
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's starting early...gawd!

Song of the day: “Stuck on you” by 3T…I know, talk about tacky, but it is such a cute song.

I am despairing, seeing as I can’t, for the life of me remember what all has been going on the past few days. I’m scrambling, I tell you, so I’m just going to write down whatever pops up in my mind, I guess.

What did we do, what did we do? Aw, this is really bad, Alzheimer’s? Dementia? Gawd, it’s setting in early, aaargh.
Okay, okay. Writing: I’m still fitting in the scene, but seeing as that is mostly about editing an older scene, making it flow into the rest of the story, it is going really slow. I am really bad at setting my mind to editing, when I’m fully into the creative part of writing. Three more pages and I can get back to writing, thank God!

So writing is going slow, or in this case, editing. Grrr.
The other projects, gawd lets go to something that at least fills an entire paragraph.
Oh yes, yesterday I decided to start on the small rock wall in front of grandpa’s bungalow, digging out the foundation, and then setting down rocks, of which two were actually to big and heavy for me to lift. (That frustrates me, by the way.) I ended up rolling one of them and called big brother to do the second.

The lot was looking so great, lying there in their gutter, neatly tucked together and everything that, when the younger sibs arrived, I did decide to mix a couple of batches of cement so we could pour the concrete after all.
Succeeded, too, creating a rather nice beginning for us to work with in the near future. Right now it’s not possible, considering the weather is downright horrid again, clouds everywhere, but yesterday and the day before that (you know, grocery day, aaargh) were wonderfully sunny, which makes me at least somewhat human today.

We went for a run after work yesterday, seeing as we had to get a new batch of sand anyway; figured we might as well head for our usual spot to get some running in. The run went well too, did the full length with barely a breather, which is like, totally awesome. Hah. Of course, I cooled off way to much last night, seeing as we needed to unload the sand still, and by the time we were done my shoulders were so stiff I really had to take a hot, hot, hot shower. I was still sore like heck, though.

I was a tad exhausted afterwards, but who cares; it’s good to be in that particular state at the end of the evening anyway, hah. But anyway, on to today, I guess.

This morning I started the day by making two apple pies. Our family friend was coming for a visit today and since it is her birthday, we figured we might as well treat her with something she really likes. Little brother made a curry meal, to precede the desert. It worked out really well too, and when she left at the end of the day, she was packed with an extra piece for later in the evening. Always a pleasure when a baking session works out properly.

Other than that we spent the majority of the morning turning the earth in the lower garden, so we could put the first batch of seedlings in. It went rather well, turning the earth, that is; it was wet, so the shovel went right in. Did a proper patch too, so we put in at least fifty little plants. Now it is time to see how they’d do, eh?
The entire thing drove the dogs bonkers, of course. Jeez, they literally tried to rip through the fence in their attempts to join us. Finally we had to lock them into the courtyard.

And now I’m just going to stop, and hope that my memory works better a couple of days from now, because I want to try to get through the last couple of pages so I can continue writing again…this is depressing me.

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