
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This and that.

Song of the day: “The boy does nothing” by Alesha Dixon.

Stuff is basically going steadily on, much like the track we’ve been on for the past week or so.
The new office is going slowly, but is showing considerable promise. Plans have been altered a little, however, considering big brother and I spend the majority of an average day working on the computers, we’ve opted to make the office slightly bigger. At first we were going to make it nine by twelve feet, but now we’re going to make it nine by twenty instead.

During the course of the past two days the walls have been painted, repairs have been made and the foundation of our future desk has been set up. It doesn’t look like much yet, but we’ll get there in the end.

So yesterday (I had “Staying alive” in my head from the moment I woke up, by the way. It was insane, really) there was a garbage run again, due to which we ended up with a nice stash of wood that is going to come in really handy during the latest (and future) project. It looked like some sort of carpentry store got rid of leftovers because there were all sorts of sizes, wood types and whatnot, so we’ll definitely be able to use a lot for sure. Grandpa was pretty much ecstatic, hah.

Mom spend the majority of today making soy-veggie burgers, which made for a sturdy dinner and filled the house with delicious scents. Afterwards she pitched in with starting the paint job of what is going to be our desk, so that is one task less for us to take care off in the next few days.

I, on the other had was busy walking back and forth to the carport to get tools and supplies…because I kept forgetting stuff, aaargh. Ah well, at least I got my exercise, just like yesterday when I hauled this week’s dog food DOWN to the carport where they’re all nicely stacked under the roof now.

Though yesterday’s weather was downright marvelous,-sunny with a fresh breeze-today started out cloudy but around noon, those very clouds started leaking a soft drizzle that does miracles for the garden, but makes me crabby. It does the same for the dogs, naturally, since they want to go with us everywhere and end up soaking wet.

I worked a bit with plaster cement, both today and yesterday, covering up holes and the likes before the sibs painted the lot, but it was definitely worth the effort when I hung up two lamps tonight that light the place up. I can hardly wait until it is ready.

While big brother departed for another garbage run, I stayed behind to hang a small kitchen cabinet (the mess on top of the ones already there was driving me bonkers, so I decided to add a new one) and then settle down for today’s messages and the blog, of course. Can’t forget the blog, now can I. Soon I will have been at it for a full year, and I should at least describe every single day until that time.

Yes, I might decide to make some changes by the end of the year…I don’t know what yet…but still. Doing this for a full year was a deal I made with myself, and I will see it through, come hell or high water. Hah.

As for the proofreading…it is going relatively well. Remember that scene I mentioned the last time? Well, even though big brother stumbled one a few snags, we did manage to get through it without major arguments, (which was what happened the last time…it was so darn frustrating) and could just focus on adjusting said snags in a mutually satisfactory fashion. Phew. I was seriously worried there for a bit, and had to do my very best not to watch him wield the pen on the ones so pristine pages like a butcher. Hah.

The scene leading to it was good, though…which was a surprise since we remembered that one being a hassle too. But all in all, we’re getting there, I think. Just five more chapters or so to go and then we don’t have to worry too much when (and if) the editor wants to see the rest. Some of the random reading, sure, but no more editing, thankfully.

I have found out that I’m going to have to get some new pants soon. The ones I have are now official at least four sizes too big, and even the ones that I used to wear around the age of sixteen are starting to sag, so…yeah, waiting for sales to begin. There really is no helping it, unless mom manages to take them in, in a way that they won’t look like…well, crap. Hah

Well, that about does it, I guess. Not much more to tell other than that I am missing about an inch of skin on my thumb because the idiot Knight II decided to flop his paws down on a board I was in the process of lifting off the floor. Yikes! That skin went off as if someone decided to use a cheese grater on me, for crying out loud. He’s just such a moron sometimes. Heck, there are days that I think he’s a small pony, rather than a dog.

Oh yeah, I had the “brilliant” idea to do some exercises last night…it was high time for it too, since I was sore as heck this morning. I really need to start doing exercises again…and I will, just as soon as I can find some extra time…somewhere.

And that brings today’s sum up to an end. I feel like I’m slacking, but for the life of me I can’t come up with a way to drag this recount out. Sure, I could whine a little about politics, ‘cause lets face it, there have been some doozies…don’t get me started ‘cause I get riled when I think of those who are supposed to rule the country. Morons, the lot of them!

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