Right, the past couple of days have been hectic as usual, and because it is already late, I totally don’t feel like sharing. *sigh* Gotta do it, though, promised to keep the blog as accurate as possible, and frequent, come hell or high water…well, okay, if either of those last two happen, I am not going to blog. Hah.
Well, let’s see if we can keep this remotely short, alright? There were of course the usual chores. The ever pleasant laundry, feeding the dogs, doing some cleaning (yes, I did some in my cabin, yay!) and cooking. Nothing too fancy, mind you, but today there was a rather nice veggie mix to go with the burgers I made last Friday (90 of ‘m at least). It was perfectly edible.
Made a kiwi cheesecake, but it didn’t work out well. I did something wrong with the amount of gelatin. Such a pity. I bet it would have done well at the market…well, maybe not.
Writing wise I managed a total of six pages, I suppose. Both yesterday while at the market, and Saturday morning. The story is processing well. I also took the time to read some of it yesterday afternoon, so I could better remember what I’d already described. The flow is going well, and it reads very different from romance, which is good.
At the moment we are spending the evenings doing some proof reading for ATOL, which we want to send out one of these days. It is going well, I must say. Hardly any errors in the structure, only a few typos so far, so I’m very pleased. Also, the tone is still there, the flow pleasant and fun. We’ve been laughing quite a bit while going through the first forty pages or so.
Had to pick some stuff up, and while at the market I visited with Sally. She’s getting more and more confused, not to mention angry for everything not going the way she wants them to. I had to talk to her a long time before she realized that the things she thought were true weren’t. It was rather sad, really, in particular since the hospital is still not happy with her blood thinness, meaning that she can’t come home yet.
Getting way too little sleep. If I make it through six hours per night it’s a lot, and it ain’t good for me. I really need to find a way to change something about that. It won’t do. Oh, I managed some leather branding the other day, a Scarab that worked out rather well, but the picture didn’t do it justice, I fear.

The market was, profit wise, a bust. Barely sold enough to break even. A very strange audience today. Not at all the usual market folks that tend to come by. Added to that the weather wasn’t all that nice. In fact, there were a lot of clouds, and I was very happy about the fact that I had a sweater with me. Regretfully, the white blouse I was wearing got really dirty with a dark smear on the top, meaning I had to change into to tie dye mid-day. It didn’t look bad on me, so it was no big disaster, I just liked my blouse better.
Loading took quite a bit of time, meaning we were late getting home. Then of course we still had to unload (first eating, though, because I was friggin’ starving), get grandpa and big brother up to date on the day (talked with a nice Irish fella) who was on his way to Brazil with his German Shepherd.
Did manage some more proofreading after we got home, and then passed out during the night. Today, we opted not to do any computer work in the morning, meaning I wanted to work on the kitchen today. Got quite a bit of tiling done, again, yay. Most of the higher horizontal levels where the kitchen cupboards will be. Won’t be seeing much of them in the future, but it will be vastly cleanable. Hah. While cousin Ed and I worked on that (tenant kept us company) big brother did some masonry on the corner of the kitchen, and then took to looking at the future counters.
Big brother talked me out of the green cupboards, by the way. Instead we’re going for real wood again, to really get the “rustico” atmosphere going. I wasn’t too particular about it anyway, so if we can make this work that’s fine with me too. Just as long as it is easy to clean. With a little luck I’ll be able to cook in there next week, or the week thereafter.
Took most of the day, after which the whole cooking thing happened. Loved the garlic burgers. Hah. Oh, and Alexander II got "snipped" today poor darling. No choice there, what with so many of the females in heat. Waited too long, in fact.
Well that’s gotta be it for now. I’m ready for bed…almost.
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