
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Complaining, it's soothing.

Sucky days! Why are they always just lurking around the corner, waiting to pounce when you least expect it?…well, that isn’t entirely correct, I did suspect it somewhere deep down, I guess, but still, they suck. Today certainly qualifies.

I feel it the moment I wake up this morning, that gloomy mood that makes everything a genuine disaster, whether it is or not. Take my waking this morning, for instance. The monsters were making a racket, with Trin Trin feinting attacks at me until I grabbed hold of her collar and started to tug her towards the back door.

There was an interesting dream, something about a gigantic bookstore and having a pocket full of cash that allowed me to buy anything I wanted, but it faded too fast for me to make a proper memory of the images. I blame it on what happened next, however.

Knight was bouncing up and down, barking right into my face when I need to scoop down to take a good hold on the Boxer, forcing me to back up, lest he’ll slam right into me. So I do, my back to the foot-end of the bed and stepping right onto a long stretch of wood that came off the underside of my bed sometime during the night.
I set my bare feet…yes both of them…right on top of two protruding screws sticking out.
What are the chances of hitting them both at the same time? I know for sure that if I had meant to, I would have missed at least one, but there you have it: Perfect and involuntary good aim.

So, unable to do much of anything, what with holding Trin Trin the Monster in a viselike grip–she’s getting more enthusiastic every day, darn it–and Knight II prancing in front of me, I pretty much stand there clenching my teeth together as the sensation shoots up my legs.
I end up snarling at Knight II to “get the f**k away!”…I know, I’m not my most eloquent in the morning, but what was I to do, really? I was literally stuck in place.

At last the Great Dane backs up, allowing me to pry my feet off the wood and toss Trin Trin out the back door in a single motion–along with the darn piece of wood. It gets stuck in the fence, bouncing there for a bit making a racket.

Slamming the door shut, while Trin Trin is distracted, I suck in a deep fortifying breath before I hurry towards the front to let the other crazy pack members out.
My feet hurt like heck, as I stand there trying to decide whether or not I’m bleeding, without actually managing to gather the nerve to raise my feet to check.

I so cannot deal with this on an early morning…but I roll onto my heels and stagger back into the bedroom, knowing that I really should take stock of the damage. There are some words, unsuited for polite company that I mutter, when I feel a distinct wetness under my right foot and gather antiseptic and band aids before I drop down on the bed to chance a peek.

My left foot–I’m saving the moist feeling one for last–turns out to be intact, with only a deep indentation with some scratched skin right there on the round fleshy part under my big toe. Sighing, I finally lift up the right one and scowl at the small round hole, in the exact same spot as on the other foot, seeping blood onto my blanket. It’s not too deep, and though it burns some, the damage is minimal.

After watching the oxidized water sizzle on it for a minute. I mop up the spill and slap on a band-aid before I get dressed and head out of my cabin, berating the monsters constantly. They’re not impressed at all, of course, storming down the mountain at top speed and almost knocking me off my unsteady feet when I open the gate and jump aside in the nick of time.

I’m limping just a little, still sore from yesterday’s workout and more than just grumpy by the time I get to the house with my knickers in a serious twist about life in general. Odd how a bad day can make a life that seemed fine just 24 hours ago, seem like complete crap.

I’m not good company today, at least not at the start of the day, and I respond to big brother’s dialogue with grunts and monosyllables on the most part as I head for the laundry lines to hand up today’s batch.
Though not at all daunted by my mood, the dogs do give me the courtesy of a wide berth as I set about the morning chores, and then have a quick breakfast. After forty minutes I settle down with my computer and try to fight the mood by going past the messages, forums and everything else that can get my mind off…whatever depressing thought I’m thinking at that time.

It helps a little, I admit, especially since I find out that I can now order a proof copy of the cheaper W.I. version without needing to take out a mortgage on the house to pay for the shipping. Hah.
It’s a digest size, which will allow me to offer the W.I. Investigations stories for half the price. Good news there at least, and it cheers me considerably when I put in the order and switch over to the latest writing project.

I manage two to three pages, finding myself procrastinating for some reason now that the ending is just a few thousand words away, and by the time dusk settles, I give up the slow battle and turn off the computer to eat the dinner littler sister has prepared.
Spaghetti and fresh tomato sauce go down well, even though it makes me eat just a few grams too much. It is a definite side effect of tasty food. It spells disaster on the most part. I know right then and there that immobility is necessary for at least an hour, and flop down on an armchair before the meal can come up again.

I don’t make it through the hour, however. Though I always enjoy Grey’s Anatomy, I’m really not in the mood today, and head for the kitchen to see what I can do to keep my hands busy now that the meal has settled enough to risk activity.
Painting. It needs to get done for the big drawer covers, and some more spice drawers, if we want to continue with the kitchen project.

While I’m making room on the counter, and placing a large piece of cloth on top of the surface, little sister comes into the kitchen and decides to join me in the chore.
While I sand down the first layer, she starts rolling the paint on.

Working side by side, we chitchat some; smiling at little Djoti perched on one of the stair's steps, snoozing a little, while keeping his focus on little sister nonetheless. She says he's doing well, appearing to suffer from little discomfort due to the recent operation. I've no doubt that the medication he's getting helps a lot, but still, he doesn't need the full prescribed dose of painkillers to get through the day comfortably.

Actually managing to enjoy the little collaboration that takes a good hour and a half, I’m sorry that we’re finished. It allowed my to suppress any and all depressing thoughts that want to run through my mind, right until we finish, clean up and a rerun of “Bones” has passed.

The moody blues appear to be a bug going ‘round the house today, since big brother admits that he’s feeling it too, along with the other sibs. Must be the weather. It rained during the night, and though it cleared after sundown, the atmosphere feels heavy in more ways that one.

Luckily “Dexter” is on German TV tonight, and it manages to distract us well enough until it is time to leave for my cabin and get ready for the night.
I do try to console myself with the theory that you need to have some downers in order to fully appreciate the uppers, but they do totally suck!

I switch the music on full force the moment I get to my room–momentarily pleased with the fact that the floors are still beautifully clean–feed the dogs, and switch on the computer ASAP to distract myself on the Net. It does a well enough job, I guess, since the chats and the likes tend to consume me, winding me down for the night to come.

Well, that was the rant for the day. A good complaining session is definitely soothing to the soul. Hah.

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