But let's start off the blog with some nice sunsets, shot while out on a rock hauling trip.
Second one.
Song of the day: “So far so good” by Bryan Adams. Quite apropos in light of what happened today but we’ll get to that.
So, I’m totally not in the mood to write today, and since not all that much happened, I figure I might as well give a general outline and be done with it.
Rather than edit today, I worked on writing a new scene for “Commanding Morgan” in order to make the 100K for this type of novel. It’s a rather complicated scene, overlapping an old one so it is probably going to take a few days at least. Also a scene that is going to have to be moving, in an emotional sense, a scene of sadness and self-sacrifice, which is starting out well, I think.
The Land Rover got through the ITV (MOT), so that was a definite yay in the household. Hah. We had been so worried, especially since it is a second hand car, but we got through so now we officially have a road worthy car again. Phew. It took some time but there you have it.
Considering it was high time to go grocery shopping again we decided to get to it immediately, and spend four hours going from shop to shop until finally we’re back home. I was pretty delighted to drive in the Defender again. Oh my does that baby purr like a big commercial truck. It makes ya feel invincible, hah.
But enough about the day…after the groceries and dinner we only watched a movie “The Resistance” with Daniel Craig. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t wow either.
Let’s do a change in the routine again and do a little messing around with photographs.
So this is the gate that now closes of the small yard down by "the Wall". Looks remarkably straight, doesn't it?
Fortuyn is peeping up from the new stairs that lead down to the patio...this is at the top-back of the wall.
Old Bommel's trying out the new stairs...it all confused him a little since he can't see much anymore. Amri (brown one on the right) is looking at me funny, as if saying, "What the heck are you taking a picture of me for?" He's a grumpy old dog. Hah.
My backdrop when I'm editing on warm summer nights. Love the niche. So very cozy, especially with twenty dogs crowding around my feet.
Carla's favorite spot ever since this part of the wall got finished. Gives him a vantage point of dogs coming and going in the courtyard.
Gaucho (Afghan) checking out the new ride. Yeah!
The section of the wall built mostly by little brother. He did a grand job!
Nearby nature reserve. Isn't it gorgeous?...and upon closer examination, the surrounding area is a bloody mess. Darn it!

Our mountain from afar. We're somewhere in the middle of the left hand corner. Hah.
Knight II striking a rather impressive and handsome pose. He might be nuts sometimes but he is downright pretty...and knows it.
1 comment:
Wow, that is totally awesome. I love the rock walls you've built. You've also managed to capture some breathtaking sunsets. Thanks for posting these pics!
(the elf)
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