
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nothing special, just a day.

Song of the day: “I’m in love” by Maria Mena still. I don’t know what the heck’s going on. I think this is the first time that I’ve got one single song going ‘round and ‘round in my head, even while I’m still half asleep.

Be that as it may, let’s get to the day:
It was strange. Around 7 AM, I woke up and it was ridiculous, ludicrous since it couldn’t have been less than 24 degrees around dawn, when my body decided to wake up completely chilled. I was almost chattering my teeth for crying out loud, and stumbled to my bathroom to grab my robe. I wrapped it around me, crawled back under my sheet and didn’t even mind when Knight II draped himself over me.

I wake right on the dot, of course: the alarm went off after all. Not much chance oversleeping with that annoying bleep going off beside my head. Hah.
The morning rituals done, I head down to the house, the dogs storming back and forth around me while the Monster Boxer pounces on the tube, doing her very best to tear it from my hands.

The day is remarkably fresh today; the sun is shining brightly, but the air doesn’t feel at all hot, just pleasantly warm. The thermometer actually doesn’t go above 35, which is nothing short of a miracle this time of year. I’m thrilled.

There are chores waiting, however, and though I’m really starving, I get to them before actually heading for the kitchen. Breakfast over; the day’s edit gets worked through and works out pretty well. We added a rather enjoyable scene, giving more depth to the villain in the story. Gawd, I actually burst out laughing…loudly.

But anyways, today we’re determined to get some physical work done as well, and head out five hours after commencing the edit to continue with the pillar. More rocks need to be hauled, and cement mixed to a manageable paste. Another sixth gets added before the rocks start floating again (I’ll post some pics as soon as it’s done) and we prudently embed a hook; it is a necessary thing, especially for Knight II, who tends to snap at dogs when they come rushing past.

Next…yes the day isn’t over yet, hah…we decide to take the moped to the carport, so we can see if we can repair the dratted thing. Here we were - last year - spending more than a week repairing the thing, and then it gets hit by the car several months ago, needing another one. Drat. Luckily, it doesn’t take all that long today, just a couple of hours, and since big brother does most of it, I have the opportunity to do some other maintenance chores as well.

I’ve got two lamps that broke down during the course of the last few months, that need to be fixed, and afterwards I put up frameworks for the jasmine vines so they’ll be able to climb up to the roof of both the carport and my cabin. Afterwards, pleased with the progress of the day, I have a quick dip to wash off the dust and then head inside to have a rather late dinner.

Another short edit follows, the dogs lounging around us in the courtyard, enjoying the cool evening that, for the first time in weeks, allows for actual relaxation.
After the edit I take the dogs up and settle on my porch for the night’s session…where I find that another miracle has happened: today’s Blog is under one page. Yay.


Tanner said...

Your descriptions of the mountains, walls, pillars and sunsets out there in Spain are wonderful. I would love to see some actual pictures if you don't mind posting some...

(the elf)

Samaya Young said...

Sure, Tanner. Not a problem. Didn't feel like posting a complete blog anyway. :-)