
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Filling blanks.

Song of the day: “I’m in love” by Maria Mena. Gawd, I have this song so often…but then, it is pretty darn adorable, so who gives a fig.

On the most part the past few days have been all about the garden. Digging, sowing, planting, seriously, it was…hmmm, time consuming. The day before yesterday the sun was out, the sky was clear and working outside was rather pleasant, even. Actually managed to work up a sweat, which felt sorta alien after a rather chilly winter.

Did manage to turn five patches of earth during the course of those days, and planted a variety of veggies. Spinach, onion (yes, there’re a lot of those, we’re all onion fiends) peppers, cucumbers, green beans and…well, there were more, but I’m not going to bore you with it, so don’t you worry. Hah.

There were several sand load trips, a couple of rock loads and of course hauling all of it out and about. There was the exercises for our tenant, and yesterday we took her down to the pool again, where she was able to sit in the sun…well, not sun, seeing as there was a cloud cover overhead, but it was wonderfully warm nonetheless.

I wish that today the weather was still splendid, but even though the temperature isn’t all that bad, it just doesn’t compare. The clouds and pressing atmosphere leave me feeling rather lethargic and that I seriously dislike. It makes every single task a drag, and my eyes just refuse to open properly, like I said, a drag.

The dogs like it as little as I do, seeing as they’re testy and there already have been three fights between the lot of them. Rather annoying that, seeing as we, of course, needed to jump into the fray time and again. Normally they don’t fight all that much, but on days like these, there is a strange tension in the air.

There was a variety of computer efficiency days: One day we managed an eighteen page edit, the other only six, and yesterday we managed twelve. I still can’t figure out why one day we manage to make such progress and then next hardly any at all. Rather frustrating, actually.

Soon, within the next couple of day, the new, official book trailer for the W.I. Investigations will be out and I’ve got to say I’m pretty impressed by the end result. You’re going to have to let me know what you think when you see it, if you like it, but I love the preview, and I’m pretty sure you will too.

And, I’m going to leave it at this, because I feel like I’m just filling blank spaces, being unable to come up with anything that is remotely interesting…see how good that is working? Hah.

I’ve gotta go.

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