
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Finished for real...I hope. Bring on the writing!

Song of the day: “The Saga Begins” by Weird Al Yankovich today. Yesterday it was “Kids” by Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue. (I actually remember, hah.)

So let me scramble my mind a little to see if I can come up with some details (they tend to mesh into one inside my brain) of the past couple of days. Uhm, yeah, there was doing the final check of “Saving Nina”, which we finished with, completely, as of today. Yay.
I felt a little odd when we read through the last correction this morning, that particular feeling of “now what?” creeping up on me, almost giving me a panic attack, until big brother reminded me that we’d discussed it last night, and that I would continue writing “Calamity’s Luck”.

This is a story I started with about four years ago, and which is about one third into the story. Unlike Saving Nina that fits in the psychological thriller angle, Calamity’s luck leans towards romance, with a big dose of humor in it.
It will be a nice change, I think, after rewriting, editing and then re-editing Saving Nina for the past eight or nine months. It was a helluva job, done with lots of pleasure, but also endless frustration, on the overall. Now that the manuscript is finally done, something a little lighter will definitely go down well.

First, I’ll have to read up on what I’ve written so far, though. I haven’t looked at the story in almost three years; so refreshing my mind is top priority at the moment.

Like yesterday, little sister and I worked on my new drawer cabinet, which was also finished today and was painted with the first layer just hours ago. Seeing as little sister and our friend Danni both want to learn how to make actual furniture, we’re taking the building of such things slowly, allowing them to gradually ease into it...just like grandpa did with me and big brother.

While big brother is once again working on putting in electrical wiring (he’s going to need it once he start welding the new gate) and fixing mom’s screen doors, we did the cabinet, sanding large sections of my cabin, washed the windows, and varnished the newly cleaned wood. The place is looking really tight now, and I love it.

Two days of running are behind us again, first on a deserted mountainous road that was a pain to traverse on, hah, and then yesterday, Halloween, we went back to our usual spot. Lots of trick-or-treaters along the way; the holiday is really getting to be popular in the area. As a matter of fact, on the way back there was this “Scream” character limping along the road, and just as I passed it, a whole bunch of kids came screaming from the bushes, startling me good. Gawd, I was almost afraid I hit one, but luckily they stayed on the pavement, well out of the way, phew.

Little brother is still busy with repairing the outside benches, and having fun with it, I think. He did an excellent job with the first one, that’s a fact. Caoba painted wood (he’s actually using tropical wood, which will be more weather resistant) and black metal. The things actually look better than they did when we bought them. Hah.

Still lots of laundry; for some reason, whenever I finally empty the dirty laundry bags, someone decides to have another cleaning bug, and fill the darn things up within an hour...earning me an average of three more batches to wash, hang and fold. Now, normally this wouldn’t be much of a problem, of course, but now that the machine is on the frits and the stupid switches don’t work, it often takes me a long time to actually get it on. Aaaargh.

We got another stash of wood the other day (I think it was dumped when we were out for our run) so our supplies are slowly filling up again. Good thing, since there is still so much to do.

Next month, when our funding gets to be a little more stable again (darn unexpected expenses) a new batch of sand and cement will be delivered. We still have to pour a concrete gutter behind the younger sibs’ rooms, and a variety of small things have to be done all over the place. Also the metal that we’re going to need for the gate, and maybe an operation for little Djoti (black and white Cocker Spaniel) who’s troubled by his last eye of late. Unless his discomfort lessens, the vet is going to have to remove the eye too. Sad, but also not much difference for Djoti who’s been blind for several years now.

It’s going to cut into the budget, though, and that’s always a bother. Things go much easier when all the dogs are healthy...added to being happy.

Watched a couple of movies...which were not at all memorable, much to my regret. Apparently, the problem I ranted about a little while ago is still there. *sigh*

Well, time to get back to work, I guess. I can’t remember anything else to write about, so I’ll leave it at this and sign off until Tuesday.

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