
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Busywork on the most part.

Song of the day: “How do you do” by Shakira. Funny song.

Busy work has been going on, but I’ve gotta give the good news first. Yesterday, (26th of is going in the history books for me) was the first day in almost two years that my friggin’ left foot, the one I have been threatening to chop off for a long time, didn’t hurt like bloody fuck (pardon my French) by late afternoon. Heck, it wasn’t even hurting yet at midnight, so for me that was cause for celebration. Well...sorta anyway. I burst out in tears, in fact, but you know what I mean, right. That’s progress right. The stupid appendage wasn’t burning, stabbing, or throbbing, just a little tired from a long day, so YAY!

I do wish the doc had mentioned that the friggin’ insoles wouldn’t work in anything other than sturdy high boots, because for the past few months I seriously pondered getting rid of those darned insoles because they only seemed to worsen the problem.
Nope. Army-like boots, tough black leather and thick soles. Gonna beat this thing, hoorah.
Sorry, that came across a little inelegant but what the heck. Hah.

So what’s been going on, what’s been going on? No, no, no...don’t blank out!
Yesterday. Let’s start with yesterday. Yesterday we had beautiful weather again, and we spent the majority of it with busywork too. Hah. First off, I made a wall lamp for Sally who decided to change her quarters and needed extra light. The light actually turned out nicely. Elegantly curved and mounted on a piece of beech wood.

I also found Sally some curtain rods, and hung her other light as well…after fixing the piece that allowed for hanging, because it had gotten lost when she moved here.
Afterwards I sawed more boards for big brother’s room, so our friend Dani could paint them already.
There was some garden work, along with the greenhouse where I pulled weeds from the pots, just because it was so nice to work there for a bit. Got some more peppers from the yard too, along with tomatoes, and soon we’ll be able to eat some more chard, so everything is doing pretty good down there.
Fortuyn (pointer) killed one of the young Eucalypti while we were down there, darn it, so we’re going to have to get a new one from our stash and plant there some day soon.

There was an unfortunate accident in my bedroom. Somehow, my closet came of its perch and when I entered my cabin I had to do a double take before I managed to identify what was in front of my bedroom entrance. It was really weird. I was looking at the side of the closet for a solid five seconds before I knew what it was. Then, of course, I had to get down on the floor to wiggle through the narrow strip that was left in the entrance so I could get under the closet and push it back up straight.

With grandpa’s help, I got the thing back in place and shoved my shoes back on top.
We had a good edit last night. Which was peculiar, considering my focus wasn’t all that good. Still. The book is still working out well, so we did a good job with the first edits.

Oh I heard from J (the soldier from Operation Desert Swap) who is presently working on the island of Hawaii, lucky son of a gun. Seriously, according to him it is not cold there, and that…well, I want it to not be cold here too. *pout*

But anyway, there was more busywork today. Since we went on a nice scavenge last night, there was the car to unload, but, the water main broke, so we spent about an hour finding the leak, then dug it out and fixed the problem.

Note to self: “If the water looks white from oxygen bubbles in it, there’s a leak somewhere.” Grrrr.

So next we unloaded the car, pondered the big mimosa growing above the house and decided that soon we’re going to have to tackle it and saw the big branch off, lest a storm breaks it off and lets it fall on the house. That would be bad. Duh.

Considering the dogs finally really wrecked the door of the patio, I went up to the storage and got out a replacement. Since I didn’t like the idea of a closed one, I opted to put a window in the frame, allowing for looking through (to check what you’re facing, really. Meeting fifty dogs without preparation is a little hairy sometimes. Hah) before you open the thing. It worked out well too, since we fitted it in just an hour ago. It looks a bit like a mix between a boat cabin door and an old farm door. I’ll take a picture soon and post that too…I hope.

Big brother and grandpa went down to the basin while I was working on the door, and put in a new tap under the basin. The old one got clogged, and since they needed to open it up anyway, they also added and extra one and a drain to prevent the problem from occurring again.

The basin looks abysmal at the moment, by the way, seeing as big brother tackled the wall with the big hammer the other day. Only half of the slabs are still standing, and the rest, well, they’re going to have to come down soon. *sigh*
This time we’re going to do the support wall at the same time. Not much choice there, really, but we do need the weather to be in our favor.

Tenant joined us on my terrace today, and the dogs kinda like her company. Knight II, for instance, will try to sit on her lap, and all the other come by for a petting every other minute. Poor woman…well, it would be if she didn’t enjoy their affection so much. Hah.

The idea for the new book that stopped me the other day, had flitted from my reach by the time I got to it, so now I’ve got to be patient and wait for it to return. Darn it. The next time a scene tumbles into my head like a freight train, I’m so going to have to rush to get it down on paper.

Well, that about sums it all up, doesn’t it. It is rather strange to not have to go out to work today. Guess you get used to it after all, because I really had to remind myself that I didn’t need to hurry to get ready. Hah.

Well, I’ve got an edit to do, and…well, other stuff too.

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