
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Song of the day: “Woman’s intuition” by Shakira. It’s been going through my head most of the day, part of the problem being that it’s been going in mix of Spanish and English, which is a problem when you know both versions, hah.

First off, the good news for a change: The last edit of “Saving Nina” is finally finished! Yay! *dancing a little jig* It took some time, and sure, we’re going to start on the V.L. edit right away, but still, I’m always psyched when we finish a project like that. Three months, minus the few weeks we took to edit “Chicago Hope” this summer. Glad that we stuck to the time schedule at least, giving us time to start on the new project and finish it before spring so I can start writing the new book. I can hardly wait!

Yesterday very little got done at home. Sure, we managed to do some stuff on the stove’s pipes, prepare some more metal since there was a change in plan. Rather than risk a piling up of dog hair and dust, we opted to do a bigger opening around the pipe, meaning I had to cut, fold and shape metal strips to protect the wood of the second floor.

Didn’t get it all done before we had to leave, though. Mom had to go to traffico again to make arrangements for her driver’s license, and big brother and I agreed to go with her so she wouldn’t have to part and walk a long distance. Turns out she had to go there to hand over her old one and take a small note that will be valid for three months while she waits for her new one in the mail.

After that we went to town so she could go to a fabric store, and I to a sports store where I go new boxing gloves and thin leather shoes without soles for my kick boxing. What with the cold getting worse, I won’t be able to workout on bare feet anymore, and since shoes don’t go well with my PF, I’m going to try them.

What followed were some groceries such as milk and veggies, and then it was back home after three in the afternoon. Did most of it on my high heeled boots (it’s been ages since I wore them, and it took some getting used to) and boy did I feel it at the end of the day. First thing I did once I got home was exchange them for my work boots, hah.

The day was pretty advanced by the time stuff was put away and we got to work. Seeing as there was only little time before we had to start computer work, we got to work on the small storage under the main wall where we keep oil and such for the car. The old one was really starting to fall apart, so this time we decided to go fort brick walls and an actual floor. To keep the rats out, we decided to use half an inch thick glass for the back to close the lot. Only got as far as the foundation, though. The sun was about to set, and I had to go down to check on the plants and close the greenhouse and the seedbed.

By then I had to start on supper, which was late, but since tenant already ate, I didn’t feel inclined to start earlier. Turned out well, if I do say so, using the new wok I found at this little Chinese store. Stir fries like a charm.

But anyway, last night we finished the S.N. edit, so I didn’t mind at all that we were a little late getting to bed. Was exhausted, though, and basically conked out ‘till my alarm went off this morning, bright and early. Hah.

As is par for the course these past few days, no workout this morning either, instead it was back to the grind of working on the stove. Not a lot we could do either. We forgot that we had to do a lot of drilling in the wall, so we could attach the pipes to the wall. So instead we worked on more metal in the carport, had breakfast and then headed back inside once everyone was out and about.

Got the pipes in okay, except for the one attached to the stove itself because the reduction pipe we ordered didn’t arrive at the construction company, we got it all in. Added to that, I varnished the woodwork around the glass bricks, which makes the whole look even fancier. Hah.

That done we headed down into the yard, and that was divine, despite that I once again found a whole batch of leaf miners in the tomato plants, darn it. The forecasts are predicting rain again, so I really soaked up what sunshine I could today. The wind was cooler today, but in the sun it was still nice enough to walk in a T shirt. Harvested a few tomatoes, a mini zucchini, a handful of purslane, and some peppers that were going to be today’s dinner.

After watering the new cabbage type seedlings, I headed up to start on supper. Made noodles with veggies and a satay sauce, which went down splendidly. The purslane was definitely experimental within the mix, but it actually made the pieces of pumpkin nicer. Besides, tenant enjoyed it too, and she’d never had noodles with satay yet. I think it went over well in that regard.

Dinner over and done with, and with me doing with less than six hours of sleep per night for the last week, or so, I took a nap of forty minutes and am therefore surviving this edit without my eyes falling shut. Hah. But anyway, it’s time to start on the edit. I made a serious start a few months ago, but I only did the first edit for about sixty pages. Can’t have big brother start on the edit without me reading through it at least once, now can I?

Time to start.

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