A good starter right here. The mutilated Acacia. *sigh* Luckily the view is still good. Hah.

The greenhouse from way up...where we recently trimmed the big-leafed mimosa.

The new floor for grandpa's moped, cordoned off for the dogs, of course.

The wall halfway done for the moped.

The back wall done.

A piece of wall of the road up to the gate, with Chaos and Labhana.

Did I do this one yet? The stove in the house. So cozy.

An average cloudy day. Makes me depressed, but it does look impressive.

Recently pruned olive tree in the courtyard. Quaint, eh?

A bunch of dogs (Dax in the middle behind the rope) enjoying the evening bothering us by sleeping around our feet in the carport. See all the old rugs there. They love those.

Our mountain from the west while we were walking the Knight. Hah

Our mountain top as seen through our eucalypti.

Grandpa's new porch roof.

Grandpa's little square, recently poured. Nice and smooth. See Sitabah back there.

New storage thingy I mentioned. You know, for car stuff.
This is the before shot, obviously.

Car stuff storage as good as done.

Digging in progress behind my cabin. We got a couple of tons of rock and dirt away here.

Wood storage by the old bus. Got triple this down there now, though.

The chimney I made on the house. Works like a charm.

Just because the view was so nice. Just look at that light. I love it when the light does that.

Knight II sleeping by the stove, half on top of Sitabah.

From the top to bottom. Indigo with Huckabee to the left, Tridatu under her head, and Kolossus at the bottom.

On the left, Sitabah, Chaos, Labhana and Chamea. On the right Knight II, of course.

Knight II. How's that for elegance? Jeez. Such a mighty beast, and then acting like a pup. *sigh*

Chamea, curling up less than a yard from Big Brother. Must. Stay. Close!

Sitabah on top of Chaos, something she often does. Hah

Here she's on top of Labhana, which also happens a lot.

Thorgal after his operation. Gawd, in the picture he looks dead! He isn't. It's healing nicely now.

Knight II, of course. I sometimes worry he breaks his legs when he lies like this.

Sitabah over Gada. Gada doesn't like it when she joins her in the chair, but Sitabah doesn't care. Hah.

That's it for today. I'm more than happy to call it a day.
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