
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Just one of those days.

Song of the day: “The saga begins” by Weird Al Yankovich. It’s been going through my head all morning; fun song, but to have it constantly is a tad annoying. Hah.

Once again not much going on from an outsider’s point of view, darn it.
Just the usual stuff, gardening…got the tomatoes coming out of our ears, hah…some carpentry, (finally got the bare bones of the greenhouse up, now all it needs is a lick of paint and we can start with the glass, just as soon as summer is over) and just your average construction.
Like I said, very little going on. I don’t really mind, really, the days have this leisured pace that fits rather well to the splendid summer we’re going through.

Long sultry afternoons on the terrace, while we’re working on the edit (five hours a day or so), lots of laughter, heated discussions about grammar and the general workings of the plot will have our voices ring out over the valley no doubt. Even though yesterday didn’t go all that well, edit wise…it usual the case when we have to go over to Marbella to pick up our friend who comes to stay the night every week, but it is irritating that our focus is shot like that. Only managed six pages or so.

We did manage to get some of the basics down for ATOL’s query letter. It’ll be different from the one for Saving Nina, but intriguing, I hope. I mean, really, it isn’t easy being professional, friendly, chatty and creative all at the same time.

Tenant had another good swimming exercise yesterday. She actually managed to swing her bad arm from side to side, which surprised her once more since she was convinced she couldn’t do it in the first place. I have noticed that so often with her (heck, I even notice it with myself), something, probably fear will scream that she cannot do something, which in effect stops her from trying, and then when she does it after all, there’s success. Strange how that works.

Knight II decided he wanted to swim yesterday too, the big lug. Splashed into the water right behind me, forcing me to dive out of the way and grab hold of his collar before he bowled right over me. He’s just so big, heck, with the two of us in the small pool and it’s full, hah. But anyway, since he was in anyway, I just hung on to him and had him drag me around and around for a bit.

Oh, last night we plucked our very first sweet corn, so if all works out we’ll have our first taste of it today. Yay. They look delicious, FYI. Also took out a batch of silver onions, which are looking rather tempting for my fresh veggie sandwich, which is once again awaiting me for lunch.

I finally had enough of holding on to my long legged trousers, and gave in this morning by pulling on shorts. Okay, the flies can bug me now, but I might actually get a tan this summer down there after all.

Oh yeah, the doctor’s appointment is over and done with…still need to go on Monday to the podiatrist of course, but what the heck…and the man has decided, based on the blood test, that I am anemic due to a severe iron deficiency. Duh. That’s what I said when he first noticed that I was anemic. “Oh yes, I’ve always had a problem with my iron.” *sigh* Doctor’s exhaust me, really. Now, his solution is taking chemical iron with the “mildest” side effects (have you noticed that the chemical ones always have side effects? Doesn’t that totally freak you out?) of black stool, constipation and stomach ache…and if it hurt my stomach (a possibility apparently) I should come back to get injections instead. Aaargh.
I’m going to take a risk here and opt for a Swedish Iron nutrient instead, one I know from years ago when I had the same problem. It helped back then…without any side effects, mind you. If it doesn’t, well then I’ll just have to pay for my own stubbornness, eh?

Well, the edit is waiting, so I better get to it.

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