But anyway, I would like to say that I have some splendid news, but except for just the daily stuff, there really isn’t much going on over here. Still looking for a publisher for “NEFRS:SN” actually got a negatory response this morning which is probably going to depress me later on, but for now I’m fully ignoring it. Hah.
Writing has been going on a low flame of late, don’t know what the heck is going on, but I’ll sit down at the end of the day, turn on the computer and gaze at the screen, wondering if I could get away heading to bed, like, *sniffs in a really cool way* three hours early. Hah. How bad must it be, if I (night owl to the core) contemplate an early bedtime with actual shivers of anticipation down my back, when I could be friggin’ writing? ‘Tis weird, I tell ya.
So, like I said, it’s going a little slow at the moment, I find myself distracted and unfocussed, which is definitely not a good sigh when you’re trying to get a book out of your head and into a computer.
Okay, enough whining, it’ll get there, they always do, and it’s not as if 51K words in less than a month is bad, or anything.
Yeah…what else has been going on? I don’t have a clue, what did I write the last time…? I can’t recall. Hmmm. Well, anyways, the new shelving is done, statues are in and…it looks bloody splendid. I’ll try to put on some pictures.
This is the new shelving, 3 cm MDF painted in yellowish Marvil. It really makes the statues jump out, I think.
The bookshelves. They actually fit, so I'm thrilled. Nothing looks better in a room than a wall filled with books, and I can just stand in front of it, staring like an insane person. Hah.
Seeing as the shelving is all done, and I actually got to cleaning my cabin a bit…swept the floors, took a rag to the dust etc. etc., it sounds so easy, doesn’t it, but it is so terribly hard to find the time for it. But, I get sidetracked, where was I…oh yes, the shelving all done, I figured I might as well start on little brother’s trundle bed (with his help, of course).
There were some hilarious moments there, since at some point he said, really deadpan (or so I thought) that he could probably sleep in his new bed this time next week.
Figuring he was kidding, I was like: “Well sure. It’s always good to be optimistic about such things,” all the while knowing that if we don’t come up on any hiccups it should take three days at most.
When it became clear that he had no idea why I was laughing so loud, it turned out that he was quite serious and thought it was a rather optimistic view from his perspective. Uh-huh. Okay, glad to know there’s no pressure whatsoever. Hah.
Not a lot of progress (at least it doesn’t seem that way) and we only managed to get the trundle done before nightfall.
I would have like to be able to report that I managed to squeeze in a quick trip for rocks (we still need so many) but since I really had to get to work on “ATOL” this wasn’t an option. Big brother and grandpa did it instead. Did go the evening before, so it's not like I'm sitting on my butt all day.
Only added a page of two after all, but who cares? I do...and I don’t; it’s a tad contradictory, isn’t it?
Hmmm. The dogs are making a racket, and I still have to get my messages dealt with, so I’m going to leave it at this and get the heck outta Dodge, so to speak.
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