
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Song of the day…well, I don’t actually have one in my head right now. Could be because I’m sick as a dog, of course, and drank a bit too much of cheap wine last night, but what the hey, this is worth celebrating: No song of the day!

Right. Where to start? I know, I know, I’ve been writing way too little lately. Life is busy, I fear and at the end of the day I often can’t muster up the energy to be awake long enough to write this blasted blog.

First of, I’m writing this while I’m visiting in Spain. I arrived the evening before yesterday (sick as a dog, I’m sorry to say) meaning that I did get to spend time with my doggies, in bed, sleeping it off. And it was wonderful, piled under blankets and dogs…especially because coming home felt a little iffy at first, when Knight was all remote for all of five seconds, taking the time to sniff the tires rather than me, but once we were inside the car again, he plastered himself all over me, which was also wonderful. I couldn’t keep my eyes dry, of course, same as when I finally got to the house and Sitabah and Dax saw me coming into the courtyard from their window and were screeching and bouncing impatiently, slobbering all over me when I was forced to sit down due to a little dizzy spell…blasted flu.

Anyway, the trip to Spain went well enough, the flight wasn’t too long, and considering I had my new tablet with me, I spent the time well: reading!!! Jennifer Crusie. I just love her work. Time past wonderfully fast because of it.

Did have some busy days before we left. There was the mowing of the lawn, raking up the grass afterward. Spent time with the animals, of course, baked a blackberry tart for Emma, along with a nice veggie dish that only needed to be popped into the oven in the evening so she didn’t need to have to worry about dinner. Had it all ready on time, and were right on the dot when our ride arrived. Of course, once we were in it, and about ten minutes away from the house, some awful smell came up from underneath the car, indicating a problem with the brakes. Triple A had to be called, and a taxi for big brother and me because otherwise we would be late for our plane. I, of course, ended up falling asleep during the ride, very elegant, mouth open, head back, soft snorts right until big brother thankfully woke me up.

Which reminds me, I got news. Things are going to be changing in the near future. We’ve been offered an opportunity to move to the UK , big brother and me, along with the dogs, and grandpa, which is not an opportunity we feel we should say no to…I mean, besides it being incredibly scary, an enormous risk, and so many things that would stop me from making this decision, it is also exciting, in a way, and an adventure, sorta, and flattering , I think, to have been asked, and offered the opportunity…right?
I mean, really, this is going to be a nightmare to get done, the arranging of everything, paperwork, the dogs, vaccinations etc, the actual moving. Oh my gawd, I will get so little sleep, especially since we are going to need to do at least one trip driving over to the UK, if for no other reason than to get Knight there comfortably, and our things, including the car. I mean, can you imagine, 2000 miles to drive in a day or two, maybe three, with at least four, perhaps up seven dogs in the car? Yikes! Shouldn’t think of that. All that is a mountain to climb when it actually gets here.

What else…well, big brother and I had a rather wonderful afternoon chopping firewood. He broke in the new chainsaw (that would be in the UK by the way) while I broke in the new axe…which was awesome exercise. Got a full pallet of it going, which means about an eighth of that work was actually done. Yay!

Added to that, big brother and I took down the roof of a small roman structure. Darn thing was heavy as heck, and it took him several hours to hack his way through wood and glass fibre and then lifted it right off, with a much appreciative audience…of course he was so busy he didn’t realize that he’d left the new angle grinder on the ground where the roof landed, splitting it in two…and then clean up started, which lasted almost as long as the actual break down.
Was so nice to have big brother there, because it gave me time to actually catch breath at times. Before his arrival I was sorta running ragged, feeling homesick to boot, trying to get everything done when there just weren’t enough hours in the day. Running ragged just isn’t good.

I am a tad relieved that big brother was included in the offer for our future, because I was very much afraid that I wouldn’t be able to keep up the pace, and therefore have to say no to the offer. Luckily big brother seemed keen enough on the idea.

As to my state of mind…I find it hard, being part of the reason for change, especially when not everyone is ecstatic about it. I mean it is a big change, and well, it is a tad scary…but scary should never stop you, should it…well, at least I think it shouldn’t…fear is never good to use as a lead, is it? Doesn’t help to realize that though. I’ve got the stomach aches, the lack of appetite, the panic attacks, buzzing in my head, the worries, the stress etc, bugging me, making life unpleasant. Doesn’t matter, though, this is an opportunity that we can’t let pass, so we are going to go for it.

I’ll keep you posted.