
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Flyby post.

Song of the day is Daniel Beddingfield’s song with the chorus that goes: “I’m not dead.” For the life of me I don’t know the title, but it’s been tumbling through my head all morning. I think it’s a bonus track, ‘cause I doubt that this is the song that can be called “A kiss without commitment” hah.

So we’re going to do this fast because I’m home alone as of yet, and a friend has come for a visit and is cooling her heels while I do this.
The past couple of days have been busy I just can’t seem to fit everything in, no matter how well I plan it.

Had a few better edits, and the scenes are working smoothly again, which is a relief if nothing more. We’re getting, slowly, closer to halfway through. Yay.

Niobe, the sick dog at the vet, is still losing blood through a variety of orifices, and when they continued to insist that it was parvo, while I was sure that the symptoms and scent didn’t ring true, I insisted on a test. Turns out I was right: The test was negative, so now we’re facing the mystery of what the problem is, seeing as Morpheous (Niobe’s brother) has the same symptoms. Drat! It better not be something that is ridiculously contagious, ‘cause we would be pretty screwed if more dogs get it.

It does concern me, however, that I am starting to get better at recognizing a problem in a dog than the vet. This is the third time I was right, you know. A uterus infection for Iris, when they claimed it wasn’t. Kidney and liver failing for Lapis, when they thought it was Leishmania, and now the two crossbreeds. It is rather disturbing, I admit.

We started putting in tubing, down in the yard, getting it all ready for summer. Only one more fruit tree needs to sprout leaves now, by the way, so that’s a relief. The new Kiwis are doing really well, they’re already in full leaf, and that while it has been only a week or two since they’re in the ground.

Tomatoes are doing splendid, even in places where they just came up without warning. That’s the magic of having dogs who love eating fresh veggies. What with them eating tomatoes as if they think it’s meat, seeds are all over the place. Hah.

We now have a fist sized cabbage, and three huge lettuces that are going to supply us with a week’s worth of salads. Yep, all in all, the yard is keeping us nicely busy.

As for other chores, there’s the laundry of course, but I won’t bore you with the details (you can thank me later, hah) cleaning house, cooking and of course treating wood for what is soon going to be our greenhouse. It’s not easy getting a crap load of nails and screws out of the second hand wood we managed to get our hands on, but it is well worth the effort.

Yesterday, I finally managed to fit in a couple of hours to work on Bommel. The poor bobtail really needed to have his fur trimmed, so now he looks like a bent old rat, but much happier for it. For some reason the longhaired dogs always get cheerier when they’re trimmed.

Our tenant did her exercises well, so those were a few more well spent hours, Knight needed some extra attention, because, let’s face it, he’s still a moron.

Grandpa and big brother’s gate is almost done, there have been trips to the vet to visit Niobe, and soon Morpheous too, since big brother is dropping him off at the vet’s.

Well, time for me to head on down into the yard and water the new seedlings. The sun is shining and after unloading another batch of sand this morning, I’m looking forward to a round through the new growths. Yay.

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