
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The bright side...

Song of the day: “The bright side of life” by…well that dude in “the Life of Bryan”…eighties Monty Python movie, right?

Okay, the past couple of days…nothing too exciting; I got an email telling me that middle sister’s computer will be fixed under the warranty, so, yay! Definitely positive news that.

Alexxander (Mom’s Cocker Spaniel) is doing better, and is once again making a nuisance of himself, hah.

The day before yesterday we had an absolutely splendid edit. We managed a bloody total of 12 pages in three or four hours (definitely Yay!) of a scene that worked really well, (double Yay!) only to have yesterday go absolutely abysmal. Yuck! Seriously, you’d think the scene was downright awful (which I’m pretty sure it wasn’t) for the slowness with which we went through a measly three pages. At the end of the day’s session I was genuinely ready to scream.

Luckily there was lost of other stuff going on to keep me busy: the banister over the basin is almost up (I’m taking picture, of course), I made three large storage boxes of wood to store our spare towels and sheets in. Though the lids still need to be made, they’re looking good, and are definitely the right size.

Little brother and sister went to the market yesterday, but something had gone wrong with the reservations of their place, so they were back within an hour or two, a tad annoyed. Can’t say I blame them. Let’s just say their dogs were ecstatic by the time they returned.
Both of them, and middle sister spent the remainder of the day clearing out the pool guest-room because we’re going to have a friend over for a week or so, which means that we have to take out the storage, treat the water damage this winter left and make the room look at least clean and hospitable.

Though friend in question says that all she really needs is a bed, it is of course not done to have the room in a mess. Manners are such a pain, hah.

Dogs, though ecstatic with the wonderful weather of late, the dogs are rapidly gathering a multiplying amount of ticks, meaning that soon we’re going to have to fill the pool bottom for an anti parasite bath. We’ll have to pick a nice day for…well, all days are nice now, so we really can just do it any day now.

Tenant managed another trip down the mountain and then halfway up again with only my arm and her cane for support. Her caretaker is a little worried about her progress being so very slow, but considering that a couple (or three) months ago, she barely managed to get to my veranda, I’m pretty pleased with the progress. Heck, just yesterday the almost managed to wash herself on her own, which is definitely a first. Also, she is determined to help out one of these days by painting…which would be splendid for her, I think; it’ll make her feel useful.

Okay what else…ah yes, I spent some time going through our stack of quick step floor parquet, soon we should have enough to do a floor. Soon I’m also going to have to do the same with our supply of tiles, ‘cause they’re a mess right now.

The two agents I sent the query letter to informed me that they had to pass on saving Nina, but the last one did advice me to try with any one of her colleagues, who might be interested in the story…so, keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

Other than there were messages of a less serious note to deal with, some Amazon chats to enjoy and just everyday life, such as getting a new batch of sand, (I managed the unloading of 2000 pounds within my personal record of twenty minutes, yay) a scavenge, and several harvests.

Take today for instance; we’re having homegrown fresh spinach, leek, iceberg slaw, chard, onion, fresh herbs, a handful of green beans and a broccoli. Excellent, in my opinion, not to mention the handful of strawberries big brother and I found and then secretly ate for breakfast on toast. Gawd, they were delicious, and even thinking of them now, I’m starting to salivate all over again. Hah.

Well, that’s all she wrote for today. Time to get to the edit.

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