The day, the day, oh what to say…it was really quite average today, considering we spent most of it working on the basin wall again. Considering the weather was once again splendid (yes, I am deliberately making you northern folks jealous, hah) it was a rather wonderful.
Of course the day started with…hey wait, I didn’t get to yesterday yet, did I? Drat. Yes, yesterday was quite eventful seeing as we had to get up early again to make it to Málaga in time for our garage appointment. Seeing as we first needed to visit the moped garage so they could fix grandpa’s moped in time before the weekend. Grrr. Don’t you just hate it when you have to go back and forth to a garage because something else, or new is wrong? I do…with a passion.
But anyway, after dropping the moped off big brother and I headed for the city post-haste (were running behind once again of course) and arrived only five minutes late. I came prepared this time, mind you. I’d actually thought to take supplies to have breakfast with, so the first thing we did after dropping the car off and getting some fresh bread at the local supermarket, was head for a little park to break our fast. (Old-fashioned terms are so quaint.)
Since the park (the same one we sat at the last time) was chilly as heck, we got outta there really fast though. First we checked with the garage of course, but they had just put it on the bridge, so we had them put our bags in the back and headed for a place where there was would be sunshine at least: The beach! Yay.
Seriously, it is not at all glamorous in reality. It’s a boulevard with sand beside it. Some palm trees on grass (I wondered how they got it to grow there, by the way) and a bulldozer dragging through the dirt to open up the sewage system.
The sea was blue, though, and so was the sky, and in the full glare of the sun, it was actually rather nice there.
On the left of our location this one stood:

96 meters high, 8 meters across at the bottom, and 4 at the top, and from what I understood from the plaque beneath it, it was an old lead factory chimney the town placed there on the beach as some sort monument.
We wiled away a couple of hours playing some sort of tourist. The chimney, a local bird park, or some such. Walked about five miles, so we were nice and toasty by the time we got back and were allowed to take the car back home. The event set us back hours, of course, but money wise, luckily only twenty-five bucks, or so. The problem was a broken cable, apparently, and a busted light. *sigh* Imagine my relief.
We got home, where grandpa had already made all the preparations for us to start on the basin once more. The remainder of the afternoon was spent doing masonry, eating fresh veggie soup and finishing the last vestiges of daylight in the carport putting together a table for the greenhouse. Succeeded too, so all in all it was a successful day there.
The evening was of course spent editing, but that is nothing new, is it?
So that leaves us only with today: Nothing too interesting during the course of the day. Just the building, morning chores such as laundry and scrubbing the kettle (it was a mess, I tell ya) but then we could head out for the fun stuff.
Since everything in the greenhouse is doing so well, I (and Dani) spent about thirty minutes transplanting the pepper plants from the seeding bed to pots. The butternut pumpkins are doing great, by the way. Practically all the seeds came up. Yay.
Next there was the wall building. It took several hours and then I had to rush on up with Touri and Knight II. I had to get Touri to the vet yet, so she could check his drain (remove it, if possible) and finally got around to asking about spending a day there for the column. She said yes, so yay for that, but since this is an incredibly slow time, we decided to wait until she’s got a full schedule some day soon.
It will be fun, I think.
Well, I should get to work on the day’s edit. We’re almost through, just sixty more pages, and I for one will be happy when I can start sending this one out. Jeez. I need to get back to serious writing, rather than all this editing. Okay. Gotta go.