
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Remarkable...I think not. Hah.

Song of the day....I can’t remember the one for yesterday, which is no big surprise considering that yesterday was the dreaded grocery shopping day. Aaaaargh. Seriously, I’m not even going to write about it, it is just ridiculous. There was absolutely nothing remarkable about it; it just took us five hours rather than six. Hah.

Oh gawd, I almost forgot. There was this teller at the pet store, who asked how much weight I lost, and how much, and ended up saying how she thought I looked guapisima (or something along those lines). Always a pleasure to hear, and fun to see the surprise on their faces (this has happened four times now in the past few months, hah) when I say that I actually stopped dieting and just stopped caring about the whole weight thing. It gave me a little buzz, I'll admit, especially since it reminded me that I've passed the eighty pound mark (lost) just a few weeks ago.

So let’s have fun and go to…yes, today. Nothing remarkable about today either, at least not from your perspective, I imagine. I had fun though. Almost done with the checking of the scenes we altered during the last proofreading session, yay. We found the stunning total of three missing words throughout thirty pages, or so, but that’s about it. Phew. Talk about relief.

And since big brother and I started an hour early this morning, we could start on the daily projects and chores. Yes, admit it. I can hear you cheer! (Sorry I’m in a weird mood today. Hah.)
But anyways, since most of the ongoing projects are coming to a conclusion, I spent the first hour (or two) cleaning out the linen closet, which was a total mess. Jeez. Still, I ended up with all the piles neatly organized and like a handful of fabrics that should have gone in the laundry ages ago, and somehow never got there.

That done, I went outside…it was a wonderfully warm day, and working inside just wasn’t an option…and together with little sister got to work on making a small dresser for my cabin. The old one is annoying me, since the drawers are to darn small, so something a little more manageable would be really handy.

Little sister is slowly getting a handle on this carpentry thing, and while we were putting the cabinet together, middle sister offered to paint my couch. Little brother, on the other hand, worked on the outside bench, which didn’t make it through the last winter. I’ve come to realize that he likes working on his own, so I leave him be, unless he asks something. He too is getting a hang of it, and that is a pleasure to see.

Big brother worked on the electricity today, along with some other little chores that had to be seen to, and grandpa helped with the sawing. So with mom painting her own dresser (we fixed it the day before yesterday) it was a nice day of working in the warm autumn air.

After darkness had fallen, big brother and I headed out for a quick run and to get a batch of rocks. Since we still have to build the new porch still, sometime in spring, stocking up on the bloody things is really necessary. Since we’re out already, we decide to take the long way home and pick up the wood supply that had been put aside for us since last week’s order.

And so the day has come to an end, and with the dogs welcoming us with a choir of barking and howling, we quickly calm them down, have a late dinner and then crawl behind the computers for a quick round on the Net before we call it a night.

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