
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Song of the day: “All summer long” by Kid Rock. Oh my, that song sure was a big surprise to me. I would definitely never have expected that I’d like his music. Hah.

Seeing as I need to be up tomorrow at the crack of dawn, today’s blog is a little early, and hopefully short. So, I’m on time waking up this morning, Knight II is making a racket, Trin Trin is bouncing up and down by the back door, and on the overall the entire mob is more than eager to head on out into the sunny morning.

The morning rituals over and done with, I head to the house for the usual chores, breakfast, and then a quick dip in the pool. Chaos insists to go along today; he barges into the water like an amphibious vehicle, really, head and tail above water, taking a turn or two ‘round the pool and then getting out in the same fashion. He’s hilarious.

We start on the edit, but for some peculiar reason I’m ridiculously tired today, so I take a quick ten minute catnap in my chair, feeling much better when I wake up again, and resume the edit. We manage a solid four pages in the hours that pass, going over a scene and a half…the ones I wrote this week…and before we know it edit time is over.

The temperatures are remarkably higher today, but still it is not actually uncomfortable when I head outside and start mixing cement. Another three layers get added to the pillar, but when the rocks start to float again, I take the wheelbarrow up to the gate, where I finish the remainder on the pillar beside the gate of the courtyard wall.

Big brother and grandpa are working on the yard lights still, and I join them for a bit, moving about in the full afternoon sun and actually enjoying the heat. Afterwards I head to the house for the meal little brother, and sister, have prepared and dig in.

Camera’s (Golden Retriever) swelling on the neck has grown again, so we puncture the large hump, needing a towel to mop up the mess that comes streaming out. I admit that the amount of it made me a tad nauseous, but at least Camera felt better afterwards.

There’s another edit in the planning, later on, finishing the new scene and setting it aside for later when the rest of the manuscript is ready to add it. For now I’m focussing on the Blog, however.

I am thinking about adding one of the big pack dogs to my own, seeing as Indigo (black Labrador) is feeling a might neglected these days, so ‘round this time tomorrow I should be able to report how it goes tonight. Sometimes it works, adding one of the big pack, sometimes it doesn’t. Only time will tell. I do hope it does, ‘cause Indigo really needs some extra attention.

1 comment:

Tanner said...

Feeling a trifle mischievous, I will mention a song that will get stuck in your head for tomorrow...

"Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho

Enjoy your bubbles...