
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sigh...I can't think of a title.

I’m having a particularly pleasant dream when the alarm shrills and it’s time to seize the day, so to speak.
Trin Trin is being her monstrous self this morning, trying to yank the blankets off the bed before I lock her out in the small backyard. With her safely tucked away, I head for the front door to let the rest of the pack out.

Once I’ve gone through the morning rituals, I take the dogs to the house so we can start on the computers, just as soon as big brother has glued the tube of the washing machine. Rather than buying a new one, grandpa visited the local ferreteria and got glue that should close the hole in the rubber.

Today I have to work on the interview thingy, because I have been postponing it way too long already and end up going over the questions and answers for a solid hour before I can finally push the send button and see the end result just minutes later.

I think it turned out okay, but there’s no way to know for sure of course. In the end it is just a matter of wait and see what readers think of it.
Here’s the link in case you’re curious:
Do check it out and let me know what you think.

That done, and sidetracking for a quick perusal of the Amazon forums, big brother and I get to the edit and slowly settle into the required mode of adjusting sentence structure.
Though it goes slowly today, we do manage a couple of pages before it is time to head on out to resume work in the yard.

Considering that the summer is rapidly approaching the younger sibs would rather start on construction of the courtyard wall as soon as possible. So, with that in mind, big brother and grandpa head out for another batch of rocks while the youngest sibs climb on top of the house to resume cleaning the roof tiles.

Middle sister and I descend to the small garden…or it used to be one, before the dogs got to it and ruined the flowers I’d planted…to start the laborious process of preparing the sleet rock mountain face for construction.
Once again weeds need to be removed, decorative stones put aside, and anything that could be ruined in the near future, gets placed in a far corner, just so it’ll be out of the way.

Branches of trees get cut off, fences removed…no easy task, that. Even with the heavy bolt cutter I manage only three tines of the thick metal. The task literally makes my muscles scream their disapproval and I decide to leave it for big brother when he returns with the stones.

Then comes the fun part: Hacking into dry clay ground and digging a gutter in which the future wall will be settled. We dig, we chop and we groan as slowly, but steadily the first foundation of the work is created.

By then big brother and grandpa return, giving me a short breather as the younger sibs gather by the car to unload the truck bed and add another 500 kg of stones to the rapidly growing pile by the side of the main path.

They’re still at it when I head into the tool room. My ground ax is slipping off the stick during the having chopping and I need to apply a small wedge at the top so I can keep using it without sending the heavy metal disk flying at some point.

That done, and the rocks finished, we all resume our tasks. Big brother comes down to cut through the tines of the fencing. He grunts and swears, but in the end he manages to cut through them all and lifts the barrier away.

The sun is setting by the time we decide to call it a day. My shoulders and arms are numb from picking at rock and clay alike…and trying to dig out a large brick that fused with the soil. In the end the stupid thing got me so frustrated I just smashed it to pieces, which was a rather satisfying thing to do. Hah.

Grubby, sore and wary we head into the house where little sister has prepared a quick meal. We all dig in without even bothering to sit down, filling our grumbling stomachs in record time before we separate and settle in for the last few hours of the evening.

It takes me a “CSI” episode to rebuild some of my usual energy level, and when I’ve got that back, big brother and I decide to give Vara (Golden retriever) a trim. The poor thing has been roaming the yard for days now, figuring it’s fun to roll through the mud, so now he’s caked with dry mud and dirt all over the bottom side of his furry body.

The trimmer gets through the mess in record time, and since “Bones” follows anyway, we figure we might as well do Nata (Vara’s brother) too.
Luckily both retrievers enjoy the attention in equal measure, allowing us to set up our computers again right after the end titles of the show begin.

The edit goes slow again, what with mind and body being somewhat exhausted, but still we bring today’s total up to a nice round figure of four pages. I have to admit that working on an edit like this (it almost feels like a complete rewrite, actually) is daunting but I think that the end result will be well worth the effort.

It is well past midnight when we finally finish off and, without hesitation, I take my dogs up to the cabin for the night.
Just a feeding, today’s blog and a quick fun visit to the forums to go and then I can drop off into the sweet oblivion of sleep. Hah.

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