
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Song of the day: “So far so good” by Bryan Adams. It’s been a while, I think, so I’m happy with it. Hah.

Well, it was an awfully busy day and I’m solidly bushed, so let’s see if we can keep this short. The other day I ended on the rather “lethargic” note, and considering the day didn’t get much better afterwards, I’m not even going to bother finishing it up and skip right to yesterday.

It was a slow one, really, but not unpleasant in any way, I’ll admit. There was rain, sure, but for some reason that didn’t bother me all that much during the course of the day, and actually managed to get some stuff done.

First there was the unloading of the sand in the back of the car but that took me only a short time, really, and our tenant kept me company, what with a momentary lapse in the rain. Got a nice stash going at the moment, allowing for lots of concrete pouring in the near future.

Once the sand was unloaded, and our tenant back inside, I went down the yard to check on the seedlings and such, seeing as big brother was too busy for it (he and grandpa made a new gate for the bungalow section) and watered the plants that are covered by glass and thus cannot benefit from the steady drizzle that continued to come down.

Seeing as I was doing mostly busy work, I took the opportunity in the afternoon to head into the kitchen and make dinner for two days in a row. Spinach, potato and cheese tortilla, made light with cream and milk, rather than just eggs (some non-egg lovers around, including yours truly), it came out rather well, and we enjoyed it even today.

While the tortillas (two huge ones, seeing as eight people had to eat from it) baked in the oven the sun broke through for a bit, so the sibs and I took the opportunity to stroll through the yard to see how everything was doing. Spinach is coming up, so are the beets, carrots and even seven potatoes (so far) hah. All except five trees have budded open, creating these rather delicate little leaves that look downright adorable.

It stayed dry long enough for big brother and I to head out for a rock load and a quick jog, which makes it the sixth in a row for me. Not a good idea, considering that afterwards I was so friggin sore I could hardly move until I’d taken a hot shower.

We had a good read through edit, and finally finished with it. This means that we can start on some serious work, like the recently finished project, “A Taste Of Life” that still needs the full row of at least two serious edits in the next few months. Aaaargh. I might break out in hives sometime soon, hah.

But anyway, let’s move on to today, which was downright splendid, weather wise. The sun was shining brightly, the temperature perfect and only a tiny little breeze that made the day even more comfortable. There was the usual breakfast at the kitchen counter with big brother and grandpa while we talked about our plans of the day, preceded by a quick laundry episode that, let’s face it, never ends.

What with the weather so darn good, we decided to go all out and started preparing the carport for pouring concrete. Considering that a lot of debris (gathered from working on a variety of projects there this winter) was there, I’m amazed we had everything ready for it by the time the younger sibs joined us.

Little sister immediately started mixing concrete, and little brother diverted his attention between helping with sand and such and heading down into the yard to water the covered plants again.
As the new floor, basically the center of the carport, will be higher than the others, we’ve made a temporary casing, and used a vast amount of larger rocks to fill up the higher places of the 10X10 feet floor before we began pouring the fresh cement. We were just getting into the swing of it too, when we realized that we’d forgotten to get extra cement this morning, so grandpa and took the car to get ten more 70 pound bags while we continued on.

We were actually through our supply when they returned, needing another four batches before big brother and I could finish off, smoothening the surface of the floor until it was the same as the first section we poured several months ago.

Gawd, I was so friggin’ tired, and the dogs had been so good, even Knight II kept his trap shut most of the day, which is definitely news worthy, hah.
By the time we had the new floor surrounded by temporary fencing…only had two dogs go through it during the course of construction after all…it was dark out, and we headed inside to chow down on dinner little brother made for us.

Which brings me to the end of today’s sum up because I’m late and I really should just leave it at this so I can at least get a tiny bit of work done on the computer before the day is through, or I pass out, whichever one is first wins. Hah.

I’m outta here, hoping for an early night, seeing as last night I got way too little.

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