
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I know, I know, I’m late, late, late. Couldn’t be helped ‘cause I was writing…as in Writing with a double capital W, or better yet, in all capitals: WRITING! Yay.
I mean, seriously, if there’s a choice between writing about the daily chores and just tapping away in a world of fiction, with handsome heroes, pixie heroines…I mean really, do you see the scales tipping heavily down to the latter? I sure can. Hah.
Can’t wait to get back to it, so let’s do this fast. I still need to get out there in the “freezing” cold of the morning, to prepare for concrete pouring, ‘cause we’re doing the carport floor. Yikes. I still haven’t warmed up from a rather chilly night, actually. But hauling wheelbarrows, bags of cement and shoveling sand should take care of that in no time.

Seriously, editing, proofreading and such is all nice and fine, but it is a must rather than a pleasure. After doing it for more than a year, I have to say I am more than ready to leave the proper punctuation and such be, and just go with the flow of the story for a bit. Which means that I’ll probably have even less time for this blog thing in the near future.
Even now, the story’s images are ghosting through my head, just bursting to get out. I guess I’ve closed off the door of inspiration too long already.

But, being a conscientious gall, I do a quick rundown anyway. *eye roll*

So, where did I leave off? Gawd, this memory of mine sucks. Middle sister’s desk is all done…for my part of it anyways. She only needs to paint it now and then it’s all done. She and little brother already carried it down to her room, so if I’ll ever see the end result is somewhat iffy. I’ll have to remember peeking into her room some day and see how it all turned out.

Same goes for little brother’s closet. Taking three inches from it’s depth worked out properly and yesterday afternoon we spent several hours setting it up…worrying all the while if I forgot anything, or did something wrong. There were a few minor adjustments to be made, and the back still has to go in, but otherwise it worked out fine. The doors fit, so do his clothes, and in the next few days little brother can take his time painting the freshly sanded wood to his liking.

The carport section that is going to get a new floor was emptied yesterday too, so it is all ready for today. It actually looks rather spacious at the moment, hah.

Little brother and sister both repaired the patio door beautifully. Now glass is in, the wood painted and neat sections of thick plastic coverings protect the wood against eager dog paws at the bottom. Looks much better this way, I’ll admit.

Though I figured that basically the majority of furniture projects are done, there are some plans in the making for a big closet wall in big brother’s attic room. The old one simply won’t do, and some closet space certainly wouldn’t go amiss for him. We’ve got eight of these really neat square wooden doors that are just begging to be used, and with a little bit of effort they would make for a nice wall of cubby-holes, rather than the dusty, dirty shelves that now take up one end of his room. We’ll have to see if there’s time for such a project in the near future.

Also, there is the trundle bed that I’m pondering on for little brother; I have the basic ingredients for it, and he does appear to like the idea, well enough. It should look good, once I figure out how to make it.

The dogs are really enjoying the fire barrel, which we are burning most of the time now. What with the cold, it is rather essential to have some source of warmth. They’ll all be lying around it the moment the fire gets lid, and loathe to get up whenever they deem it necessary to follow us from one location to the next.
Their preference of heat, however understandable, is somewhat of a pickle for me, considering that they’ll all want to cuddle up on the bed, leaving not much room for me. Heck, when they curl up on my blankets, I will actually have to get up and throw them off, just to be able to crawl back under. Selfish idiots. Hah.

Ah, yes, the washing machine likes me again…I don’t know what changed, but now it responds again when I press the button. Strange how machines can be temperamental at times, huh.

Grandpa is keeping busy too; for the past few weeks he’s working like a whirlwind on his own bungalow, and has already covered one of his walls with beautiful, light yellow paneling, and is now finishing it off with a half ebony, half yellow wall. Not really my style, but it does look very fancy. I never realized how much he like smooth surfaces, hah.

As for me…well, I just want to write, so I’m going to leave it at this and get to work on the carport. With a little luck I’ll be done in time to star working on the book by nightfall.

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