
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Getting there

Song of the day: “Pencil full of lead” by Paolo Nutini. Sometimes if have these types of songs in my head and find myself doing odd little dances throughout the day in the appropriate rhythms. It’s so incredibly cheerful, which is a good influence on my mood. Hah.

Nothing like a bit of sweating to improve on one’s physical wellbeing. Yep. I did a workout this morning, which had my joints creak rather badly, my muscles protest but my brain wonderfully blank. I love that blankness, thank you very much, not aware of anything but the count of reps, over and over again. Wonder if I did enough to be sore tomorrow. Hah. We’ll see. I do need to find a way to hang up my boxing ball, because I need to let off some steam, rather than this air kicking and punching. Way too non-violent for me. *snort*

Since today is my day off, I took the opportunity to experiment a little in the kitchen. I had an abundance of apples and all the ingredients I needed to make some. The kitchen smells wonderful right now, I tell ya. Apple with dried cranberries, coconut shavings and peanutbutter in the vanilla dough. My friggin’ mouth is watering just thinking about it.

You’ll be happy to know that my foot is not too bad lately. The other day I ran around for more than eight hours without it becoming excruciating. That’s what we call progress, don’t we? I like.

The doggies…well, the cramped space is not doing my little pack good, that’s for sure. Knight’s affection at the moment is more than a little painful. When I come home, he’ll be bouncing toward me, grabbing my shoulder, or wrist to gain my full attention, and then bouncing on the bed some more until I put him in a headlock on the mattress. Of course he likes this form of roughness even more, and will lie there writhing, gnawing at any part of me that he can get to like some overgrown puppy. Waaaaay too much energy. Am going to have to take him out for a proper run soon…and then keep him from retiring to the car the moment he’s had enough, and keep him going until he’s exhausted.
The same goes for Sitabah, who has taken it upon herself to wreck my corner of the porch when she considers her lockup has taken long enough. Every other day I will come inside to find something wrecked, and everything shoved off the shelves. It’s as if she’s making some sort of statement with it for sure. Also, she and Dax are even less controllable than before. The moment they are let loose they will do a circuit of the house, searching for something to hunt or eat as if they haven’t had a decent meal in weeks. It’s insane.

The weather is persistently pleasant at the moment. Not too cold, crisply sunny and very dry. We really will need more rain before the end of winter otherwise we’ll be in trouble. Grandpa is using his time wisely and it putting in a vegetable patch, which makes me incredibly jealous. I wish I had the time. Nothing calms you down better than some time in the yard. Ah well, such is the status quo at the moment, I suppose. The gardening will return some day, I’m sure. Did do a rather nice flower arrangement yesterday, which was wonderfully calming, too.

A few days ago big brother got a stomach flu, disabling him from work, and the day before yesterday it hit me too. Most unpleasant, last night I even had a slight fever. Thankfully it’s not to severe, because today I am almost myself again. At least it didn’t bother me during my workout.

The edit is going a little slower, but not bad still. Well past half now, and content with the changes. Some stuff really worked out well, giving a good sense of the ‘20s and its bootlegging gangsters. The humor elements had us laugh, in particular the unexpectedness of it, so…yeah, I think it will work out.

The other day grandpa and I worked on the fences together. We still have to fix some of those due to all the changes, and it felt like old times. Nice, regardless of the cuts in my fingers the work inevitably causes. Strange, huh, how you can enjoy cuts on your fingers and an icy wind biting your skin, just because you enjoy the work. Hah. Big brother is having his fun welding the old gate for recycled use in the yard. A few more days and we’ll have the fence functional again, which will be satisfying.

I am going to enjoy a change of scenery, though. Working outdoors is definitely better for me. Being inside so much is grating on my nerves for sure. I mean really, who wants to be stuck inside when you could be outside digging in the dirt, of piling rocks, or hauling stuff? Not me.

Well, I am sure that there is stuff I’m forgetting, but that is the down side of doing a blog once a week. Details fade from the mind so fast…much like this awesome dream I had the other day. I fully planned to write about it on the blog, but then by the time I was ready to jot it down, the details had faded. Remember that awesome dragon dream I had some years back, and that alien from outer space. This one was of such epic proportions as well. *sigh* Such a pity.

Gotta go. The end of the day is rapidly approaching, and I would like to get some more done in the yard before then.

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