
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life continues.

Song of the day: “Late at night” (not entirely sure of the title) by Fleetwood Mac. An oldie, I know, but them classics are really something every now and then.

Life continues, as you know, and for me personally the last couple of days were worthy of vacation…or something. I don’t know why, but being on the road for the majority of the day, and doing stuff away from home is far more exhausting than doing a full day in construction. Weird how that works. I mean seriously, walking from the car and back again, standing around a little waiting for someone, sitting down chatting for a bit etc. wins in exertion levels by a mile.
I wonder how that works, because I swear I can’t figure it out.

So yesterday was our usual trip to Marbella where we had to pick up our friend. We had to leave early too, considering we were carrying that extra load of papers for the other distributor for two days. He was late getting back to me, which appears to be his MO for as far as I can figure out. I don’t mind really, it is his business after all. Of course it would appear I was a little short with him yesterday (unintentionally, mind you. I am just slow getting my usual “cheery” self early mornings) because he kept on apologizing profusely. Hah.

But anyway, we dropped off the papers with him and then headed for the city. Got our friend on the dot too for a change, so in the end it was a good thing we had to head out early for the job. On the way back I dropped in at some companies to ask if they would be interested in advertising. Tried three more sales spots, and didn’t even get blown of. Like I said, still a strange thing this. I could leave my card with them…oh yeah, big brother made cards for me, they’re really good. Simple, aesthetic, and classy, and I have had to drop of four already with people who didn’t give me that particular “no” and who actually seemed receptive to doing some advertising with my paper. I am of course happy with the maybes, but they are also a bit frustrating. In some ways they’re a lot like publishers and waiting for that yes, I guess. That’ll teach me patience for sure. Hah

On the way back we dropped by the phone shop because tenant needs some way to communicate when we’re out and about on the property and has recovered from her stroke enough to be able to handle a phone. Turns out my points on the contract were high enough (just this month, some sort of promotion) for a high-gadgetry-level phone, and considering I need to have a well functioning phone that, preferably works for longer than one day without charging and has a good camera, we decided to do it slightly different. My Motorola Pebble is simple enough for tenant and works really well, so she’ll be getting my little darling while I get the bother of learning to handle the new thing. I hate new phones. Grrr. But admittedly the camera works well and it was, of course, for free.

What else? Oh yes, I painted the doorposts of the guestroom door with a primer, so grandpa could paint them. At the same time he was working on the doors themselves and they are starting to look pretty darn pretty, if I do say so. I definitely need to take pictures, *chortle*
Tenant was with us, enjoying the sunshine like she is prone to do why reading her book of choice. I had forgotten that I needed to go to the doctor, so I had to leave her there for grandpa and her caregiver to take back up while I hurried to leave for the doc’s office.

The dogs despised that I had to leave again. Poor things, they’ve hardly seen hide nor hair of me as well as big brother, poor things. They keep looking at me balefully and try to crawl on my lap also when there really is no place because Dax always calls dibs. Hah.

But the doctor’s: I still say that poor man hardly knows what he’s talking about. His computer wasn’t working, so basically he couldn’t remember enough details to ask what the heck my visit was about. In the end I had to give him an update and we agreed to another blood test next week or so. According to him I need to wear my insoles while running and while kickboxing, and though I agree that I can do it for the running, I refuse to wear them during kickboxing. Seriously, I don’t even like wearing shoes while doing that, let alone the stupid insoles. But okay, I’ll see if I can figure out something, at least during the running.

In the end it just comes down to me continuing to eat well, keep taking the supplement and the iron tablets. Well, okay. Now if only I didn’t need to go back for those freaky appointments every month I would be fine. Seriously, by the time my foot start messing about less at the end of the month, I need to go back (am reminded of the problem, I think) and promptly get bothered more. Again. Weird how that works, by the way. I don’t know why it would become worse after a doctor’s visit.

Considering we were out already we figured we might as well head for our usual spot to get rocks. Loaded the back of the car up with a good load. Gawd, the good old days. I miss them, really, those days when we went out practically every day to get the rocks for The Wall. Seriously, it was like we had stepped back in time. I loved every minute of it, and in the end regretted that we were done loading up so fast.

Last night, after getting back big brother and I went down and made French fries with nuggets (am obliged to at least eat some chicken every now and then, doctor’s orders. Eeewwww) for ourselves, mom and our visiting friend, and got to work on the book, of course. Got a solid seven pages edited, by the way. A fun scene too, which had us both laughing at several points…laughing in a good way, btw, not the type of laughter that you have to laugh, rather than cry at the horror of what you read. Hah.

The day before yesterday there was some harvesting, of course. Filled up another basket while we hosed the lower yard with more water from the basin. Yes, we still need to empty it completely, so that we can paint it properly before the real rain starts. Gawd, I do hope we’re in time because the temperatures have been dropping drastically this past week. Seriously the nights are getting downright chilly and I am once again applying layers to make it through both day and night. I know, I’m a whiner. Complaining is wonderfully soothing from time to time, though.

This morning, after I woke up, Grandpa phoned to ask me to come pick him up. He had a flat tire again, and rather than doing so, I asked big brother to go in my stead, so I could write this blog and therefore would be free tonight to edit. They’re already back, and have changed the tire so I really should wrap this up and get started proper on the day.

It’s getting colder, even now. Seriously, I’ve got to start moving before my butt decides that it’s freezing off. Hah

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