
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Garden rush

Song of the day: “Never no More” by Patsy Cline. Seriously, it just popped into my head yesterday, and I didn’t even remember that it was hers until I started humming it.

I really have to do other stuff today so I have to do this fast. I know, I know, whining, but I can’t help it. Gotta write...’cause I did way too little of that these past couple of days, but seriously, who’s got time these days?

There was the usual gardening of course. The watering of plants, and generally enjoying being out in the fresh air. The weather wasn’t all that awesome to write home about, so to speak. Heck, this very morning the sky was almost black. But it was good for today’s activities, which involved turning earth on the big terrace. The cabbage field is as good as done, so we spent the majority of the morning turning soil, adding fertilizer and then planting Iceberg slaw with tomatoes and pumpkins. It’s looking very fine, in particular since we didn’t risk dogs rushing through it and set up reed fences immediately. Sure it takes some time and effort, but at least the monsters know that they can’t go through it when there’s something there.

Of course Knight II is a complete ninny in that regard, he just stepped over the two reed high fence until I added a higher third one, because he thought that the old path was still there. When I told him to get the heck out of the veggie field, he was really looking hurt, gazing at me as if I were bonkers. *sigh*

So there was watering, planting, and even some sowing this morning when I put some extra bean seeds wherever they didn’t come up the last time. Though it makes for boring writing, it made for wonderful days. Heck, I liked it so much that I didn’t even want to bother with breakfast this morning. Luckily grandpa turned up with a bag filled with bread, peanut butter, honey and butter, so we ate sitting in the dirt with a crate to hold our meal from the ground.

There was a sand fetching trip somewhere along the line, we were almost too late too, seeing as it was close to getting dark, but we could get it anyway, so, yay.

Also I sorted through the mess in the igloo. Sally needed a suitcase to store her winter clothes, and I needed some extra pillows so I could replace the ragged ones tenant has been using since last fall. The new ones are sturdier and look nice at least. Since that needed to be done anyway, I got a chance to sort through it a little and create some space for future storage.

We’ve been working on the format of the book, which takes way too much time, but what the heck. It needs to be done, doesn’t it? Ah well, the bad thing about it is that every advice you can find about it is different. Seriously, right now I’m finding stuff that I never found a couple of years ago, and the stuff I found a couple of years ago I can’t, for the life of me locate.

There was laundry of course. Which is incredibly boring to tell about, but such life can be at times. Hah. But there were two more closets to hang in the courtyard (how’s that for subtle, eh? Just shifted from laundry to the closets in the same area. *sigh*) which should do just fine where they are now. The first six are almost full already. Hah.

Cooked lunch twice, which was rather nice. Most of it was from our own yard, and left overs made it even more yummy. Decided to put up a small cooking set down by the basin so we can cook on the spot while working the yard, and it is working rather well. The food for one is absolutely divine.

Last night Amri’s swelling finally broke, making it drain of tension, which is such a relief. He must have been so uncomfortable, but that should get better by now. So yeah, he’s leaking blood all over the place, but that’s secondary, really. Poor thing just has to get better.

Last thing, I’m thinking up a wooden design for mom, who needs a standard to hold her hand-made purses. Since these are starting to do extremely well, a proper place to display them is going to be necessary.

Which concludes today’s blog. I’ve got more stuff to do, and already too little time to do it all in, so...bye.

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