
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On the fly.

Another quickie sum-up because I really don’t have time. I feel horrid, I really do. But it can’t be helped. Today was so darn busy, and tomorrow is going to be the same thing so I just can’t manage to write down a proper Blog when I’m running behind two solid hours.

Beautiful spring weather again. Love that! Makes everything feel that much better when I’m not battling a chill. Not to mention that the views are quite spectacular on days such as today.

Laundry needed to be done, of course. Quite uninteresting, I know, but it’s part of almost every day. Perhaps I should stop mentioning it. Hah.

Managed a short edit this morning, but did deal with four pages in the time available…with quite a bit of laughter, I might add. Seriously, if you start picking apart a “love” scene you’ll get to so many inconsistencies that it’s hilarious. A hand can’t go to a particular area while a body is turned in a particular way, hair cannot tumble when you’re lying with your head on a pillow, and “pouty” lips do not…well, let’s say they don’t do certain things while occupied with more important matters.

But anyways, it’s grocery day, which is always hectic, and today was doubly so, since we needed to visit seven stores done in a reasonable amount of time. We had to get shoes and even some clothes for several family members, so that added to the list considerably. Did it all at top speed too, and were done in three hours, so that meant, race from one parking lot to the next, (not an easy thing to do with heavy post Easter holiday traffic) jog through the stores, pack up and pile up, and then tearing off again to the next part of town.

In one word: exhausting. But we got everything done, lugged dozens of bags inside and stored everything away…we just might be able to make it through the next three weeks without another shopping spree, which would definitely be a plus. I really wouldn’t mind not having to go out again in the next few weeks. Just the thought gives me a somewhat giddy feeling. Hah.

Lots of tick removals, of course. This particular chore will last pretty much through the summer. Watched the movie “Outlander” (not bad) and then had to hurry through a couple of chores before the evening was through.

Which makes for the day’s sum-up. Boring, I know. Luckily last night’s Blog was ridiculously long, so I don’t feel like I’m slighting anyone.

I need to get to bed. Fast! Better luck tomorrow…I hope.


Jenclone said...

Hey Sam! several things...

1."can't manage to write down a proper Blog", for you, is still more eloquent than most of the other people out there.
2. editing a love scene... that cracks me up. In general, if one cares too much about whether the hands/hair/lips are occupied with strict realistic choreography, then one may be missing the point. (picture the heroine: "But stop, darling! Your hand can't possibly be there, it defies the laws of physics!")
3. congratulations on getting all that shopping done in short order. I'm jealous. Large stores (aka retail hell) give me the creeps.
4. I've been out of touch with everyone's blogs for the past week, but now I have to go backwards and see what this dream of yours was about. I love dreams.

Samaya Young said...

Hiya Jenclone,
Thank you, that is always wonderful to hear. :-)
Love scenes. Lord, don't get me started.
Big stores suck big time.
Glad to see you're back!