
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Song of the day:...I’m not entirely sure. I’m constantly humming something that sounds familiar, and yet I can’t place it. Very annoying, and if it turns out I’m humming some sort of classic again I’m going to be really POed.

But anyways, let’s get to it, shall we? Who knows, I might be able to keep it under one page today, which would be monumental, I think and…if I keep pondering the possibility like this, I am definitely not going to make it. Darn!

I jogged again…hmmm, I better explain my jubilance, I hadn’t for more than a week because I have this persistent heel problem that really hurts like a son of a bitch most days, so I thought it might be smart to try and see if not running would make it better. Since it still hurt most days, I figured I might as well go running again…big mistake, seeing as I could actually get up during the night again without staggering, and after the run couldn’t, again. F….well, it is a bad four letter word, but I was tempted.

Fun bit, yesterday, working in the yard, I walked past the basin and the wind blew off my hat for the fifth time that day, right into the eight feet deep container. Okay, that might not sound so funny, but I actually found it rather easy to get into it, just hopped down really (I would have been elegant about it too, if I hadn’t used my wrong heel, blast!) got my hat and went to the corner where a chair waited. Now, history taught me that it was too high for me to lift myself out, and grandpa was already getting the ladder for me when I thought, what the heck, I’m just going to try. I did it, heck, I used way too much push, actually, and had to be careful not to topple over to the other side. But I’ve gotta say that those missing eighty-something pounds make it vastly entertaining to climb out of something. Easy as pie, as they say. Hah.

Okay, next item…more gardening, of course. More broccoli, lotsa chard, leek, two handfuls of green beans so far, a couple of onions and lettuce of course. We have WAY too much lettuce, but it’s all good. I might not be a lettuce fan, we’ve got several folks around the house that like it just fine…besides, I’ll eat it. Food is food, after all.

What else…ah yes, we put up the first constructions for tomatoes and such, allowing them the support they need to grow big. Did the same for the peppers and even some cucumbers, which are finally starting to show some enthusiasm about growing up. Hah.

There were two more hauling trips, which reminds me, I still have to unload the latest batch, darn it, and considering grandpa wants storage behind the camper I’m scheduled an intimate date for two with Jack Hammer (chortle) to chop away the rocky peaks there. I’ll have to take some pictures to give you an idea of the place.

Ambah is doing okay, I guess. At least he is not getting worse and still enjoys food. Bad thing is, Alexxander, mom’s cocker spaniel had a bad day yesterday. Apparently he is feeling poorly so we’re keeping a close eye on him.

Edits! Ah yes, let’s not forget those. The new scene is written and both big brother and I are satisfied with it. It does mean that we didn’t get much farther in the edit because of the rewrite, but now we’re back on track, so it doesn’t matter. We need to do little more than eighty pages yet, so the finish line is slowly coming in sight.

And nope, I didn’t make it in a single page, darn it, I just overshot it with the last bit. Ah well, next time I’ll make it…I hope.

On to chopping rocks. I’ll be back…I hope. Hah

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