
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Quicky update

So, there is a reason I haven’t been writing recently. Got some bad news…well, several bits of bad news, I fear. First off, I got the news that I need to move out of my apartment on the 3rd of October, sow what with big brother needing to go on the 1st of September, we are now, once again busily looking for a place to live. 

Ain’t life grand? Well, sort of, anyway. Perhaps it is time for change…does look that way, considering that last week I heard that the sauna I work for went bankrupt. Yep, the job is also on the line. Funny how that works. At the moment both big brother and I are on the seesaw, wondering what is going to happen next, and wondering what to do now. We can’t start looking for a place to live because we don’t know if we’re going to have work to support us, and until we know for sure that the job is over, we can’t actually start looking for new work.

Added to that we have a humongous amount of paperwork to go through, a new job interview to do for a job that we have been doing for more than a year, which is downright weird, I tell ya. Worse yet, the atmosphere at work is incredibly tense, because everyone is terribly worried about their jobs, and lastly, we have been grossly understaffed ever since one of our colleagues’ contract was  discontinued and we have been working with even less people than before. Nutters, I tell ya. At this point I’m so friggin’ tired, that I don’t think I’d really mind getting fired, and being able to relax for a little while, while we look for a new job.
Other than that things are semi-okay. My hospital exam at the beginning of the month showed no massive problem, meaning that I’m not at death’s door, at least, despite feeling that way, occasionally. Hah.

Cooking wise I had a few good successes this past month. Had a couple of friends over for dinner, which was cosy. Also went over to visit with our colleagues a few times, and went to the sea on our father’s birthday where we had a picnic in the wild, walked through the dunes for a few hours and had French fries for supper before going to the cinema with our father, stepmother and littlest brother…which reminds me, did I already mention that we had littlest brother over for dinner the first time at the end of last month, which was a strange, but fascinating experience. He’s a rather serious, handsome young man, and I am looking forward to getting to know him better…which reminds me of another thing, littlest brother is planning a sort of reunion thing at the end of the month, involving mostly cousins, I think. This is also fascinating, especially since I’m curious about the lot.

Well, this short sum-up has to be enough for now. I will write again as soon as possible, hopefully with good news about all this shaite.

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