
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Quick, quick.

Hi all. Just a quick flyby today, I fear. Am really short on time at the moment. The move has happened, yay! and all went well. Will give a full report the next time, I assure you. Regretfully on the night of the actual move (had wanted to write a blog about the whole thing right after, but alas) the book came back from the editor, so just as soon as I caught my breath from the move, I buckled down on that.

Doing both mostly on my own at the moment, considering big brother is doing full time work and is pretty bushed when he comes home from that. So basically I am doing edits/revisions and decorating in-between, just so I won't go bonkers. Hah. Deadline is the 20th, and I am not sure if I'm going to make that yet with everything that needs doing.

Luckily the job hasn't started yet, but I'll talk about that next time, too. Too much to do and too little time to do it in, I fear.

Next time I'll post photos, I promise.

Gotta go.

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