
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This and that.

Song of the day: “The boy does nothing” by Alesha Dixon.

Stuff is basically going steadily on, much like the track we’ve been on for the past week or so.
The new office is going slowly, but is showing considerable promise. Plans have been altered a little, however, considering big brother and I spend the majority of an average day working on the computers, we’ve opted to make the office slightly bigger. At first we were going to make it nine by twelve feet, but now we’re going to make it nine by twenty instead.

During the course of the past two days the walls have been painted, repairs have been made and the foundation of our future desk has been set up. It doesn’t look like much yet, but we’ll get there in the end.

So yesterday (I had “Staying alive” in my head from the moment I woke up, by the way. It was insane, really) there was a garbage run again, due to which we ended up with a nice stash of wood that is going to come in really handy during the latest (and future) project. It looked like some sort of carpentry store got rid of leftovers because there were all sorts of sizes, wood types and whatnot, so we’ll definitely be able to use a lot for sure. Grandpa was pretty much ecstatic, hah.

Mom spend the majority of today making soy-veggie burgers, which made for a sturdy dinner and filled the house with delicious scents. Afterwards she pitched in with starting the paint job of what is going to be our desk, so that is one task less for us to take care off in the next few days.

I, on the other had was busy walking back and forth to the carport to get tools and supplies…because I kept forgetting stuff, aaargh. Ah well, at least I got my exercise, just like yesterday when I hauled this week’s dog food DOWN to the carport where they’re all nicely stacked under the roof now.

Though yesterday’s weather was downright marvelous,-sunny with a fresh breeze-today started out cloudy but around noon, those very clouds started leaking a soft drizzle that does miracles for the garden, but makes me crabby. It does the same for the dogs, naturally, since they want to go with us everywhere and end up soaking wet.

I worked a bit with plaster cement, both today and yesterday, covering up holes and the likes before the sibs painted the lot, but it was definitely worth the effort when I hung up two lamps tonight that light the place up. I can hardly wait until it is ready.

While big brother departed for another garbage run, I stayed behind to hang a small kitchen cabinet (the mess on top of the ones already there was driving me bonkers, so I decided to add a new one) and then settle down for today’s messages and the blog, of course. Can’t forget the blog, now can I. Soon I will have been at it for a full year, and I should at least describe every single day until that time.

Yes, I might decide to make some changes by the end of the year…I don’t know what yet…but still. Doing this for a full year was a deal I made with myself, and I will see it through, come hell or high water. Hah.

As for the proofreading…it is going relatively well. Remember that scene I mentioned the last time? Well, even though big brother stumbled one a few snags, we did manage to get through it without major arguments, (which was what happened the last time…it was so darn frustrating) and could just focus on adjusting said snags in a mutually satisfactory fashion. Phew. I was seriously worried there for a bit, and had to do my very best not to watch him wield the pen on the ones so pristine pages like a butcher. Hah.

The scene leading to it was good, though…which was a surprise since we remembered that one being a hassle too. But all in all, we’re getting there, I think. Just five more chapters or so to go and then we don’t have to worry too much when (and if) the editor wants to see the rest. Some of the random reading, sure, but no more editing, thankfully.

I have found out that I’m going to have to get some new pants soon. The ones I have are now official at least four sizes too big, and even the ones that I used to wear around the age of sixteen are starting to sag, so…yeah, waiting for sales to begin. There really is no helping it, unless mom manages to take them in, in a way that they won’t look like…well, crap. Hah

Well, that about does it, I guess. Not much more to tell other than that I am missing about an inch of skin on my thumb because the idiot Knight II decided to flop his paws down on a board I was in the process of lifting off the floor. Yikes! That skin went off as if someone decided to use a cheese grater on me, for crying out loud. He’s just such a moron sometimes. Heck, there are days that I think he’s a small pony, rather than a dog.

Oh yeah, I had the “brilliant” idea to do some exercises last night…it was high time for it too, since I was sore as heck this morning. I really need to start doing exercises again…and I will, just as soon as I can find some extra time…somewhere.

And that brings today’s sum up to an end. I feel like I’m slacking, but for the life of me I can’t come up with a way to drag this recount out. Sure, I could whine a little about politics, ‘cause lets face it, there have been some doozies…don’t get me started ‘cause I get riled when I think of those who are supposed to rule the country. Morons, the lot of them!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Where to start?

Song of the day: “Forever” by Chris Brown. Boy, I have this song a lot, don’t I?

I’ve been doing a lot of “running behind” these past couple of days. The nightly ventures into proofreading keep us distracted to a point where we are at least two hours late for bed, twice in a row now…the plus is that we’re making proper headway, of course. Only a few more chapters to go and then we won’t need to worry about anything other than random read-throughs the way we did with the first few chapters.

Yesterday was a really fun read, good scenes that made us laugh and smirk at the same time, and today we came upon the (used-to-be) disaster chapter from the “edit week from hell” (remember the nineteen hours a day for a week, gawd thinking of it still gives me shivers). So it wasn’t bad at all today…thankfully. I read through it easily, didn’t stutter in the narrative once, and what in my memory was locked as a solid ten pages turned out to be only TWO.

Yeah, I don’t know how that could have happened either. But if asked, I would have sworn that there were at least more than eight…must have been too traumatic for my memory to function properly. Hah. But then, the sisters both have faulty memories about the scene too. Middle sister remembered eight, and little sister five at least. Totally weird, I know.

But anyway, tomorrow (or tonight) big brother will read the scene, so afterwards we should know whether we have to do a lot about it or can leave it as it is…I’m hoping the latter, because I kinda like the way it reads now.

So, that was the reading and editing bit for the past few days, on to the other projects.
Cleaning was par for the course yesterday, along with demolition (sorta). The younger sibs and I spent the majority of it cleaning out the corner that is going to be the office. And, oh boy, was it messy. It almost felt as if we were cleaning out an old attic, or something.

Grandpa and big brother worked on the rabbit cage…which was finished today, by the way.
By the end of the afternoon we had finally cleared enough of the mess for me to disassemble the old desk-we’re going to use the rather massive top to build the new one-and declare the area empty enough for the next step.

In the mean time little brother heads for the “igloo” (weird name for guest quarters, I know, but it’s the only name we could think of for the tiny building that stands on the corner of the property. I’ll have to post a picture sometime. It’s hilarious) so he could varnish the door before winter starts. Five minutes later he comes back, totally out of breath telling us that there is a big fat poisonous snake lying on top of the table that stands in front of the building.

Big brother headed there, armed with shovels and scythes immediately, knowing full well that such a serpent can be dangerous around our dogs, and fully intend to “handle” it. But when we get there the nasty green scaled one has disappeared from sight. Aaargh. Now I wasn’t particularly thrilled with the prospect of what needed to be done, but still…ya really don’t want to come across one if you’re walking around with curious dogs. Lost a precious one that way several years ago, and it is really not something we want to risk again.

It might be time to have another tire burning in the near future. For some reason the smell of burning rubber keeps the slithering creatures at bay.

What with all the cleaning going on, a rather large pile of debris had to be towed off to the landfill, so the remainder of the evening was spent hauling everything into the car and driving down the mountain to the official dump site.

Now the fun part was, when we left, grandpa said: “Remember, if you see doors or glass panes, take them home.” And you’ll never guess what we saw when we got there…yep, beautiful, arched French doors that, together, will make up the complete wall that we still need to built. How’s that for Kismet…and recycling, for that matter. They’ll be downright gorgeous for the entrance of the office, that’s a fact.

And the fund didn’t stop there either. By the glass disposal unit, piles and pile of glass had been randomly set down, giving us a nice supply for at least a year’s worth of projects. Now all this filled up the cab nicely, and we were about to finish up too, when a dude came driving to the fill and in exchange for helping him unload we could take about fifteen wooden beams with us that had been used for a remodelling project and had now become obsolete. With a little sanding and shaving, they’ll be a good as new. I LOVE wood for that. So very versatile and usable.

We were on the way home, the cab filled to about seventy percent when we drive past the local nursery. I know I don’t have to ask. I bet you figured out what we found there…did you?
In case you didn’t…plants. Piles of them just dumped beside the road, and from the feel of their moist earth only hours before. They looked a little worse for wear, but in the end we drove off with the car filled to full capacity with a fir tree (it looks a little like a bonsai, and is about three feet high) two boxes-yes, the cartons were right beside it on a different pile- full of small flower bushes and two more with vines with bright red angora fluffs instead of petals.

Definitely a successful run, that. Added to another fun reading session late that night (much too late, but what the hey) it was an all-round grand day.

So today was mostly spent gardening. Putting plants in the ground during a sunny day is definitely a fun task, and they look downright cute, even though they are likely to take a little while to get to full potential. Nothing that a little TLC and time won’t cure, that’s a fact.

The gardening was followed by making plaster cement to finally fill up the big holes in the steeple of the roof, and put in a new threshold under the main door of the house.
The younger sibs spent most of the day painting plasterwork, and since tomorrow they will have to put the second layer on, big brother and I did a quick run to the hardware store for a bucket of new paint. Since we’ve already painted the new glass and wooden wall a light yellow, the walls will get the same color, of course.

By the time we got home, we had a quick dinner…little brother made Chinese…and then I settled on the veranda to quickly go through today’s messages and write the Blog. Knight II was completely insane tonight, by the way. While I was trying to work, the Great Dane kept pushing his face into me, tried to climb in my lap, and even slapped at the table until I finally had the brilliant idea to get a blanket and put it on the floor. The little sissy obviously found the tiles too cold, ‘cause as soon a he saw the blanket on the floor he stretched down on top of it, calm as you please. Idiot!

Yep, that about sums it up for the past two days, I guess. I’ve gotta remember to take some pics tomorrow because even though it might not seem that way from my point of view, we are getting quite a bit done these past few days.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Time passes fast when waiting.

Song of the day: “White Houses” by Vanessa Carlton. Had it before, and probably will again. Very catchy tune and fun to sing, can’t ask for anything better when it concerns being stuck with a song in my head.

I seriously overslept today. For some unfathomable reason I forgot to set my alarm last night so I was at least an hour late when I woke up this morning and blinked at the clock in confusion. I could have sworn that I set it before going to bed and yet…well, apparently I didn’t, darn it.

Since I was late, I pretty much hurried through the morning rituals…which were interrupted by grandpa, who delivered a package that had arrived today at the postal office. My book “W.I. Investigations: Volume 1-4” finally came. The post took 2 weeks, but luckily, it got here in time for me to send it out for Operation Desert Swap. It is so annoying that the publisher has made some sort of change in the mailing stuff. So send a single book to Spain costs me close to thirty bucks, for crying out loud…and I really need to get a few copies more for this kind of thing.

Ah well, at least I can support the troops on the “front line”. This way they’ll have something fun to do too, while they’re far away from home.

But anyway, once I’ve properly inspected the book and stored it again, I head down to the house for the morning chores, such as the laundry. The monster boxer is a tad annoying again today. For some peculiar reason she still thinks that, she has to put her teeth in something while we’re walking down to the house. Aaargh.

The morning chores over and done with, big brother and I get down to the most important thing of the day: proofreading! Yay. I know. This is so unusual…NOT. But what can I say, we want to be thorough, just in case the publisher wants to see the rest, and of course because we want to have the manuscript as perfect as we can possibly get it. Hah.

We work for a solid four hours before our brains begin to go mush from this particular task. While we were doing the corrections, I got this rather brilliant scene in my head for one of the sequels of “Saving Nina”…I have no idea what the title of the sequel is going to be, but the story is shaping up nicely in my head. I think it’s going to be a doozy, and I can’t wait to be done with both SN and “Commanding Morgan” so I can dig in.

After writing a page and a half for the sequel, it is time to head outside and figure out what it is we’re going to do first today. A short discussion ensues, a variety of possibilities come up before today’s pleasant weather makes it a perfect day for the chemical bath for the dogs. Considering that October means fleas, we really shouldn’t postpone it much longer.

Big brother drains half the pool…it was starting to turn green anyway, since we haven’t swam for almost two weeks now…and then throws in the vile stuff that is supposed to keep the little pesky buggers at bay.

Even though I don’t much fancy the idea of getting wet (it is inevitable nonetheless) and cold, there really isn’t much choice in the matter when the sibs start herding the dogs into the pool, with me dunking the mutts when they pass me on the stairs.
It takes a couple of hours, but then the task is done. There were several reluctant little buggers in the pack, of course, but in the end, it was a relatively painless venture for all parties involved. Once they’re all through, I head for the shower to wash off an get warm, and then it’s on to work on the veranda office and critter cages.

With the latter some haste is warranted, considering the rabbits are preventing two of the chinchillas to come down for food. I never would have believed it, if I hadn’t seen it myself. But rabbits, apparently, are a tad territorial. Heck, they’ll even attack human…without doing much damage, of course, but still.

While grandpa and big brother work on the cage, middle sister and I start clearing shelves in what is going to be our office. Little brother has offered to bring the excess stuff down to the storage room, and little sister makes a nice batch of tomato soup for our dinner.

After a couple of hours, with me hosing down the batch of drawers we found stacked under a batch of piled up…stuff, today’s project work comes to an end. Since mom likes to watch a show around this time, I take the small table from the courtyard and set it on the veranda, so I can work in peace and quiet, on this morning’s writing and the blog, of course.

Which brings us to a quick update of yesterday:
The publisher was kind enough to send me a "Got it" message...I'd asked in the letter, 'cause the last time the worrying drove me bonkers. So now it is all about waiting for the editor to read through the first few chapters and get back to me about whether she likes to see the rest of the manuscript.
I'm actually surprised at how accustomed I've become to the waiting. Yes, I'm still freaking out, but it's on the inside now, and no longer in the front of my brain, where it'll stop me from doing anything else. Hah.

Okay, gotta stop thinking about that. It needs to stay in the back of my mind, thank you very much. Grrr.

We were in the midst of finishing putting in the slats of the office wall, when a phone call from the garage disrupted the day. It brought the rather troublesome news that we’re going to have to shell out another 600 bucks (on top of the 500 we already had to pay for the repair job we’d brought it to the shop for) because the latter had caused damage to the new damage. Aaargh

So, instead of finishing up with the wall, and removing what was left of the big rabbit cage, (poor younger sibs had to finish it alone) we had to go to the village to check it all out. We also had to rent a car for the next few days because we really do not want another snafu like the last time, when we didn’t have a car. But boy, this is seriously going to eat into our savings. In all honesty we had counted on some repairs when we bought the Land Rover second hand, but it would have been nice if the “maybe” had stayed just that.

After talking with the garage, we decided to go to town too, and get some groceries that should tide us over until next week, when we have our own car back. Gawd, the tiny Hyundai really annoyed me. We barely managed to fit in a week’s supply, for crying out loud. It makes me really appreciate the big car. Aaargh.

The puppies were and are doing grand. They got some medicine for parasites and have shifted from porridge to puppy kibble, so their intestines are quieting down. Our tenant’s caregiver absolutely adores them; so the little ones are definitely loved, which is really the only requirement when it concerns pets.

So, that pretty much brings the past two days to an end. My dogs are exhausted…I don’t think they’re all that appreciative of our efforts to keep them parasite free, ‘cause even though they’re clustered around me (as usual), whenever I glance in their direction they’ll huffily turn away. Hah. Idiots!

That’s it, I guess. I wish I had grand news, but life is pretty much going on as usual over here. I am going to enjoy expanding about the office project in the near future, though. We’ve got a grand plan, that’s a fact.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Busy stuff.

Song of the day: “The lion sleeps tonight” by Robert John, apparently. Could have fooled me, I’ve known the song for ages and never even bothered to figure out who sang it. Hah. No matter, though: it’s a great song.

Well, it’s been a busy couple of days, really. Yesterday two puppies died. We had intended to take them to the vet this morning, but it was already too late. The other two are fine, so that’s a relief.

The younger sibs and I put a small wall section behind my cabin, where mud tends to pile up during the rain. It was a very basic task, not hard at all, so we were basically just chatting while we went back and forth between painting the small metal ladder we intend to use for easy access to the wall.

We also did some repairing of the fences, because when grandpa and big brother were busy burying the poor little dogs, some of the pack members decided to tear the fence (with their teeth and a lot of persistence) and then scaled it by the dozen. We put a section of another fence on it as a temporary solution…or at least until we have time to put something permanent in its place.

Then we finished the basis of the glass and wood window, and put it in place. Quite amazingly, it fit in with only a few millimeters to spare, and even without the glass, it looked downright beautiful. Fit like a glove, and during the course of the afternoon (today) middle sister and I puzzled the freshly cut glass into place. Not easy, since every square was a slightly different size, but in the end we had them all in, and mom cleaned the glass panes.

Luckily, we did all the painting yesterday because it made the job so much easier today. After the glass was put in place, middle sister moved the rabbits from the old cage into that of the chinchillas. Since we’re building a new one under there and need to take the old one apart (so we’ll have room for our office) they’ll be fine there for the time being.

Once the rabbits are out of the way, we start on the tedious task of getting the fencing off the old cage, and slowly take the majority off.
Soon the afternoon turns into the evening and after a late dinner it is time to head up to my cabin.

So now comes the fun part. We have actually finished the read through of the first chapters that need to be sent to the publisher before tomorrow. It turned out grand…grand I tell ya! I’m so curious what the editor is going to think of it, ‘cause, well, I love it. The synopsis is checked. So are the chapters, or course…page numbering, paper size, etc. etc. Now, unless I missed something atrocious, it can’t get any better. I’m keeping my fingers, toes, hands, feet and…heck I’ll even keep my eyes crossed if I have ta. Hah.

And there you have it; the end of this appallingly short summation. There just aren’t enough hours in the day, are there? *sigh*