dinner: an Indian dish of mixed vegetable with rice on the side with the added treat of pakora bajis and samosas; though not bad (the last three were bought yesterday) the spiciness takes something from the taste. In fact, by the time I’ve eaten my share, I can’t taste anything anymore. Hah.
Big brother has headed up to grandpa’s place, where they spend about an hour fashioning a basked on the back of the moped. Grandpa as been getting frustrated about the lack of carrying space on the vehicle and when they’re done they are both pleased with the end result.
Afterwards we fix the fence beside my porch…the dogs have been going over it frequently, and that just won’t do. There are certain rules they have to hold to, and though they’re not much, staying away from grandpa’s and our tenant’s dogs is one that needs to be enforced at all costs.
Though we would have liked to go on a jog today, we also want to do another edit later tonight, and watch “The curious case of Benjamin Button” which was one of the DVDs we rented yesterday. The jog gets cancelled, which, in hindsight was a good thing, considering I rather enjoyed the movie.
Now this is the fourth time Pitt managed to make me cry, and still had me like the movie, darn it. I don’t know how he manages it, but there you have it. I enjoyed the movie, in particular the acting and the rather extraordinary idea behind the story…even though it was obvious from the start that nothing good was going to come to poor Benjamin (Pitt) in the end. Admittedly, I would have liked to see some other actress instead of Kate Blanchett…she isn’t bad, by any means; it’s just that she didn’t really make her character likable, if that makes any sense?
But, be that as it may, the special effects guys did a marvelous job of both old Pitt and the young one. There were some nifty tricks played for sure…even though I have to admit that the younger version was done better.
Once the movie is finished, big brother and I head up to my porch…it’s cold enough for us to both dress up in long sleeved shirts…while we emerge ourselves into another two hour edit. Almost three pages are done when yawning sets in. Time to get ready for bed…just as soon as I write and finish today’s Blog - oh wait, I just did. Hah