
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Busy work.

Song of the day: “Don’t leave me this way” by the Commodores. Gawd, I grew up with that stuff and it’s still good. A good thing since it was inside my head all day, yesterday.

A busy day, all things considered. There was the five hours of computer work that actually went well. I managed to go through four chapters even though we had decided to take it easy. It was just such a pleasure to read through the work when there were pages without any actual hiccups.

But, as is usual those five hours passed way too fast and soon it was time to head on out into the yard so we could plant those twenty or so baby oak trees in the lowest part of the yard. We used to have poplars down there, but due to the droughts of the past year several of them didn’t make it. We’re now hoping that the oaks…which are basically indigenous to the area…will hold out better in the future. Only one way to find out, I guess.

While little sister and I were digging holes and putting in the plants, grandpa and big brother were putting in a watering system that should help the little plants along for next year at least. Middle sister was working putting in two small coconut palms in the courtyard, which should make for a nice addition to the small flower bushes blooming there. Little brother was doing some minor repairs on damaged furniture in the carports, until little sister and I finished up with the planting and headed back to the house.

The day’s plan was to put in the desk in their room at the very least and if there’s time, the doors of the new closet. The first we managed in four hours, the latter had to be postponed, if for no other reason than the evening rapidly drawing to an end. The desk works now, however. Double layered they can store their computers under the top if they’re not using them, and as soon as I’ve added and extra support underneath it, the temporary pole I set up against it can be removed.
It looks good, but it was a rather laborious task since this room is under the eaves of the roof and there are large sections where I can hardly stand, let alone maneuver. My back was killing me at the end of the evening.

The fencing on the upper part of the garden is coming along nicely too, by the way. Just putting up the fences on two more poles and it will be done.
After dinner—little sister made fresh red beets fried with rice and cheese with carrots on the side…delicious—there was some more busywork, but all in all we managed to wrap the day up at around two in the morning, more than ready to conk out for a bit.

Which brings us to today:

Song of the day: “If you go” by Sophie Ellis-Bextor. I don’t know the lyrics all that well yet, but it’s fun nonetheless.

We had a two chapter proofreading that was a success, even though I could barely keep my eyes open for some reason. It was downright weird. I’d gotten a decent night’s sleep, I wasn’t tired, or anything; I just couldn’t keep my eyes open until I punched the boxing ball about fifty times and did some knee-ups.

The chapters turned out well, though and when our usual five hours were over, we started working on the variety of projects that have been going on of late. Big brother and grandpa worked on the old horse stable roof, preparing for the rain that’s been predicted.

Little sister and I finished up supporting the sibs’ desk and then, with the help of middle sister hung the new closet doors…which look bloody amazing on this big ol’ closet we made. Excellent end result. Now the floor in little sister’s room, the small part on the second floor landing, and the top floor will be done for the time being. Good thing too, ‘cause I want to enjoy the outside for a bit yet.

The nights are already getting decidedly colder. Once the sun goes down I’ve got a turtleneck and body-warmer on already, soon I’m gonna have to take my sweaters and jeans out, which isn’t something I’m looking forward to, I tell you.

After some more busy work, dinner and watching a rental “Appaloosa” with Ed Harris and Viggo Mortenson. I do love a good Western, and though it’s a little slow, the dynamics between the two are fun and entertaining. Yesterday’s flick was really good, though: “The International” with Clive Owen and Naomi Watts. I find those kinds of stories fascinating to be sure. Scary, and true, does a movie get any better?…well, yeah, but still, I enjoyed it. Hah.

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