
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well...I've no idea how to title today.

Song of the day: “Blame it on me” by Maria Mena. Hmmm. Love the song, but I would have enjoyed something a little more cheery today. Ah well, can’t have everything, I guess.

Well, I have no clue as to where my last sum up ended so…hmmm, yeah, well, let’s do yesterday then, seeing as it’s as good a spot as any.
The weather was absolutely splendid, so no complaints there. It was a perfect day to spend outside working in the sunshine and fresh breeze. The day started that way too, so I was out of my cabin like a shot just as soon as my alarm went off.

The dogs loved the day, naturally, they would be lying about in the sunshine, stretching out in a patch of grass, or sand, or in Knight II’s case…a patch of recently planted flowers, aaargh! I finally decided to take grandpa’s advice and chained him on the old pool terrace while I headed out into the yard.

Oh wait; first, there was the practice session with our tenant, which went rather well, and then unloading the car from the new batch of sand. The load is starting to look pretty impressive by now, and soon we’ll be able to pour some serious concrete, yay.

It was planting day again, of course. These days that appears to be practically all I’m doing, but what the heck, it needs to be done, and on the overall it isn’t that bad a job. Makes you feel rather basic, I guess. Sorta like working the rice fields, or something. Heck, I would have thought that bending over for hours on end would be a problem for my back, but I managed quite well in the end.

I planted lettuce, by the way, iceberg, taken from our very own seedbed, which is producing a tad more than expected, considering big brother made a slight miscalculation about the amount of seeds he used.
It doesn’t really matter, of course, considering that whatever tiny plant we don’t plant in the yard make for excellent sandwich material…which was what we used a couple of handfuls for yesterday, hah. It was delicious too: grilled pita bread, covered with grilled cheese, red pepper, onion, tomato, canned asparagus and the fresh lettuce drenched in a home made yogurt sauce. Gawd, I ate until I almost burst, hah.

But anyway, besides planting a large amount of iceberg, I also watered the new seedlings and such, because, let’s face it, they needed it, even after all the rain we’ve been having this winter. That sun and breeze suck the earth dry pretty fast, especially the upper layer.
By the time I was done with this particular chore, little sister had arrived and continued on with the paving of the path to the guest quarters. So marvelous to have her doing that particular chore now, I was already dreading it (I dislike paving) and more than happy to leave it to her when she offered to learn on this path. It’s looking good, and I am going to post some pictures soon, that’s a promise.

So, while she was working on the path with little brother, and big brother and grandpa worked on putting water hoses on the terraces, I spend the remainder of the afternoon leveling the terrace beside little sister’s path. I would have enjoyed turning the earth there too, but considering I had agreed to stop outside work earlier today, so I could start on the read through edit for the third W.I. earlier, I left that to little brother and sister who actually managed the task before nightfall.

Big brother were already well into the edit by then, when suddenly we remembered that we had agreed to get another sand load, which meant that we had to get the heck out of there before the night actually fell. We just barely managed to get the load, arriving home for a late dinner (grandpa offered to unload) and getting back in time to do more editing.

It went rather well, actually. In total we managed to edit eighteen pages through the course of yesterday, and that’s pretty darn awesome in my book. Hah. Enjoyed it too. In my memory the writing is always horrid, due to the hassles of the last edit, but while doing the read through I discover every time that the editing horrors do have a purpose since it reads well after that.

There was our habitual scavenge hunt afterwards, which lasted so bloody long that by the time we finally got back home ‘round two in the morning, I was cross eyed with exhaustion again.
Decided to make it an early night, and promptly ended up going to bed late, as is my habit. Hah.

Which brings us to today: I woke to the alarm, only to go through the morning rituals to find out at the shrilling of the alarm (going off for REAL) that I’d dreamed the first one and woke up an hour early, aaaaargh! Jeez. How stupid is that, do you suppose?…no don’t answer that; it was stupid so let’s leave it at that, hah. Of course, by the time I realized my error, it was already too late to go back to bed, which leaves me feeling a tad vague today. *sigh*

There was laundry, just the way there always is in the morning. Here I was, almost fully through the piles, only to find myself with more fully loaded lines than there should be. Afterwards I baked two thin apple pies; we’ve having a visitor today, and she does love sweets. Considering the apples we bough last week were starting to look a little iffy, I figured I might as well use them, rather than let them lie about until we can dump them in the bio-container in the back of the house. Ended up making an apple, pear, apricot, walnut, almond and orange pie that worked out really well once I served it with a freshly whipped cream. Gawd, I might need to have another piece, because my taste buds just fountained. Hah.

Which brings us to the less pleasant event of the day: I was down in the yard planting another twenty pepper plants and flowers, when little brother came down, all concerned about his Prince Charles Cocker, who was feeling poorly.
Since the poor boy was actually in pain, we decided to take him to the vet, where he still is right now. Preliminary exam showed that he has some arthritis in his back, effectively causing a mild hernia in his spine, and, the reason for him still being there, a slight bent in his big intestine, that wasn’t supposed to be there. Considering that he also had a slight fever the docs wanted to do a sonogram, rather than just the X-ray they’d already done, and we’ll be able to pick him up later tonight.

And that is where I am right now, I guess. Upon coming home, I baked some red beets with rice for my supper, no one had felt like making a meal, apparently, and said my goodbyes to our visitor, who, after going to the local art market with mom, our tenant and the younger sibs, is going home. Ah well, can’t be helped, I supposed.

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