
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, April 1, 2011

R.I.P. Iris...and other stuff

Song of the day: “Forever” by Chris Brown. I’ve got it back on my phone’s alarm tune and yes, it wakes me up with a smile again. The friggin tune, some sort of freaky ta ta ta tata taaa. Aaargh. Drove me insane. This is much better.

So bad news first. This very morning I had to go to the vet with one of our older Huskies and have her put down. The poor thing was diagnosed with cancer about two years ago. It started with a small bump in her lower jaw, but when the vet tested it, it became clear that operating it didn’t have much use, due to the location.
The problem with bone cancer in the jaw (we heard and noticed with another dog in the past) is that it is very aggressive. Sure, it can be removed but due to the bone structure (at least I’m presuming that this is the case) there it will start growing incredibly fast immediately afterwards. The other dog we had with the problem had gone through a terribly difficult and painful operation, only to end up with a jaw that had basically grown shut. *sigh*
Since this is not something we wanted to put Iris (13 year old husky) through, we decided not to operate and just have her live out her life naturally until she could no longer enjoy herself.
This day arrived the day before yesterday when she ceased eating, and basically didn’t want to get up anymore.
Which meant that it was time. So she is, as of this morning, no longer with us…at least, not in the way that matters, except for memories, of course.
She was a great dog. Sweet, unassuming, and a screamer once she got excited. Seriously, there was a plenty a morning when grandpa would come into the house and she would be howling her head of from sheer pleasure. She will be missed, but I am grateful that she didn’t really suffer and that her passing happened in less than a five minutes with nothing more than falling asleep.

On the most part the past few days were spent in the gardening. What with the rapidly warming weather, there is a lot to be done to prepare for summer. Crops need to be hardened for the outside, earth needs to be turned and fertilized and plants planted in-between bouts of watering them all.

The tomato plants in the greenhouse are doing splendid. They’re up to four feet high now, and the tomatoes are already starting to form. We’ve got the heart shaped ones, sandwich tomatoes and a few cherry tomatoes, I think. The rest will be a surprise, because so far I can’t make out the difference yet. Hah.

Today was spent digging in the south part of the yard. It is a particularly secluded spot with little wind and lots of moisture. The peppers did extremely well there so we now have ridges with ten of them. Along with four butternut pumpkin plants, which did well there as well. We only put in one tomato so far, because it just isn’t warm enough for them yet.
Lettuce is doing extremely well at the moment, and the last of the cauliflower need to be put in the ground before it, in turn, gets to be too hot.

According to the weather reports there should be rain within the next few days and even though my body and soul are screaming an extremely theatrical “Noooooh!!!” I do know that we can use every single drop before summer commences. *sigh* We’ll just have to wait and see, I guess.

Yesterday we went to pick up the Daewoo from the shop. We arrived there fifteen minutes to closing time, and they had already put all the cars inside, so the poor guys spent another ten minutes getting everything out again and handing us back the car. It did need new brake shoes, and also a cylinder (also in the brake system. Quick breaking works fine, slow breaking is dangerous), which will need to be done somewhere around next month because this month’s budget is already well underway of being thoroughly shot. Darn it.

Since we were in town anyway, and I had Knight II along for that very reason (he was a hit at the garage, by the way. Apparently the garage dude had two Danes at some point, and he loved the breed…can’t blame him. Sure, Knight II might be bonkers, but he is a darling too) we (big brother and our friend Dani were there too) went for a nice jog near the town’s industrial area. We found a horse path there leading past the river, and we ran there for a bit, allowing Knight II to stretch his legs, and me to get red in the face again. Hah. Seriously though, all things considered it didn’t go all that bad. A definite good side effect is that Knight II is a lot quieter at night when he went for a run…also, he’s eating a lot better these days. Phew.

Dax’s ear has healed enough for me to leave the damage uncovered since this morning. He was happy as a clam about that, and tried to get to it with his tongue for at least an hour, but since his ears are not long enough for that, this is not going to be an issue. Much relief for me, that, because he was so insecure with the sock over his head that he was literally attaching himself to me…an throwing a screaming tantrum whenever he wasn’t allowed to. Jeez.

I’ve got a new drawer cabinet in my bedroom. It is six levels high (wonderfully massive) and since I painted it during the course of the past four days, I put it in yesterday. It looks rather nice, if I do say so myself. And the storage possibilities thrill me. I spent the following two hours sorting through my closet and organizing everything to satisfaction until my horizontal surfaces (through out the room) were once again horizontal.

There was of course laundry, and other small chores, but what the heck. Edits are still going steadily, sending A.T.O.L. closer towards the very middle of the manuscript. Soon I’m going to have to review the query letter again, maybe tweak it a little and then the end of April will be nigh. Yikes. Time goes way too fast.

This morning was also used to get gas and another batch of cement (for the wall, remember?), which then had to be hauled to storage behind my cabin. This meant walking thirteen bags of 70 pounds of cement down the mountain. Yes. I had my fitness today, thank you very much. *sigh*

Now, after a full day in the sun, with only an hour break in the middle for potato salad over paper edits in the shade, I’ve gotta admit to be pleasantly spent and more than willing to call it an early night. Yay.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some more dreaming?

Song of the day: “I hope you dance” by Leann Womack. Such a beautiful song, really. Heard it in “Cold Case” once, and have loved it ever since, even though I don’t like Cold Case at all. Hah.

I had a good one again, so let’s just jump right in and see what I remember of it (a dream, in case it wasn’t clear).

“Let’s go!” he says. The moment he does, I know that I am dreaming, because I don’t see him anymore unless I’m asleep and tumble deep into my subconscious. He is standing in the doorway, beckoning me to follow as I glance up from my book.
“Where to?” I ask him, slowly getting to my feet and looking around to see if anyone in the vast library notices. I come here often, this magical place where books are piled high into the domed chambers. Waxed teak wherever the eye can reach, and the sweet scent of beeswax almost overpowering the smell of old books. Not entirely though, which is why I love this place so much.
“Shhh,” he cautions, bringing his finger to his lips and then grabbing my hand to pull me out into the bright sunlight.
Tall trees sway all ‘round, numerous hues of green undulating in the beams of light that tumble through the canopy of leafs as birds twitter noisily.
“What?” I wish to know, keeping my voice low as he let him lead me deeper into the woods. He just shakes his head at me, the sunlight falling onto his bright blond hair and making it shine like gold.
I am about to ask again where he is taking me, when he draws to a halt and turns to face me.
“Here, look what I’ve found.” He digs into his pocket and pulls out a tiny marble that sparkles brightly like a star. I know instantly what it is, (seeing as it is my dream, of course) and gasp as I am irrevocably drawn to it.
(It is a Conundrum. I know, I know, I’ve no idea where that name comes from, but it’s what I called it in my dream. It is a tiny ball of energy that allows the carrier, or carriers in this case, to travel through time.)
“Wow. Where did you find a Conundrum of all things,” I ask him, reaching a tentative hand out towards the marble-sized star and letting my hand hover over it almost reverently. It sparkles and hums with energy.
“I can’t tell you,” he says, beckoning me closer until our foreheads almost touch. We’re both bent over his newfound treasure like a bunch of excited kids, pondering the possibilities of such a treasure.
“Okay. Where are we going?” I want to know, excited beyond measure and grinning up at his impish expression.
“It’s a secret. Close your eyes.”
“Why? I don’t like secrets, you know that.”
“It’ll be fun, I promise. You trust me, don’t you?”
Of course I trust him, how could I not. And yet, there is something in his eyes that makes me suspect that he is up to something.
“No funny stuff, okay?”
“No, no. No funny stuff. Come on. Take my hand.” I take it, because I do of course want to see the place he’s taking me, and close my eyes obediently. His hand warm around mine, he pulls me close to his side and lays the conundrum on the mossy ground at our feet.
“Are you ready?” he asks softly. His voice a little husky, just the way I remember it, and his breath hot against my cheek as he wraps his other arm around my shoulder and draws me close against him. He familiarity of it takes my breath away for a moment, and in that instant, I can do nothing but cherish the feeling of his oh-so familiar embrace.
Then he shifts, and I know that he raises one booted foot and smashes the star-marble beneath his sole, just like you’re supposed to when you want to time travel with a conundrum.
There is the familiar sensation of vertigo, followed by falling, and then the jarring sensation of landing within our destination.
Slowly, almost reluctantly I open my eyes, and look around.
It isn’t all that different from the place we just left. There are trees, his grasses and reeds, and from the greyish light all around I guestimate it to be around six in the afternoon.
Though I feel disoriented, as I look around I do begin to catch sight of views that are infinitely familiar to me. I can’t remember from where, and considering the sound of laughing children startles me to attention.
“Where are we?” I look at him, but he doesn’t reply as he smiles and points towards the big pond that is just barely visibly through the large beeches, birches and some poplars. High reed grows on the edge of the pond that is at least a two hundred feet wide with small water plants floating amidst small clusters of dugs and herons.
I definitely know this place, but still for the life of me, I cannot recall why. I let him lead me closer to the edge of the pond, and there on the other side, flitting in and out of sight behind swaying stems of reed a multitude of children play noisily in the high grass. Clustered through the woods behind them are adults, smiling and laughing in what is clearly an excursion of sorts.
There is a colourful array of winter clothes. Thick jackets, woollen hats and heavy boots for all. The children, all of ages varying between six and ten, are having a blast, moving back and forth between small tables set up with food stuffs and the like, and whatever game they are playing.
There are small fires burning, and singing fills the air when a woman with curly red hair claps her hands to get everyone’s attention.
Parents and children alike gather around the fires as we make our way stealthily around the pond, drawing gradually nearer.
I know this scene as well, and yet I am mesmerized as and ancient ritual of cleansing is celebrated with good cheer and careful planning. One child after another is behind lifted by the arms and swiftly swung over a low burning fire by fathers and mothers, while others applaud and cheer from the sidelines. Songs are sung, and twilight settles fast in the late autumn air.
“What…?” I have to ask again, but before I finish my companion points into the distance where a little girl is excitedly and noisily playing hide and seek with a group of her friends.
I stumble to a halt as I stare.
Pigtails of thin ashblond hair, red ribbons limply dangling down, swinging as she runs on sturdy leather boots in search of a proper hiding place. I watch astounded, as she grins widely, showing a big empty gap where her two front teeth were supposed to be, and then scampers into the reed. She is wearing a corduroy coat of a deep brown. It tops a woolen skirt of some cheery print, topping warm black tights that disappear into her boots.
A much familiar sight for me, even though I am still reluctant to believe that the oval shape face with the green/brown eyes, sloppy grin and sturdy little body are of the little girl I believe her to be.
“I can’t believe he brought me here,” I whisper at him, feeling him stand behind me as he slips both arms around me waist.
“I wanted to see,” he says simply, resting his chin on my shoulder as we both watch the little girl burst from the reed in an attempt to reach the tree stump of the “seeker” before he, a small asian boy, can return.
“This is so dangerous;” I whisper again. Still staring at the little girl who reaches the tree trunk just too late when the seeker beats her to it. She frowns and stamps her foot in frustration, talking to the little boy like the outspoken child she is. Before she can throw an actual tantrum her name is called, showing me her mother, standing near the trees on the left of the pond. She is waving at the girl to come join her by the fire for her turn, and then the picnic tables where sumptuous food is waiting.
The little girl is about to turn when something, I don’t know what makes her glance in our direction and frown in confusion.
(She is of course me, when I was little more than six years old and out on an excursion with family and friends, and I am staring at the whole scene from across the lake, worrying what disaster we might cause traveling back here.)
She is looking straight at us, and quite automatically, I raise my hand in a wave. This has the girl hesitate some more. She stands there, looking at us as if she doesn’t know what to think of our presence since it is quite clear that we don’t look anything like the other parents bustling about.
I don’t understand why he has brought me here, or why he would want to visit here at all. For all intents and purposes, this is just an unmemorable day from my past…so many, many years ago.
“I don’t understand,” I tell him, still watching the little girl who is standing there by the shore her little hands fluttering over her big pockets and then sinking in as behind her, her mother approaches and places a concerned hand on her shoulder.
The little girl smiles her toothless grin again, looks up bright-eyed and immediately forgets about us while she takes her mother’s hand and skips down the grassy path to join the fun by the fires.
“I know,” he says from his place behind me, squeezing me tightly once more and adding, “Are you ready to go back?”
Before I can answer him, the view blurs and I wake up to that friggin’ annoying tune of my phone-alarm.

Jeez. I really need to put a nice song on there again, because this drives me bonkers.
But anyway, so much for my time traveling dream. *Sigh*

Now the clincher is of course that when I think back of that particular excursion I could swear that I remember two people standing on the other side of the pond, staring at me rather strangely. Hah.

But okay. Enough about that.
For the most part the last couple of days were spent working in the yard, driving around because Sally had car trouble an hour away so we had to pick her up and then mess with the Daewoo afterwards to find out why the brakes didn’t work.

We couldn’t figure it out, because it worked just fine for us, but to play it safe we had to bring it to the shop today and left it there so they can check the pads and cylinder. There goes more of the savings, I guess. Darn it.

Dax’s ear is healing, but he is of course making a nuisance of himself trying to get rid of the bandage all the time. Same goes for Knight II, who still insists on taking his bandage off his tail at least once a day.

I’ve been spending quite some time with tenant again, which isn’t bad if it weren’t so time-consuming. Ah, no helping it, I guess. Note to self: must make cream cheese tomorrow.
Sorry ‘bout that. Needed to remind myself. Hah.

Well, that’s gotta be it. I need to get to work on the edit. Luckily we had a relatively good one yesterday, because it is already eleven. Blast!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Through the roof

Song of the day: “Love is strange (Come here Loverboy)” by Silvia and Mickey...which I didn’t know until I looked it up the other day. Seriously, in my mind it will always be the song Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey fool around with in Dirty Dancing. Hah.

So my mind is muddled again, meaning that you’re going to have to make due with a sum up that is as messed up as my brain.
There were, as always (it is like death and taxes, hah), laundry to tackle. Big batches too, because for some reason everyone is constantly throwing stuff in the laundry, meaning that there is a lot of hanging and folding for me. Ah well, luckily Sally insists on doing her fair share, and now does two batches or so in the afternoon.

Since tenant’s caretaker has a part time job again, I get to spend a lot of time with tenant again. For the past two mornings I’ve been helping her out, get ready and changed and then down the mountain towards my terrace where she will then enjoy the afternoons in the sun. Luckily she loves it so much, otherwise all the outside sitting might get annoying for her.

So yeah, the past couple of days were a tad busy, especially what with summer time starting. Yikes. This is the first time ever that daylight savings time is hacking into me. I feel completely harried for some reason, just because I can’t seem to adjust to it right now. Had to take a nap today because I was actually nauseous from tiredness.
Ah well, luckily the nap was rather pleasant, not to mention that the dogs were estatic.

Okay, a bit of bad news. The other day, Dax (pocket Beagle) got snarled at by one of my other dogs (I think Touri, who’s getting more grumpy every day. Can’t blame him either) and I didn’t know that something was wrong until I saw blood lying about. Turns out a part of his ear (half an inch, or so) had been ripped, meaning that for the past couple of days I have been walking around with bandages keeping track of both him and Knight II who is also insisting on ripping his off every other minute. Aaaargh.
Luckily Dax’s wound only looks bad and needs time to heal, because it stopped bleeding and as long as he doesn’t shake his head to get rid of bandages, (he’s wearing a cut off sock as a hat to keep it immobile a little) it will be fine.

Right, seeing as we really needed to put the new patio roof in place, we started with it yesterday, and were still at it today.
First we had to take of the old, and while big brother and grandpa did that, Dani and I worked in the old horse paddock to hose down the panelling that we’ve been saving for at least six months. It was pretty dirty, so it took a while.
Afterwards grandpa cut one of them, and I did the other using a thin disk on the angle grinder. That thing always freaks me out, but what the hey, gotta be able to use it, eh?

The old plating was taken off and hauled up to storage (got a nice batch of glass fiber on my cheek and left arm, but what the hey) and the old support beams screwed loose so we could clean and paint them. Boy were they rusty. Now they’re a nice and shiny silver, and it looks far better, believe you me. Hmmm. I have to promise pictures of course.

Old woodwork had to be screwed loose, dirt removed and hauled off, scrape work and paintwork done (today and yesterday) and estimates made for what still needs to be done in the near future. A lot of the woodwork is going to need a lick of paint soon, because it has suffered considerably in the past ten years or so.
I’ve gotta admit to being a little nervous about hanging out over balustrades while wielding heavy equipment, for some reason I always get a sense of falling, even when I don’t.

This morning big brother and I spent the majority of our time in the yard. The potatoes, cauliflowers, leek, sprouts and such had to be watered (we used the basin, yay) and of course we had to check if everything was doing well.

The pumpkins, tomatoes, the passionflowers (that we sowed in the greenhouse last fall) and the wild grape all had to placed outside for their “hardening”, and of course, before sunset be brought back inside.

The raspberries, strawberries, brambles, blue berries and all the other fruit types got watered too. What with the temperatures rising, we’re going to have to make a habit of this again. We’re going to see how long the basin holds for sure.

Since we were in the yard anyway, I gathered chard, fresh herbs the last of the peppers and lettuce so we could have lunch of French bread with fresh veggies and a herbal yogurt sauce over it. Tenant ate with us, of course, and afterward we had cake as desert, at which time we went on with the roof.

While big brother and grandpa tackled the roof, I worked on the window frame that is going to be part of the support on the east side of the patio. It used to have wooden paneling, rather than glass, but since we’re going for light, we decided to put a window in there. Worked out well too, what with the solid wood serving dual purposes.

Today was ended with a bout of pancake baking, which was rather nice, even though porridge is far more soothing for some reason.

Edits have been going atrocious, partly because of the tiredness, of course. When I’m tired, big brother is doing fine, and when I’m fine; big brother can’t keep his eyes open. Very frustrating. Ah well, we’ll get back to our normal routine in time, I’m sure.

That’s it for today. Time for me to try to tackle more typos, grammatical errors and Gawd knows what else.