
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Whacky dream again

Song of the day: “Disturbia” by Rihanna. Nicely whacky song, and it has been stuck in my head for several hours, thank you very much.

It’s been a somewhat strange weekend, at least out of the ordinary since there was no market day for me. That will be next week where the Funny Beach market will be on Saturday night for the next two months or so. Good. I love the evening market. It leaves the day free for other, more important stuff…or in this case, loading. Hah.

Had a rather wonky dream about driving down a country road in the Land Rover, and then when I rounded a curve, there was this steep moss covered incline with two massive trees growing against it. They were majestic and curved in elegant arches on their way up into the golden sunlight. They were gorgeous, I tell you…and the best part was on a small terrace somewhere mid-height, this cute little house was built. It was really like one of those old rounded buildings with black beams crisscrossing through salmon-colored plaster, and a thatched roof.
Then suddenly, I heard the sound of an engine from around the curb. The next moment a small-ish woman in black Mary-Janes dark blue skirt, and a maroon cardigan over a fluffy white blouse. She was wearing a dark blue helmet, and sat on a bright cherry red moped that sounded way too loud for its type. The lady drove right past us, chin up, shoulders back, and seemed to be heading straight for the steep incline.
I could only stare, and yes, while I watched, she pulled the steer up, rearing the moped like a horse and started driving right up the incline. Up and up she went, literally vertical then, and when she reached the terrace went right on, taking the moped to air. I was quite stunned, despite the fact that by then I was starting to suspect I was dreaming. Hah. She flew right off.
Then, we were driving away, and I was all frustrated because I wanted to take a picture of the trees, but we rounded a curve, and then the beauty of the shot seemed to be gone, and I woke up all frustrated because I hadn’t been able to get that shot.
I don’t understand why it stayed with me when I was awake either, since I would not have been able to actually have the picture, you know. Hah.

But anyway, the past couple of days involved working on the new bathroom, of course. The floor is completely in, two walls, the tab and despite the fact that today was ridiculously busy, we did manage to do a bit more for it.

This morning was most unpleasant for Caregiver and grandpa who had to take both tenant and Sally to the health center. Sally is doing so bad at the moment, that she’s practically unmanageable. Angry, stubborn, and making things worse for herself by doing things against doctor’s orders that do nothing to improve her health. Regretfully she has stuff so stuck in her head, she won’t be swayed. Added to that, tenant wasn’t in the best of moods either, and she was resentful for having to wait for Sally. Those two don’t get along well at the moment.

There was of course writing this weekend. Almost got the manuscript up to 50,000 words now. Yay.

Laundry, feeding the dogs, cooking and all that glamorous stuff got done as usual, and I worried somewhat fierce yesterday about Knight, who decided to develop a fever. I didn’t like the look of him yesterday morning, a somewhat pale impression, if you know what I mean, so I checked his bandage, his stitches, but couldn’t find anything despite the fact that he had a fever.

This morning was an early start for us as well, since the car had to be brought to the garage. Dropped it off there on the dot (had Knight along because I had to go to the vet straight after. Fever was still there), told them of the trouble, and left our little darling for repairs. *sigh* It’s going to be expensive, I’m sure.

Went to the vet, but she wasn’t there, regretfully. And I didn’t have time to wait due to that appointment of Sally and tenant. So I went home…and discovered about an hour later that Knight’s paw was about double the size. Called the vet and she promised me she would see us at five…arrived there on time, and she couldn’t find anything wrong, so it is one of those freak things. They applied this big pressure bandage, so he looks even more wonky than usual now. *sigh* Poor darling.

That’s about it. I’m sure I’m missing one or two events, but who cares, right? Time to go to bed because I have to be up tomorrow to go to the bank and town hall to pay taxes. Little brother will be going along, since he wants to open one at my bank too, so I’m guessing that it will take a bit of time. Darn it. Time. If only we had more of it. *sigh*

Gotta go.

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