Here are some pics of the wall. Yay! Side shot, with that bit of black being Touri (cocker spaniel) snoozing.
Okay, today's Blog:
Song of the day: “Sweet Goodbyes” by Krezip. Gorgeous song: Sweet, uncomplicated and not bad to have going through your head, actually. Hah.
I’m right on the dot this morning and head down to start the day with a quick write, while big brother and grandpa head out for another load of sand…it’s a four day weekend, so everything will be closed until Monday in the village, grrr.
It doesn’t go bad at all, a page and a half gets added to the scene. It’s a tad slow because I need to check up on a lot of research that I did for this particular sidetrack in the story. I need to double check everything before I put it in the scene, so as not to mess up the plot line later on, but it’s coming along well enough, I’m thinking.
We do neither the read-through nor the rewrite edit today. Instead, we go over choke points, grammar with Word’s spellchecker, remove adverbs and on the overall check inconsistencies in dialogue and dialects belonging to different characters. (Just a few, yay.)
Nothing wrong with a change in the routine, it keeps things fresh most of the time.
Oh, remember yesterdays' excitement with the screaming police cars heading for the village. Well, as it turns out it was a jewelry heist, or some such. Should have checked it out while we passed, darn it. Might have been able to catch a glimpse or two for a book.
Six hours after waking up, we’re heading out into the yard. No building today either. Considering we’ll need to save up on the sand a little, to be able to do something at least in the next four days, another change in the normal routine doesn’t go amiss at all.
On my way out the courtyard, Knight II comes storming in my pursuit, slamming full force into my leg (ouch and lots of swearing, hah) and then stumbling himself when the collision throws him off balance. Poor thing must have gotten down wrong, ‘cause the next time I look at him, he’s limping slightly and sporting a swelling on his right front paw. Serves him right for playing horse, I say.
But anyway…Since we’ve been stocking up on rocks these past few weeks, the piles have become rather unmanageable up in the building section, so, taking this opportunity by heart, we start lugging the majority of it down the mountain, where it won’t be in the way…in the future we’re going to need rocks to build up a fortification under the verandah, which means that at some point ALL those rocks are going to have to be lugged way down the mountain. The thought alone is somewhat daunting.
Little Sita III is dashing about like there’s no tomorrow, properly exhausting herself so she’ll sleep through the night and leave little brother in peace. I made a couple of pictures, so with a little luck I’ll load them up in a day or two.
We make progress, going up and down, up and down, one pile disappearing, only to give a full view of the next, and so on and on. Hah.
For me it is an early wrap-up, however. Dinner’s on me today, so with little sister’s offer to help we head inside to start. The plan is that we’re going for a run while the food is cooking in the oven, so we need to get cracking.
The dish of the day is mushroom pie, and we get the large trays into the oven under one hour, leaving us just barely enough time to wash up, change clothes and hurry on up to the car.
The truck bed is filled with junk that has been stored at the top of the property, so we’re going to have to get rid of that at the landfill and then we’re on our way to our usual spot in the woods to go on our run.
It is a cloudy day. Though the sun is peeping in every once in a while the air is fresh and the atmosphere pleasant when we start out.
I’m still a little weary from yesterday’s somewhat disastrous workout and though I don’t manage the full three miles, I’m close enough to feel somewhat invigorated by the time we return to the car and spent another twenty minutes doing stretches and other exercises to cool down.
The sun is close to setting by the time we return to the house. We didn’t get rocks today, what with it being so late and all, so we arrive at home in time for me to quickly hang laundry…oh my, I only need to take three steps from the machine to the lines. The ease of it makes me almost giddy. No more hauling heavy laundry baskets; just pouring stuff in and tossing it on the table beside the lines while I hang them, from now on. Hah. Best change we made yet!
Dinner is a success. It tastes excellent, and with the carrots little sister made on the side a couple of slices from the mushroom pie fill the gaps in just the right places. Nothing like a good hardy pie after such an active day.
Big brother and I spend another couple of hours going through the read-through edit, adding a few more pages and then midnight has arrived.
Tomorrow should be a calm day, what with a friend coming over for a visit, but we’ll see what happens. Might even manage to fit in a good nature hike. Yay.
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