
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Review of "The fire King"

Remember that rather nice interview a little while ago, author C.S. Marks. Well, I finally got around to reviewing one of her novellas. So here it is:

The Fire King by C.S. Marks

On my own Star system of 1-7 this one rates a 5

* * * * *

With the Fire King, Marks managed quite well to captivate this reader's attention, despite the fact that due to its historical significance there was little in the tale to remind me of the original Trilogy, which was a bit of a pity.
Still, Marks' ever eloquent prose swept me along in the tale, like before, and even though Aincor, the main character, wasn't as likeable as I would have liked, it was accurate in regard to references I remember from the series.

The lead was a powerful character, consistent--albeit frustrating at times--and led me toward a climax that was satisfying, yet sad in a way.
I regretted that some of the other characters in the story weren't as fleshed out, but allowances have to be made for novellas, I fear. There are only so many pages after all. Also, a lot was descriptive prose, rather than actually being there, which took some from the experience. Still, since it is basically a historical story that provides the reader with background information for Alterra, it is easily forgiven.

Violence was mild, and tastefully done, as always.

A solid installment into C.S. Marks' Alterra series, and a must have for the diehard fans and fantasy lovers.

If you want to check it out for yourself here is the link to The Fire King

Or the old fashioned way:

I hope you'll check it out.

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