
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Some good and some bad

“Song of the day: “The return to innocence” by Enigma. I know. Weird song to have stuck in your head, but I was a huge fan once, and it stuck, I guess.

Oh my Gawd. How on earth am I to remember what the effing heck I did for the past FOUR days? This is bad. Really. My brain can’t handle it. There’s a meltdown going on, steam hisses, wheels stutter…

Seriously though, this is going to be extremely hard for as far as I’m concerned. I made a list of what kept me busy, and I can only remember about ten things, of which one is extremely disturbing news. I better start with that one, because…well, I’m going to share it anyway at some point, might as well get it over with eh?

It’s about Mosha. I don’t know what the heck is going on, but it looks like she too has developed cancer…this particular one appears to have centered around her anal glands, meaning that, if it is cancer, there really is very little they can do for her. I’ve been…well, pretty upset for several days already, what with the Touri debacle, but this: This is my Sweetpea, my little girl, the one who has been stuck to my side like an appendage (literally) for the past eight years, and who is…well, again, my Sweetpea. She had been feeling poorly for a bit, but I couldn’t really find anything wrong until the day before yesterday when it turned out that the puss wound she had some weeks ago could very well be the burst cancer we’re now facing. I thought it had fully healed, but apparently there is more going on. The vet took a sample last night, and until we get the result (after Monday) Mosha is walking around with a cone, antibiotics and a painkiller.
Suffice it to say, emotionally I am not a-okay.

What with my dogs, appearing to drop dead at the drop of a hat these days. Three in less than three months, for crying out loud! Big brother and I are negotiating the welfare of Tadaika and whether she would be able to adjust to my pack. That way Tadaika would get more attention, and big brother would have a few less dogs to hassle him. I’m still doubting, seeing as Tadaika could be dangerous with my pack. She is a Pitbull mix after all, and if my dogs rile her up on give her too much confidence (a common occurrence with my lot, I assure you) she’ll be a hand full.
We’ll have to see how it goes.

Good news, what with all the upheaval going on, I decided to do something constructive and unleashed one of my muses. There is a new book idea (PNR) again, and a spin off from the Life series. Addie’s brother to be exact, and it’ll be a pleasure to write, I assure you.

The laundry corner is done (more or less) and it is friggin’ beautiful. The laundry baskets hang underneath. They have a fold-out mechanism that works rather splendidly (they’re already full, thank you very much) and the wood is…gorgeous.
I’m going to post pics soon. Hah.

The weather has been incredibly weird these past four days or so. There is a constant haze in the air, sudden winds interspersed with eerie quietness, with in the distance a constant roar that we are unable to identify still. Just the other night we drove down to the sea to see if maybe there was a big storm raging over the water, but even though the tide appeared to be a bit higher than usual, the sea wasn’t all that wild. The sound remained audible over it all. Like there was a really, really busy highway nearby (which there isn’t), and it has been slowly driving me bonkers for the past four days, or so.

There was lots of garden work, in particular because the wind was wreaking havoc on our small little plants (which we planted early this week). Heck, it even wrecked one of the young tomato plants, which had been doing so well before the storm. Oh, in regards to the storm: even though the weather channels didn’t announce it, there was a rather freaky storm near Italy, that sank a ship. I don’t know, maybe there’s something brewing after all.
We needed to do some weeding, and we’re occasionally nipping at the strawberries which are gradually getting in shape for spring. Had a couple really nice ones the other day.

What else? There are the edits of course. We’ve been steadily going on with it, and though it was the plan to do the same last night, we got stuck working on the query letter instead. It is coming along nicely.

For the most part I’ve been doing carpentry for the past four days. Yep, the temporary low bed was driving me bonkers, so I decided to just get to it and start on my new bed. It is there, the bed that is. And it is looking friggin fantastic! Seriously. Two feet high, colorful pastel panels under white birch wood (the fake kind, anyway) with two massive drawers (which I still have to make, by the way) at the foot end. Yay.
I will take pictures, naturally…whether I’ll post them is another question. Hah.

Made Chili sin carne for lunch this morning, but I was a little disappointed with the taste. I’m not the biggest fan of beans, and I really should have baked them longer.

Another little problem at the moment is a bum knee. Remember that last jog? Well, I stepped wrong that day, and something popped (loudly) which means that now I’ve got a knee twice the normal size that needs to be iced every night. Blasted body. Every time I get into a groove, something gives out. I would ask for a refund, but what would be the point, right?

Well, that’s it for today. I’ve got stuff to see to now, and I should get to it if still want to do an edit later on.

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