Song of the day: “You’re cooler than me” by Mike Posner. I still find it a catchy and funny song. End up bouncing around when it comes on (as in the radio of iTunes, not when it’s in my head) every time.
Bad news first. Well, not really bad, just troubling. Sitabah has been feeling “off” these past few days to when I saw her shiver this afternoon, and heard her moan and tuck in her stomach while she tried to lie down, we decided to play it safe and take her to the vet for a quick check. Otherwise you’ll see we’ll have to rush there during the night, or tomorrow after visiting hours. That’s always how it goes, ya know. So we went, and she got looked at, and turned out to have a fever. Also some mucus around the eyes, and a sensitive belly…so just to be sure she’ll be going on antibiotics for the next two weeks. *sigh*
But okay, we’ll just have to see how that goes for the next three to four days. On to the past couple of days, shall we. Well, I’ve opened another blog. Unlike this one where I just jabber on most of the time, I’ll be using that primarily as a photo blog I hope that in the near future I’ll be able to get some portraits on there, which is course the plan. Hah. Maybe I’ll even manage to talk some people on the market into posing. That would be cool. You’ll have to see. This is the link:
I’m going to try to post a picture on there a few times a week, but we’re going to have to see how that goes.
Today was a bit of an aberration, in particular since I felt absolutely awful this morning after I managed to write about one page in two hours. My ears were humming, my eyes stinging, and nausea swirled in my stomach. So rather than schlep my way through the day, I decided to head for bed and catch some zzzzs.
Slept for three friggin’ hours, and had the oddest dream that I was out for a job interview at this limo company. My interview involved driving the owner in a somewhat dilapidated looking Limo on a rather long and winding road that just kept going down and down. At a certain point I started to notice that the brakes were rather sloppy, which I mentioned to the owner, who just shrugged and told me to go on. I did, and once the road straightened out, we suddenly came across this rather massive bump in the road which I barely managed to go slow enough not to scrape the bottom of the car. I stopped right after, and looked at the interview guy who looked harried, got out, walked around the limo twice staring intently, and then said: “Can you start Sunday?”
*snort* That’s about when I woke up a little overheated and a little grumpy. Don’t you just hate wasting an afternoon like that? I sure do. But, admittedly, I’ve been burning the candle on both ends a little lately, so it’s not surprising that it caught up with me.
I was a good Sammie again, because I ate my meat right after. Didn’t complain (too much) stuffed it down my throat and only needed one chocolate cookie afterward to rinse the taste away. Hah. Then it was time to start loading the car for tomorrow’s market. Since we’re sharing a spot with someone, we’ll have to arrange everything different than the last few times, so I’m taking less tables. Less hauling that way anyway.
Sally came back home today. It was a close call whether it was going to be yesterday, but alas, another trip to the hospital had to be taken. Sally was her usual (at least what is usual for her these days) grumpy self and needed quite a bit of help after two weeks of inactivity.
No time for cooking today…luckily yesterday was an entirely different matter.
The day started at usual (too early to my liking, hah) with the normal chores after which we had to rush into the yard because the past two days hadn’t allowed for us to water the plants at all. Poor darlings were looking miserable, so we spent about an hour watering the lot, harvesting broccoli, sugar peas and zucchinis. In other words, dinner. Hah.
What followed was an hour and a half of writing, after which big brother helped tenant to her bed for a nap while I started to do some cleaning in the carport, because let’s face it, the place was starting to look like a pigsty. Hah. We had tentatively planned to work on the kitchen, but what the hey, another day won’t matter. Hah
Had to go out again, another donation, food past the expiration date for the dogs, mind you. Much appreciated that, what with the price dog food rising steadily.
Grandpa wasn’t feeling well in the morning, but luckily it got better during the day. He did call the doctor, just to be sure that it had nothing to do with the pills. According to the doctor it was unlikely, so grandpa was reassured by that.
Played around with my camera a little yesterday. Got some nice shots done, know a little more about the machine. So far I am happy with the thing. It’s pretty much self-explanatory, and I think I’ll get it figured out in time.
Also messed with the new blog, of course, trying out letter types and all. It’ll take some time, but then it should look very nice at some point. Hah
Cooking involved the morning’s harvest. Broccoli with the sugar peas baked in butter, with rice and coconut milk-curry zucchinis on the side. It went down remarkably well.
Knight II’s ear is doing well enough, all things considered and…yikes almost midnight. I gotta go. In six hours I gotta be up again. :-)
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
It's here!
Song of the day: “Let the sun shine”, by Labrinth, and boy did it ever. Today was our first real summery day, and it was wonderfully scorching. Seriously, today I knew that it was June, and it was wonderful.
Alright then, the fun bit today. While we were at Spanish lesson today, I got a message that my camera arrived and that I could go pick it up. Yay. So exciting…if not a little daunting. I’ve played around a little with digital photography with my phones, but this is the first time I’ll be working with a digital camera, after using the Pentax (film) for the last time some odd ten years ago. *sigh* I miss that old thing, I tell ya.
But anyway, I fooled around with it a little during the course of the evening…until the light faded, that is. Here are a few shots, just to see how it looks. I still have to figure out about the lighting, but that’ll take time an practice of course.
The Dax. At least he posed for me.

Sitabah. Caught her just in time. When I tried again, she turned her head away.

Indigo. All's well in Indigo's world. No worries.

The Chaos...he refused to pose. See that eye? That was all the response I got for calling him.

Kollosus, who's a little on the skinny side at the moment.

But I’ll figure it out, just you wait and see.
So yeah, let’s get to the past couple of days, shall we? Am happy to report that yesterday I got more than seven hours of sleep and last night I also made the seven hour mark, so I’m a little less ragged at the moment. Yay. Do wake up a lot lately, and am not entirely sure why. Might be that I’m not getting enough exercise lately. Some situps in the evening and going up the hospital stairs just won’t cut it. I either need a boxing session, or a jog…better yet, both. Hah.
Did some writing, of course, along with editing for E.D. But also proofreading for ATOL, which is partly for fun, and partly to see if it is good enough to send out to publishers. I like it, but there are times that I fear that it might be written a bit old fashioned, and not at all snappy the way folks seem to like these days. Ah well, only one way to find out, right.
Knight II had to go back to the veterinary. Discovered during the weekend that his ear (you remember the last time, right?) was swelling up again. Yep, the fun’s starting all over again, darn it. He had to have a whole operation, and now his ear is filled with sutures once more. Little darling is even a little depressed, I fear.
Had to go to hospital again. Sally still isn’t being discharged. They’re not happy with her blood, so far, so she’s there to stay…for now. Added to that, she’s terribly confused, not to mention convinced that the staff is “doing this to her” and that they’re all out to make her miserable, and are holding her against her will for weeks and weeks, and weeks. Not to mention that she’s being left to her own resources, and that no one ever comes to visit. *sigh* Most of our visits is talking her out of these delusions, and calm her down enough for her to get a little less down. Luckily, by the time our visits come to an end, she’s in much better spirits.
Anyway, it was some sort of holiday, so our plan to get Sally some of her much wanted kefir and fruit was foiled. The trip to the hospital went pleasantly fast, however, and at the hospital there was no one around in the stairwell to hear me puff like a steam locomotive on my way up the steps. Hah.
Strangely enough, opposite to Marbella, town was mostly open, so we did manage to get some groceries. Not a lot, mind you. Don’t need all that much these days, and besides, we’re being frugal.
Could pick up Knight II, who was still fuzzy, but more than willing to get the heck out of there.
Then there was cooking (chili with patties) proofreading and then, thankfully the day came to an end…only to start all over again today. *snort*
Yep. The usual chores, of course. Then Spanish homework for the simple reason that we didn’t find the time for it during the week. Next there was a quick breakfast, at which point big brother and I decided it would be smarter for us to just drive on to Marbella after Spanish lesson, and visit with Sally again. Otherwise we’d just have to head back home (going half the distance) only to have cousin Ed then drive back to the hospital, while we might as well get that over with. Sally was in a better mood today, at least.
Lesson didn’t go as well as yesterday. My brain just wouldn’t cooperate today. Very annoying. Did have a good conversation, however, which is also fun (while still being educational) since there are more and more words that I recognize.
Once we got back from the hospital (having missed lunch, we decided to snack on French bread and cream cheese) we picked up my camera, with which I played a bit, of course. Then we got home, I took a quick dip and then it was time to cook. Had a nice elaborate meal today. Baked tortellini, baked carrots with cauliflower, and mushrooms on the side. Went down really well.
And then, as the evening slowly drew to an end, another proofreading session, followed by the blog…et voila. That’s it. That’s all she wrote for today. No mas. Hah
Alright then, the fun bit today. While we were at Spanish lesson today, I got a message that my camera arrived and that I could go pick it up. Yay. So exciting…if not a little daunting. I’ve played around a little with digital photography with my phones, but this is the first time I’ll be working with a digital camera, after using the Pentax (film) for the last time some odd ten years ago. *sigh* I miss that old thing, I tell ya.
But anyway, I fooled around with it a little during the course of the evening…until the light faded, that is. Here are a few shots, just to see how it looks. I still have to figure out about the lighting, but that’ll take time an practice of course.
The Dax. At least he posed for me.
Sitabah. Caught her just in time. When I tried again, she turned her head away.
Indigo. All's well in Indigo's world. No worries.
The Chaos...he refused to pose. See that eye? That was all the response I got for calling him.
Kollosus, who's a little on the skinny side at the moment.
But I’ll figure it out, just you wait and see.
So yeah, let’s get to the past couple of days, shall we? Am happy to report that yesterday I got more than seven hours of sleep and last night I also made the seven hour mark, so I’m a little less ragged at the moment. Yay. Do wake up a lot lately, and am not entirely sure why. Might be that I’m not getting enough exercise lately. Some situps in the evening and going up the hospital stairs just won’t cut it. I either need a boxing session, or a jog…better yet, both. Hah.
Did some writing, of course, along with editing for E.D. But also proofreading for ATOL, which is partly for fun, and partly to see if it is good enough to send out to publishers. I like it, but there are times that I fear that it might be written a bit old fashioned, and not at all snappy the way folks seem to like these days. Ah well, only one way to find out, right.
Knight II had to go back to the veterinary. Discovered during the weekend that his ear (you remember the last time, right?) was swelling up again. Yep, the fun’s starting all over again, darn it. He had to have a whole operation, and now his ear is filled with sutures once more. Little darling is even a little depressed, I fear.
Had to go to hospital again. Sally still isn’t being discharged. They’re not happy with her blood, so far, so she’s there to stay…for now. Added to that, she’s terribly confused, not to mention convinced that the staff is “doing this to her” and that they’re all out to make her miserable, and are holding her against her will for weeks and weeks, and weeks. Not to mention that she’s being left to her own resources, and that no one ever comes to visit. *sigh* Most of our visits is talking her out of these delusions, and calm her down enough for her to get a little less down. Luckily, by the time our visits come to an end, she’s in much better spirits.
Anyway, it was some sort of holiday, so our plan to get Sally some of her much wanted kefir and fruit was foiled. The trip to the hospital went pleasantly fast, however, and at the hospital there was no one around in the stairwell to hear me puff like a steam locomotive on my way up the steps. Hah.
Strangely enough, opposite to Marbella, town was mostly open, so we did manage to get some groceries. Not a lot, mind you. Don’t need all that much these days, and besides, we’re being frugal.
Could pick up Knight II, who was still fuzzy, but more than willing to get the heck out of there.
Then there was cooking (chili with patties) proofreading and then, thankfully the day came to an end…only to start all over again today. *snort*
Yep. The usual chores, of course. Then Spanish homework for the simple reason that we didn’t find the time for it during the week. Next there was a quick breakfast, at which point big brother and I decided it would be smarter for us to just drive on to Marbella after Spanish lesson, and visit with Sally again. Otherwise we’d just have to head back home (going half the distance) only to have cousin Ed then drive back to the hospital, while we might as well get that over with. Sally was in a better mood today, at least.
Lesson didn’t go as well as yesterday. My brain just wouldn’t cooperate today. Very annoying. Did have a good conversation, however, which is also fun (while still being educational) since there are more and more words that I recognize.
Once we got back from the hospital (having missed lunch, we decided to snack on French bread and cream cheese) we picked up my camera, with which I played a bit, of course. Then we got home, I took a quick dip and then it was time to cook. Had a nice elaborate meal today. Baked tortellini, baked carrots with cauliflower, and mushrooms on the side. Went down really well.
And then, as the evening slowly drew to an end, another proofreading session, followed by the blog…et voila. That’s it. That’s all she wrote for today. No mas. Hah
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Song of the day: “Wild Rose” by Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave. Strangely dramatic song. Also not the most comfortable since it is rather depressing. I ended up singing “Things” by Nancy and Dean, just to get rid of it.
Right, the past couple of days have been hectic as usual, and because it is already late, I totally don’t feel like sharing. *sigh* Gotta do it, though, promised to keep the blog as accurate as possible, and frequent, come hell or high water…well, okay, if either of those last two happen, I am not going to blog. Hah.
Well, let’s see if we can keep this remotely short, alright? There were of course the usual chores. The ever pleasant laundry, feeding the dogs, doing some cleaning (yes, I did some in my cabin, yay!) and cooking. Nothing too fancy, mind you, but today there was a rather nice veggie mix to go with the burgers I made last Friday (90 of ‘m at least). It was perfectly edible.
Made a kiwi cheesecake, but it didn’t work out well. I did something wrong with the amount of gelatin. Such a pity. I bet it would have done well at the market…well, maybe not.
Writing wise I managed a total of six pages, I suppose. Both yesterday while at the market, and Saturday morning. The story is processing well. I also took the time to read some of it yesterday afternoon, so I could better remember what I’d already described. The flow is going well, and it reads very different from romance, which is good.
At the moment we are spending the evenings doing some proof reading for ATOL, which we want to send out one of these days. It is going well, I must say. Hardly any errors in the structure, only a few typos so far, so I’m very pleased. Also, the tone is still there, the flow pleasant and fun. We’ve been laughing quite a bit while going through the first forty pages or so.
Had to pick some stuff up, and while at the market I visited with Sally. She’s getting more and more confused, not to mention angry for everything not going the way she wants them to. I had to talk to her a long time before she realized that the things she thought were true weren’t. It was rather sad, really, in particular since the hospital is still not happy with her blood thinness, meaning that she can’t come home yet.
Getting way too little sleep. If I make it through six hours per night it’s a lot, and it ain’t good for me. I really need to find a way to change something about that. It won’t do. Oh, I managed some leather branding the other day, a Scarab that worked out rather well, but the picture didn’t do it justice, I fear.

The market was, profit wise, a bust. Barely sold enough to break even. A very strange audience today. Not at all the usual market folks that tend to come by. Added to that the weather wasn’t all that nice. In fact, there were a lot of clouds, and I was very happy about the fact that I had a sweater with me. Regretfully, the white blouse I was wearing got really dirty with a dark smear on the top, meaning I had to change into to tie dye mid-day. It didn’t look bad on me, so it was no big disaster, I just liked my blouse better.
Loading took quite a bit of time, meaning we were late getting home. Then of course we still had to unload (first eating, though, because I was friggin’ starving), get grandpa and big brother up to date on the day (talked with a nice Irish fella) who was on his way to Brazil with his German Shepherd.
Did manage some more proofreading after we got home, and then passed out during the night. Today, we opted not to do any computer work in the morning, meaning I wanted to work on the kitchen today. Got quite a bit of tiling done, again, yay. Most of the higher horizontal levels where the kitchen cupboards will be. Won’t be seeing much of them in the future, but it will be vastly cleanable. Hah. While cousin Ed and I worked on that (tenant kept us company) big brother did some masonry on the corner of the kitchen, and then took to looking at the future counters.
Big brother talked me out of the green cupboards, by the way. Instead we’re going for real wood again, to really get the “rustico” atmosphere going. I wasn’t too particular about it anyway, so if we can make this work that’s fine with me too. Just as long as it is easy to clean. With a little luck I’ll be able to cook in there next week, or the week thereafter.
Took most of the day, after which the whole cooking thing happened. Loved the garlic burgers. Hah. Oh, and Alexander II got "snipped" today poor darling. No choice there, what with so many of the females in heat. Waited too long, in fact.
Well that’s gotta be it for now. I’m ready for bed…almost.
Right, the past couple of days have been hectic as usual, and because it is already late, I totally don’t feel like sharing. *sigh* Gotta do it, though, promised to keep the blog as accurate as possible, and frequent, come hell or high water…well, okay, if either of those last two happen, I am not going to blog. Hah.
Well, let’s see if we can keep this remotely short, alright? There were of course the usual chores. The ever pleasant laundry, feeding the dogs, doing some cleaning (yes, I did some in my cabin, yay!) and cooking. Nothing too fancy, mind you, but today there was a rather nice veggie mix to go with the burgers I made last Friday (90 of ‘m at least). It was perfectly edible.
Made a kiwi cheesecake, but it didn’t work out well. I did something wrong with the amount of gelatin. Such a pity. I bet it would have done well at the market…well, maybe not.
Writing wise I managed a total of six pages, I suppose. Both yesterday while at the market, and Saturday morning. The story is processing well. I also took the time to read some of it yesterday afternoon, so I could better remember what I’d already described. The flow is going well, and it reads very different from romance, which is good.
At the moment we are spending the evenings doing some proof reading for ATOL, which we want to send out one of these days. It is going well, I must say. Hardly any errors in the structure, only a few typos so far, so I’m very pleased. Also, the tone is still there, the flow pleasant and fun. We’ve been laughing quite a bit while going through the first forty pages or so.
Had to pick some stuff up, and while at the market I visited with Sally. She’s getting more and more confused, not to mention angry for everything not going the way she wants them to. I had to talk to her a long time before she realized that the things she thought were true weren’t. It was rather sad, really, in particular since the hospital is still not happy with her blood thinness, meaning that she can’t come home yet.
Getting way too little sleep. If I make it through six hours per night it’s a lot, and it ain’t good for me. I really need to find a way to change something about that. It won’t do. Oh, I managed some leather branding the other day, a Scarab that worked out rather well, but the picture didn’t do it justice, I fear.

The market was, profit wise, a bust. Barely sold enough to break even. A very strange audience today. Not at all the usual market folks that tend to come by. Added to that the weather wasn’t all that nice. In fact, there were a lot of clouds, and I was very happy about the fact that I had a sweater with me. Regretfully, the white blouse I was wearing got really dirty with a dark smear on the top, meaning I had to change into to tie dye mid-day. It didn’t look bad on me, so it was no big disaster, I just liked my blouse better.
Loading took quite a bit of time, meaning we were late getting home. Then of course we still had to unload (first eating, though, because I was friggin’ starving), get grandpa and big brother up to date on the day (talked with a nice Irish fella) who was on his way to Brazil with his German Shepherd.
Did manage some more proofreading after we got home, and then passed out during the night. Today, we opted not to do any computer work in the morning, meaning I wanted to work on the kitchen today. Got quite a bit of tiling done, again, yay. Most of the higher horizontal levels where the kitchen cupboards will be. Won’t be seeing much of them in the future, but it will be vastly cleanable. Hah. While cousin Ed and I worked on that (tenant kept us company) big brother did some masonry on the corner of the kitchen, and then took to looking at the future counters.
Big brother talked me out of the green cupboards, by the way. Instead we’re going for real wood again, to really get the “rustico” atmosphere going. I wasn’t too particular about it anyway, so if we can make this work that’s fine with me too. Just as long as it is easy to clean. With a little luck I’ll be able to cook in there next week, or the week thereafter.
Took most of the day, after which the whole cooking thing happened. Loved the garlic burgers. Hah. Oh, and Alexander II got "snipped" today poor darling. No choice there, what with so many of the females in heat. Waited too long, in fact.
Well that’s gotta be it for now. I’m ready for bed…almost.
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