
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Through the roof

Song of the day: “Love is strange (Come here Loverboy)” by Silvia and Mickey...which I didn’t know until I looked it up the other day. Seriously, in my mind it will always be the song Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey fool around with in Dirty Dancing. Hah.

So my mind is muddled again, meaning that you’re going to have to make due with a sum up that is as messed up as my brain.
There were, as always (it is like death and taxes, hah), laundry to tackle. Big batches too, because for some reason everyone is constantly throwing stuff in the laundry, meaning that there is a lot of hanging and folding for me. Ah well, luckily Sally insists on doing her fair share, and now does two batches or so in the afternoon.

Since tenant’s caretaker has a part time job again, I get to spend a lot of time with tenant again. For the past two mornings I’ve been helping her out, get ready and changed and then down the mountain towards my terrace where she will then enjoy the afternoons in the sun. Luckily she loves it so much, otherwise all the outside sitting might get annoying for her.

So yeah, the past couple of days were a tad busy, especially what with summer time starting. Yikes. This is the first time ever that daylight savings time is hacking into me. I feel completely harried for some reason, just because I can’t seem to adjust to it right now. Had to take a nap today because I was actually nauseous from tiredness.
Ah well, luckily the nap was rather pleasant, not to mention that the dogs were estatic.

Okay, a bit of bad news. The other day, Dax (pocket Beagle) got snarled at by one of my other dogs (I think Touri, who’s getting more grumpy every day. Can’t blame him either) and I didn’t know that something was wrong until I saw blood lying about. Turns out a part of his ear (half an inch, or so) had been ripped, meaning that for the past couple of days I have been walking around with bandages keeping track of both him and Knight II who is also insisting on ripping his off every other minute. Aaaargh.
Luckily Dax’s wound only looks bad and needs time to heal, because it stopped bleeding and as long as he doesn’t shake his head to get rid of bandages, (he’s wearing a cut off sock as a hat to keep it immobile a little) it will be fine.

Right, seeing as we really needed to put the new patio roof in place, we started with it yesterday, and were still at it today.
First we had to take of the old, and while big brother and grandpa did that, Dani and I worked in the old horse paddock to hose down the panelling that we’ve been saving for at least six months. It was pretty dirty, so it took a while.
Afterwards grandpa cut one of them, and I did the other using a thin disk on the angle grinder. That thing always freaks me out, but what the hey, gotta be able to use it, eh?

The old plating was taken off and hauled up to storage (got a nice batch of glass fiber on my cheek and left arm, but what the hey) and the old support beams screwed loose so we could clean and paint them. Boy were they rusty. Now they’re a nice and shiny silver, and it looks far better, believe you me. Hmmm. I have to promise pictures of course.

Old woodwork had to be screwed loose, dirt removed and hauled off, scrape work and paintwork done (today and yesterday) and estimates made for what still needs to be done in the near future. A lot of the woodwork is going to need a lick of paint soon, because it has suffered considerably in the past ten years or so.
I’ve gotta admit to being a little nervous about hanging out over balustrades while wielding heavy equipment, for some reason I always get a sense of falling, even when I don’t.

This morning big brother and I spent the majority of our time in the yard. The potatoes, cauliflowers, leek, sprouts and such had to be watered (we used the basin, yay) and of course we had to check if everything was doing well.

The pumpkins, tomatoes, the passionflowers (that we sowed in the greenhouse last fall) and the wild grape all had to placed outside for their “hardening”, and of course, before sunset be brought back inside.

The raspberries, strawberries, brambles, blue berries and all the other fruit types got watered too. What with the temperatures rising, we’re going to have to make a habit of this again. We’re going to see how long the basin holds for sure.

Since we were in the yard anyway, I gathered chard, fresh herbs the last of the peppers and lettuce so we could have lunch of French bread with fresh veggies and a herbal yogurt sauce over it. Tenant ate with us, of course, and afterward we had cake as desert, at which time we went on with the roof.

While big brother and grandpa tackled the roof, I worked on the window frame that is going to be part of the support on the east side of the patio. It used to have wooden paneling, rather than glass, but since we’re going for light, we decided to put a window in there. Worked out well too, what with the solid wood serving dual purposes.

Today was ended with a bout of pancake baking, which was rather nice, even though porridge is far more soothing for some reason.

Edits have been going atrocious, partly because of the tiredness, of course. When I’m tired, big brother is doing fine, and when I’m fine; big brother can’t keep his eyes open. Very frustrating. Ah well, we’ll get back to our normal routine in time, I’m sure.

That’s it for today. Time for me to try to tackle more typos, grammatical errors and Gawd knows what else.

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