A busy couple of days with only a minimum of writing for as far as the book was involved. I had hoped to hit sixty pages by today, but I hit two pages short in that regard, darn it. There were just too much activities going on to sit down and jab the keys until there was a new scene. The only reason I managed to get anything done at all was because I resorted to paper writing every spare second I could. Heck, I even wrote in the car to make up for the lost time.
This should, of course, allude to the obvious question: What was she up to? *snort*
Okay, you’ve twisted my arm, I’ll tell. We’ve got a new second hand car. Now, in all honesty, calling it a car is a little exaggerated, seeing as we were going for economic, small and…well, those were the main things, so we’ve been looking out for something suitable.

We came across this one less than a week ago, (not exactly this one, I got it online because I haven't taken pictures yet, but the brand, year and color) we thought about it, got it to a price that we could afford and then took the plunge. The way I figure you can only be fleeced if I expect a hidden gem, so since I’m not expecting anything, and at least half a grant in repairs in the near future, I figure it was a good enough deal. The zit-on-wheels as I prefer to call it is white, lies pleasantly on the road, breaks well, pulls away adequately and is otherwise exactly what we were looking for. It can park in places half the size the Land Rover needs, so…ehm…yay?
So we went to pick it up yesterday, had the insurance arranged and everything, and lost big brother somewhere along the way while he was trying the Zit out. Hah.
Foot’s been giving me some trouble still, but what the hey, I’m getting used to it.
Since we were running late yesterday anyway, I decided to help tenant out for a swim in the middle of the day instead of the afternoon, and she dug that. Sure, it is exhausting, troublesome and a complete challenge for her to get there, but I think she feels good about herself afterwards, as well as refreshed. That is the most important thing after all, I’m thinking.
This very morning, we spent an hour or two plastering the wall of the basin, meaning that we’re about halfway through now…not counting the floor, that is. I am starting to get a hang of it again, thank Gawd. It has been a while to do actual walls, but with every one that I do…third one this morning…the result is smoother.
Doggie news:
Knight II and Chaos are at present in a permanent tiff, that resulted in a genuine fight yesterday when Chaos finally had enough of Knight II’s macho behavior and tried to call the Dane on it. Jeez, I almost had a heart attack. No damage, except for Chaos’ ear, which now has a puncture wound.
Bora (small crossbreed) decided to hang out mom’s window to try and attack my Sitabah. This resulted in poor Bora’s visit to the vet’s, where it turned out she was missing part of one toe, along with lotsa skin of her front paw…Yep, Sitabah’s teeth are nothing to sneeze about.
Adma (Pocket Beagle) who tags after grandpa like a shadow disappeared the other day. Grandpa was frantic and searched the entire neighborhood. He was at it for two to three hours when he finally called me out of bed. I, in turn, called big brother and got dressed to join the search. I was about to head on up to the gate when big brother called “Sam!” and yep, there was Adma, perched on his hand (she’s tiny). Apparently she was cowering on the house stairs. Sure, grandpa had checked earlier if she was in the house, but he must have somehow missed her.
So, I called grandpa, told him everything was okay and then the day started as usual.
What with the weather so friggin’ pleasant these past few weeks, big brother and I have decided to change the routines a bit again. Those broken up days with five hour computer time slab dab in the middle, are really not productive at all, so, instead, we’re going to do the activities during the day again, and then write in the evenings. I don’t know how that is going to work with the blog yet, but right now I’m doing it during lunch.
There was gardening of course, but since I talk about that every time, I thought I might as well skip it this time.
Well, time to move on to the messages of the day, and then maybe some ‘zon stuff, before it is back to the grind.
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