
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, May 21, 2010's as good a title as any.

Song of the day: “If you go” by Sophie Ellis-Bextor. Had it before, but I still enjoy the song tremendously, so it doesn’t matter.

So yeah, I’m running a little behind, in case you hadn’t noticed…I mean, seriously, I could, like, ignore it, pretend that I’m here the same time as always, but alas no cigar. Gotta fill up some space anyway, so I might as well tell.

Let’s get yesterday over and done with then, seeing as it has already past and will, as of today belong to blogging history. Hah.

Big brother and I are really trying to get into the new routine, so that meant getting up half an hour, to an hour earlier yesterday and head out into the yard without breakfast. (Just coffee. Can’t be without coffee, now can I?) Considering that we had an edit to get to right around noon, we unloaded the car from the night before, sawed three big wooden planks and then headed down to take the old wooden top of the terrace table. Turns out that was a lot harder than we’d anticipated, by the way. Apparently the one who decided to make it wanted to do some serious overkill and bolted the top to the metal frame with, I kid you not, 28 bolts, yep, not even I, the queen of overkill is that bad. Hah.

We checked the plants, finished taking off the top and then went up to the office to start on the day’s edit. It didn’t go bad at all, I’ll admit. We managed a solid five pages in the few hours available to us that day: we had to go to Marbella, you see, to a computer store where they work with Macs. Considering middle sister’s hard drive crashed and that it is a factory error from Apple, we should get a new one within the next week, or so the dude at the store informed us.

So there was a three-hour trip for us, followed by a quick trip to a big chain supermarket to get some scented bags for little sister…yep, tomorrow morning is the day for the youngest sibs to go to the market and try their hands at sales. I’ll be curious to see if they like it. But anyway, it was past eight when we finally got home, so we headed immediately down to the yard to water the plants. Didn’t finish until the light was gone, and even then we had only managed the bare minimum.

This brought us right to this morning, where we managed to stay in the same routine (as planned) and were out in the yard at 10 in the morning. Managed to get two trays of chard into the ground along with a hundred or so leek and onions, and water the absolutely necessary before it was time to head back inside.

Another reasonably good edit, I’ll admit. Big brother made a remark that fell rather well, if you must know. Apparently, at the moment, the scenes we’re working on, are working really well for him. He says that right now he can look past the sentences and punctuation and see the story + characters the way I really meant them and I’ve got to say that I rather like that. Hah.

After the edit, there were some messages I really had to take care of, but then we were back outside. Big brother joined grandpa up by the old horse stable for some contraption grandpa needs for storage, and then dealt with the clogged washing machine of our tenant.
In the mean time, I worked in the lower yard, putting in more chard and then watering everything that we didn’t have time for yesterday. Considering our tenant insisted on sitting in the sun, her caretaker joined me, and together we got quite a bit done. In fact, the entire mess was over and done with by the time big brother came down and worked on the new tabletop that still had to be put together.

We finished that together about an hour before nightfall, and then climbed down into the basin. Seeing as the edge really needs a balustrade, we spent the remainder of daylight putting in wood and bolts where we can soon attach the railing that should keep both dog and human safe.

Nighttime was already in full swing when we finally came inside…there was some cleaning to do afterwards and since the sibs are occupied with the market stuff, it’s really just the three of us…and could start on shoveling down food. Mom had made baked potatoes with baked white endive on the side, yum.

Well, that about sums it up; fascinating, isn’t it. Hah. I’m going to see if I can get another hour of editing done and then I’m off to bed, thank you very much.

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