
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rearranging furniture, yay.

Another chilly night passes much too fast. I was all ready to go to bed last night–an hour before my usual sleeping time, mind you–only to end up going to bed half an hour late. I’m amazed at how I manage it every single time, but…well, it takes skill, I guess.

Anyways, I had a very interesting dream, which I would share, but it was kinda personal and…ehm…intimate, if you get my drift, so I’ll just revel in it by myself. Hah.

I’d planned to get up an hour early, or so, but by the time the monster wakes me, just a few measly hours after I drift off to sleep, I decide to just sleep ‘till my usual time instead, and do so by keeping the monster boxer in a headlock for the last few hours remaining. She definitely enjoys it, snoring in my ear and enjoying the warmth of the blankets that I’ve dragged over both of us. She actually doesn’t start messing about again until the alarm goes off.

I throw the dogs out, quick, looking around the messy cabin and reaffirming my determination about doing some serious changes later today. The old settings have become dark and unsatisfying, and I’m ready for a change that’s a fact.

By the time I head down to the house, knowing full well that I’ve postponed workout long enough and need to get at it today.

The day feels freezing cold, even though the sun’s shining brightly overhead when I enter the courtyard and frown at the laundry hanging there, which I will have to take down an hour from now.

With the dogs swirling around me, I enter the chilly house, heading immediately for the heaters, and lighting one up before I deposit my baggage in the kitchen, and scowl at my workout clothes. Knowing that there’s no help for it, I change into them, shivering continuously while I move to the heater and start doing my warm ups right in front of it.

The movements, combined with the heat, warm me up at a rapid speed, thankfully, and soon I hardly feel the cold anymore as I get into the “shwung” of the exercises.
By the time I reach the boxing bag, wearing socks for the first time, the high kicks are a little off-balance. I’m really not used to doing these spin-kicks with socks under my feet and it makes me a little nervous. Still, I manage them well enough without major disaster occurring. There are a few near misses with careless dogs, but luckily none of them is send flying, because I manage to divert my aim in the nick of time.

Since big brother and grandpa have disappeared outside to fix the fence…again…I take longer than usual on the five-jabs routine, but in the end I have a full hour of workout under my belt and head for the shower ASAP. This, too, takes longer than usual, my muscles protesting from the cold, and lower back feeling a bit sore–probably because of the somewhat clumsy sock episode–until I finally decide I’ve wasted enough water and electricity and get dressed.

What comes next is getting the dry batch of laundry inside, and bringing the wet back out for hanging. The dirty laundry is almost completely gone at last, so I hope that tomorrow will bring more sunshine for proper drying. It’s such a novel idea, not having any laundry that I’m actually looking forward to seeing both the laundry room and lines empty for a change.

At long last, with the dry neatly folded by big brother and me, we chat with grandpa for a bit. It is now official. He heard it on the news. This is the coldest winter in Spain in the past fifty years. I knew I wasn’t imagining it when big brother, who tends to walk around in an undershirt and slippered feet, at most, during the winter, actually complained about cold feet and wore a sweater. Miracles do not cease to occur, apparently.

By the time I’ve fed Yadzia, and had a BLT myself, I settle behind the computer, and have another crack at the “what if” story, only to end up with little more than a page to show for the several hours of belaboring the twists of the tale. Since it is obviously not working, big brother and I do an edit for the second chapter instead.

About an hour after dusk, I’ve had enough for the day, and declare that I really want to do something about my room today, and head up the mountain with only Mosha and Dax as company…fully expecting big brother to follow as soon as possible.

First things first: I need to take out the cushions and rugs on the floors, creating a semblance of space to work in, and then proceed to take out blankets, sheets and mattress, around which time big brother arrives and activities commence for real.

The bed is screwed from the wall, cabinets are shifted out of the way, and the floors are scrubbed clean before we reposition the bed against the northern wall. Busy dogs and lots of weight from human and canine bodies alike have had their effect on the structure, so after some debate, we fortify the structure with a strong wooden beam, and then start attaching it to the wall and floor, so the dogs won’t move it around–in effect making it crash at some point.

It takes quite some time to get everything back in place, including the exchange of a high drawer with a low cabinet that I decide to hang on the wall instead. It’s not until eleven in the evening that there’s a semblance of order that allows us to return to the house for a quick snack and some relaxation.

Upon asking little brother how Sita is doing, he informs me that the swelling is going down some, and she’s happy enough lounging upstairs where the sibs are keeping themselves occupied with their computers and whatnot, doing their thing.

I watch a rather silly episode of “Psych” followed by “Dead Like Me” but it doesn’t really capture my interest before it is time to gather my dogs after one in the morning and drag my weary limbs back up the mountain.

For the next few hours I proceed to sort through my wardrobe, putting summer clothes away in the copper chest in my living room, and taking out the remainder of winter clothes to fit into my closet.

There are quite a few things stored in the chest that I haven’t seen for years, and while making my picks I do some fitting, and realize that I can actually wear them again. Wow. It’s like buying new stuff, and I’m pretty darn thrilled when I store them in my closet for later use. Added to that fortunate discovery, big brother also found out that even though my CD player doesn’t work anymore, I can still use the machine if I attack one of our MP3 players to it. That is certainly going to save us some serious money, which is always a good thing.

Recycling. I love it in every shape and form. Nothing feels better than being able to reuse something I thought useless before, saving precious Euros.

I will still need to do more cleaning tomorrow, and remove some old furniture from my living room, but things are looking very good at the moment. The new arrangement makes things look a lot roomier, and though some adjustments will have to be done, it feels good. Almost like being in a new bedroom, which for some reason seems lighter.

When I’m done at last with the sort-through of clothes, big brother and I talk on the house phone for a bit, mulling about our book projects and the intended return to the vampire flicks in the next few days, before I finally get to my messages online and smile at the birthday wish I’ve received from one of my myspace buddies.

Handy those birthday reminders: If it weren’t for those, I might even forget the entire thing. Haha!…Or maybe not: I’m certainly feeling every one of the thirty years that I’ve had behind me now that the 10th has arrived.
I’m exhausted after all the lifting and hauling, which was unheard of before my twenties…weird how things change…but it’s a good exhaustion. It certainly feels better than hanging around doing nothing constructive.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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