It’s been a busy couple of days, for me it seems as if it has been a constant run for me to keep up, and not all of it was fun.
First off, we lost another of the pack. Akata. Our gray and white husky who we got as a wonderfully tiny puppy in 1997/98 I believe. He was so gorgeous. Six weeks old, bright blue eyes and back then, sort of like a dirty snowball in color. A cuddly little thing, and quiet. He was big brother’s and for the past fourteen years or so he has been a steady member of the pack. Sure, the last year or so age had been catching up with him, but we couldn’t watch him get worse. He was moaning whenever he went up the stairs…if he managed at all, and eating was a chore he didn’t look forward to anymore. It was just sad. So the dreaded decision had to be made, and big brother and I went to the vet to get it done. He went fast, big brother and me standing beside him, petting him through this final moment and then it was over. Two minutes tops, but it keeps being somewhat horrid. It’s so irrevocable, if you know what I mean. You make a choice and suddenly something you care about, something living is no longer there. I think this is the saddest moment in life, and no matter how often it happens, it stays that way. *sigh*
Perhaps now you understand why I called my first blog (way back when on myspace) Surviving the Pack. It's not as easy as it sounds.
Here’s a picture.
Wasn’t he gorgeous?
But enough of sad stuff. It is past and cannot be changed. It never can.
Let’s do yesterday and get this blog over with.
Yesterday involved the morning chores, of course. Then heading down to the basin terrace like we now do most days for breakfast and then doing some Spanish. Focus was shot, but what the heck, managed forty five minutes before my brain got to be too insistent and wanted to continue with the scene I started the day before. Managed a solid two pages before I got distracted by a personal email that kept me friggin’ occupied for the remainder of the afternoon. Aaargh. In fact, it kept me busy most of today too, and regretfully I can’t share its contents with you yet. I would if I could, I swear, but right now it is not discussable. Maybe soon, maybe never. We’ll have to wait and see. Could be good news, could be nothing. Whatever it is…well, again, we’ll just have to see.
So anyway, only managed a couple of pages since yesterday, partly because after watering the plants we had to take Akata to the vet. That done, we drove around for a bit, mostly to get our heads on straight and then needed to go to town to return a sewing machine part for mom and to pick up a couple of blocks of cheese.
Had cheese and onions (grilled) for breakfast too, and ate some soup at the end of the day so we’d get some veggies in after all. I am starting to notice a certain pattern in my eating habits. If I’m upset I get trouble eating, which is not a good thing what with my body’s inclination for deficiencies, darn it. Seriously, just eating stuff that needs to keep those levels up is a day job. Grrr.
Gawd, I just remembered, I’ve gotta can tomorrow. The amount of zucchinis are back up to the dozens, so rather than waste them, I wanna cook them into a soup and can them for winter again. Also, I have to cook a decent meal tomorrow. I’m thinking ratatouille with spaghetti, that oughta do the trick.
Got a message from a publisher announcing that my manuscript arrived, so keep your fingers crossed on that one. Seriously, all this waiting could wreck a person. Hah. But okay, this is my chosen career, and the waiting game is regretfully a big part of it. You get used to it, and I’ve got to admit that now, after going through that particular torture for the past fifteen years or so, I’m getting better at the “better next time” attitude.
Little brother had his first driving lesson yesterday too, and he absolutely hated it. He had the same teacher we did, and felt afterward like giving up on the entire thing. I remember the teacher well, he’s horrid the first time ‘round, but once he gets to know you, he relaxes enough for you to not want to run off screaming. I wish little brother the best of luck for sure. It’s a challenge.
And then today, well, since I was late getting to bed again last night, so I wasn’t at all pleased at waking at eight and staring up at the ceiling, wondering why the heck I woke so long before the alarm. Luckily I did drift off again, but much to my regret woke up with the third headache in a row. Gawd, I sure hope I don’t get the two year headache (chronic thingy) again. I absolutely hated that time. The pounding was off and on most of the day today.
There were the morning chores, after I soaked in the pool for a few minutes, treating my throbbing head to some cooling at least. It helped enough to bring it down to a bearable level. Yay.
That done it was down to the terrace where I worked on that letter I mentioned earlier. The hours crawled past, partly due to the humid heat which didn’t make the weather pleasant, despite the occasional breeze from the sea. But anyway, got through the ordeal and then headed down into the yard for much needed relaxation watering the plants and harvesting the day’s veggies. Added to the zucchini pile (ergo the canning plans tomorrow) and got some stuff for the dogs, and then headed up after eating bread with grilled onions and cheese.
Big brother and I cut the veggies today, put it on the fire to cook before we went up to check on the wagon for Cousin Ed. Still have to put up that last section on it, and we did most of the preparation before taking Knight II to the car and heading out for a much needed jog.
Seriously, all this sitting (or in my case standing) is a pain in the behind, literally. Luckily the jog really helped to clear my head, and once we got back, I even didn’t really care that I had to do the blog, rather than write on the new book…well, that’s a lie. *sigh* Seriously, writing about the day’s events totally doesn’t compare to writing about the two leads that are constantly battling for attention in my head. *double sigh*
Now it’s too late, of course. Bed time is nigh, and at this point I don’t mind. I’m beat. Hah.
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