
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Making progress

Song of the day: “Give me Love” by Ed Sheeran. Song is totally stuck n my head ever since I discovered it yesterday. Rather wonderful…but then, I do like Sheeran’s songs a lot.

Okay…I have no memory of what I did yesterday. Lemme get my diary to check...well, there was laundry of course. When is there ever no laundry, right. Moving along. There was dog feeding, of course, both yesterday and today, of course. Same goes for editing sessions, which were done (today and yesterday again) over breakfast. Better to use the time as effectively as possible. Were running way behind, but got a good session done, on the overall. Managed a total of eleven pages, which isn’t bad at all, since edits have a tendency to go incredibly slow.

Did manage to clear away some of the piles of clean laundry that has been getting higher and higher in my cabin over the past few weeks. I should be doing way more in there, but let’s face it. I walk in there at the end of the day, drop into a semi-dead state the moment I hit my pillow, and get up to stumble out again in the morning. Hah.

But anyway, yesterday afternoon was mostly spent out in the yard, which was wonderful since the temps were a lot higher down there, then up by the carport.
While big brother planted tiny cabbage seedlings, and Cousin Ed tackled the morning glory vines, and Grandpa turned earth, I was set to work to build reed fences to keep the friggin’ dogs from going through it. Fortuyn, Tadaika, Gadah. They all love going through freshly turned earth and lying in it. Grrr.

Planted about fifty seedlings, dragged out a lot of vines, but there’s still plenty to do down there. Around five the temps started to drop drastically, so we headed back up. Part of the reason was because we were going to pick up a load of rocks (grandpa needs it to build a storage for the garbage up at his place) and to go for a jog. For the first time in more than two months, I think. Didn’t go splendid, but also not horribly. My foot didn’t kill me, but it wasn’t playing nice either. Still, the rest of me felt nice and limber afterward, which is all that counts in the end, right?

As for today. I had a late start. I friggin’ forgot to set my alarm, meaning I didn’t get up until nine thirty. The dogs were a nuisance all through the night. For some reason Chaos thought it a good idea to lie down there where I was supposed to sleep, meaning I was bent like a pretzel most of the night. Painful, I tell ya.

So after today’s edit, and those pesky little chores I mentioned earlier, we got to work on…yes, hold your breath…my outside kitchen!!! Yay!
Broke ground, so to speak. Got interrupted by tenant, who I walked down to visit with mom while the younger sibs went out to the movies.
Got a lot of the digging done. Still need to do more, but the beginning is there. We had some debate going as to the size. I don’t want it to small, since sometimes we’ll have to work in it with more people, but big brother doesn’t want it too big. Little does he know, right?

I cut the dog veggies this evening, my turn and everything. Got a nice batch going, a mix that the dogs will appreciate.
Afterward I got to work on our own supper, leaving big brother to light up the dog food. Made the same as yesterday. Asian stir fry which is so wonderfully easy. Not to mention nice.

Well, I’m going to cut this short, it’s late, and I wanna be in bed on time, so I can get started on the edit earlier tomorrow. Don’t like spending too much daylight hours, which is what happened today and yesterday, where I was constantly behind on everything. Ah well, no matter. We’re 76 pages in the edit now, so we’re making proper progress. Yay.

Okay, that’s it. Signing off. Move along. Nothing more to see here. Hah.

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