
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some detours along the way.

I’ve been very naughty again. I decided (aka, was too busy) to postpone the blog ‘till today…I mean, seriously, I girl has gotta sleep sometime, hah.

Well, I gotta think for a minute what all happened in the past three days, ‘cause right now it is early in the morning and my coffee hasn’t kicked in yet. Grrr.

Ehm, yeah, there was another rock run…a good one too, this time with the crate we made, which worked splendidly, by the way. We had it filled to the top with absolutely gorgeous flat rocks that we now have proper supply of. Yep, we might actually have enough to get that stairwell in the patio done. Yay.

Middle sister’s closet is almost completely done, with a little luck I’ll be able to put in the hinges today, and then we can put it in her room for real, and see how it worked out. It does look beautiful, even in pieces right there on top the terrace, but we’ll see.

The puppies are having a grand time coming down and mingling with the pack every day. Little chubby mutts, they’re literally all over the place if we let them.

Okay, let’s see what else there was.
Ah yes, the day before yesterday we decided on a slight detour in the projects to head on up to our tenant’s cabin, and put in the coconut weave, carpet. Winter is closing in nonetheless, and she gets cold fast. Luckily, the carpet was a perfect fit, and after we had finished up painting most of the walls, we put it in without much trouble.

A batch of cork oaks came in too, yesterday. About a dozen of them and we intend to plant on the bottom terrace of the property in the next few days. They’re small yet, but with a little luck, they’ll grow into sturdy trees in the near future.
Also a few more flowery things, like mums and geraniums, which went in the ground during the last few minutes of daylight just last night.

Another change in the normal routine was going down to the old bus, parked on the side terrace of the property (the one we moved to Spain with and which was remodeled into a comfortable apartment) so we could affect some changes for our tenant’s caretaker.
Since she has the two extra dogs and so very little time it was decided that we would put in a new queen-size bed and shift her furniture around a bit.

It took a couple of hours, but by the time we were done, she had a nice double bed and more space than she had before. While we were there, I decided to fix the left of her armchair too, before she sagged through it, and since we were at work anyway, we made a proper enclosure for solar panel controls too.
Hopefully she’ll manage to rearrange her schedule a bit and clean up in there, ‘cause it was a mess…but then, I’m having the same problem. Hah. My cabin’s a mess too, and I should take a few hours at some point to do a proper cleaning.

Little brother is, at the moment busy in his very first Mr. Fix-It mood. Ah, we’ll make a proper carpenter out of him yet. It’s the first time in years that he is showing an interest in it, and I find it rather pleasant to leave the “detail” tasks to him. Good practice for him, and less time-consuming for me.

The sisters and mom are busy painting all over the place, which is another time consuming task that is being dealt with.

Now, last night, the Quick Step laminated floor for the sibs’ rec room came in, by the way. A caoba and ebony mix that should make for an interesting floor once we get to it, and which had the sibs literally light up with pleasure when we brought in the sample. It is definitely going to take some time, but once it’s in, it is going to look pretty darn awesome, I’m sure. I do love seeing them excited about such things, so it’ll be worth the effort in the end.

The dogs are still having a blast following us all over the place, of course, which is very good for their health. Even the fat Labradors are getting their shape back, and we haven’t had a Vet emergency in a couple of months now…knock on wood, cross my fingers, and my toes and everything else. Hmmm.

Ah yes, we managed to go for a run the day before yesterday, which was downright grand. I didn’t end up with sore muscles, and could keep up the pace without an indication that my fitness had suffered from the past few months without this particular exercise.

We also found more wood supplies for future projects. The old stable is starting to look like a proper wood-store now, so that fencing around the top side of the property is slowly becoming a top priority. Ah yes, lots to do and so little time. Hah. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like nothing more than drop on my bed at night and pass out for a few hours. There is very little in this world that annoys me more than lying awake in bed, thinking, and thinking, and thinking. Aaargh.

Oh, almost forgot: We came upon a slight technical error in the manuscript yesterday…the stupid thing snuck past through three intense edits, dammit. It took us an entire session to figure out a way to correct it, but we ended up successful, I think (hope) we’ll see today when we go through it. We’ll need to add a few more details later on in the read-through, so the change will make sense, but once that is done, it should be right as rain.

Well, that certainly concludes the past three days. Good thing, ‘cause big brother is impatiently waiting for me to start work on the manuscript. Slave driver! Hah.

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