Sundays are slow. It doesn't matter whether a lot of activity is being partaken, or if I hang in front of the TV all day. It just is.
But let's go to the day as it was.
There is no magnificent dream to write about like last night. Nothing worth mentioning at all, as a matter of fact, which always depresses me when I open my eyes and find that whatever dream I had been participating in, has eluded my grasp before I actually remember to do so.
I'm slow to wake up today; my head fuzzy enough to warrant a dunking into the bathroom sink in a small pool of water that is cold enough to give me brain freeze. I do a quick read of only one chapter, since I realize I have dawdled in bed for a full ten minutes with the alarm ringing beside me and the dogs watching me as if I've lost my mind. Hah. A small miracle that.
Usually I roll right out of bed when it goes off, eager to shut the annoying disturbance up.
The usual burst of dogs rushing into freedom is remarkably quiet today, the four-legged creatures taking only a few minutes to do their business before they gather around on the porch and below it for some more snoozing while I try to decide whether to go down or just dawdle a bit more.
I decide on the latter -it is Sunday nonetheless- and take my phone to mess with the camera for a bit. Fifteen pictures later, some self-portraits that hopefully look better than I do, and several of the dogs safely filed, I finally get dressed for the day and head for the house.
Exercise day! I've been dreading it since yesterday morning and feel no more inclined to "have at it" at this particular time. Still, rules are rules, and I will keep to them especially when I set them myself.
Forty-five minutes of grinding, punching and crunching follows. An amused looking grandpa, who shakes his head and visibly wonders what the point is, really, witnesses the entire ordeal from his usual place across from me. Since he comes from a generation where exercise consisted of working day in and out on a farm, rather than a quick workout, I understand and actually roll my eyes dramatically every time I grunt involuntarily.
By the time my exercise comes to an end I'm forming a nice sheen of perspiration. Finally, having gone through all the motions, I call it a full session and head for the shower. My shoulder blades whine in protest as I turn the water on hot, allowing the gentle stream to pound on the stressed muscle and bone for longer than is really necessary before I return to the house and start the day's chores.
Laundry gets hung; a messy assembling of clothes and sheets alike, swaying gently in the late autumn breeze when I return to the house and do some quick cleaning while big brother sees to the release of the main pack that has been kept contained until I finished.
Breakfast is a matter of searching supplies in cabinets that should have been filled last Friday, but won't until tomorrow, instead. I don't really care either way. My stomach still isn't up for a full meal anyway, and after two small slices of bread and a glass of orange juice I deem breakfast to be over.
Behind the computer at last, I go through my usual routine top speed, since not much has happened during the course of Saturday night and Sunday morning anyway.
For a while I work on "The Chronicles of the Ashtah-Mahk" managing only a few pages of the rewrite when the responsibilities of my temporary job take me to the official Pet-Transfer website, where I'm to add a few more details that have been worked on during the course of the week.
The site still amazes me, but since I'm the one who urged the founder to open it in the first place, it is a matter of fact to me when others simply don't know what to think of it.
Since the crea
By the time dusk draws near, and the dogs are fed, big brother and I rouse ourselves from our separate exploits on the computers; knowing full well that we have lingered too long, and head for the bungalow at the top of the property to work on some more adjustments for when our tenant and friend returns.
Some mayor rocks need to be removed, which is no easy task when we find them firmly settled within dry clay. After several failed attempts to shift them from their place, grandpa gets the sledgehammer at my request. I actually laugh when the huge, hard rock breaks well before it comes loose from its clay cradle, and shake my head in exasperation as I ask big brother to do the honors in my stead.
A handicapped threshold needs to be laid, and while big brother and grandpa set to demolishing the five inch high one that is already there, I fill the wheelbarrow with sand and cement, and laboriously push it up the steep incline of the path that leads to the bungalow.
Even while I'm mixing water with the concoction, I realize that another trip will be necessary after the first few batches are piled in the open doorway, and say as much when big brother begins to create a smooth incline as a ramp for the wheelchair that will need to pass through it in the near future.
By the time I have hauled the second batch up to the bungalow and have mixed the cement and sand into a stiff paste, I fully regret this morning's decision for exercise. Muscles that were already taxed considerably during my morning exploits, now literally tremble when finally we are done and clean up the mess we've made ere heading back to the house.
Little sister has honored us with a wonderful meal, though today I would have appreciated something a little more substantial than rice and vegetables (potatoes or pasta, at best) it is still tasty and well worth a full serving.
By the time my body has come to a semi peace between muscle and bone, the evening is well underway with little of interest playing on TV. What with having had so much fun working with Photoshop, I restart my computer and spend a couple more hours messing around with the pictures I'd taken this very morning.
Around midnight, after younger sister has helped me give Trin Trin her injection I return to my cabin with the prospect of a wonderfully early night that should bolster me for tomorrow's busy schedule.
New gas tanks need to be picked up at the supplier, grocery shopping needs to be done for the remainder of the month, and our weekly lessons have come around once more. It's going to be a doozy of a new day in the spanking new week.
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